Q: Notice the following parallel: / Thus, the transcription
Notice the following parallel: Thus, the transcription turns an electrostatic problem into an analogous magnetostatic one. Use this, together with your knowledge of the electrostatic results, to reder...
See AnswerQ: Compare Eqs. 2.15, 4.9, and
Compare Eqs. 2.15, 4.9, and 6.11. Notice that if Ï, P, and M are uniform, the same integral is involved in all three: Therefore, if you happen to know the electric ï¬eld of a...
See AnswerQ: At the interface between one linear magnetic material and another, the
At the interface between one linear magnetic material and another, the magnetic ï¬eld lines bend (Fig. 6.32). Show that tan θ2/ tan θ1 μ2/&Icir...
See AnswerQ: A magnetic dipole m is imbedded at the center of a sphere
A magnetic dipole m is imbedded at the center of a sphere (radius R) of linear magnetic material (permeability μ). Show that the magnetic field inside the sphere (0 < r ≤ R) is / What is the field outs...
See AnswerQ: Calculate the volume integral of the function T z2 over the tetrahedron
Calculate the volume integral of the function T z2 over the tetrahedron with corners at (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1).
See AnswerQ: You are asked to referee a grant application, which proposes to
You are asked to referee a grant application, which proposes to determine whether the magnetization of iron is due to “Ampère” dipoles (current loops) or “Gilbert” dipoles (separated magnetic monopole...
See AnswerQ: Find the force of attraction between two magnetic dipoles, m1 and
Find the force of attraction between two magnetic dipoles, m1 and m2, oriented as shown in Fig. 6.7, a distance r apart, (a) using Eq. 6.2, and (b) using Eq. 6.3.
See AnswerQ: Derive Eq. 6.3. [Here’s one way to
Derive Eq. 6.3. [Hereâs one way to do it: Assume the dipole is an inï¬nitesimal square, of side ε (if itâs not, chop it up into squares,...
See AnswerQ: A uniform current density J = J0 zˆ fills a slab straddling
A uniform current density J = J0 zˆ fills a slab straddling the yz plane, from x = −a to x = +a. A magnetic dipole m = m0 xˆ is situated at the origin. (a) Find the force on the dipole, using Eq. 6.3....
See AnswerQ: Of the following materials, which would you expect to be paramagnetic
Of the following materials, which would you expect to be paramagnetic and which diamagnetic: aluminum, copper, copper chloride (CuCl2), carbon, lead, nitrogen (N2), salt (NaCl), sodium, sulfur, water?...
See Answer