Q: Driving without a seat belt is not risky. I’ve done it
Driving without a seat belt is not risky. I’ve done it for 25 years without an accident.” This best illustrates which fallacy? a. Unconscious bias. b. Conclusion from a small sample. c. Post hoc reas...
See AnswerQ: Can people really identify their favorite brand of cola? Volunteers tasted
Can people really identify their favorite brand of cola? Volunteers tasted Coke, Pepsi, Diet Coke, and Diet Pepsi, with the results shown below. Research question: At α = .05, is the cor...
See AnswerQ: A survey of randomly chosen new students at a certain university
A survey of randomly chosen new students at a certain university revealed the data below concerning the main reason for choosing this university instead of another. Research question: At Î&plus...
See AnswerQ: A survey of 189 statistics students asked the age of car usually
A survey of 189 statistics students asked the age of car usually driven and the studentâs political orientation. The car age was a numerical variable, which was converted into ordina...
See AnswerQ: The actual distribution of car colors for 2006 model car buyers is
The actual distribution of car colors for 2006 model car buyers is shown below. Based on the sample of 200 car buyers for 2012 model vehicles, use the multinomial chi-square GOF test at α...
See AnswerQ: Make a scatter plot of Y against X. Discuss what it
Make a scatter plot of Y against X. Discuss what it tells you. Midterm and Final Exam Scores for Business Statistics Students Fall Semester 2011 (n = 58 students) Midterm Exam Score â&br...
See AnswerQ: Are these cross-sectional data or time-series data?
Are these cross-sectional data or time-series data? What is the unit of observation (e.g., firm, individual, year)?
See AnswerQ: Prof. Green’s multiple-choice exam had 50 questions with the
Prof. Green’s multiple-choice exam had 50 questions with the distribution of correct answers shown below. Research question: At α = .05, can you reject the hypothesis that Green’s exam answers came fr...
See AnswerQ: Oxnard Kortholt, Ltd., employs 50 workers. Research question:
Oxnard Kortholt, Ltd., employs 50 workers. Research question: At α = .05, do Oxnard employees differ significantly from the national percent distribution?
See AnswerQ: In a four-digit lottery, each of the four digits
In a four-digit lottery, each of the four digits is supposed to have the same probability of occurrence. The table shows the frequency of occurrence of each digit for 89 consecutive daily four digit d...
See Answer