Questions from Business Ethics

Q: Amazon has consistently defeated worker efforts to unionize. What factors make

Amazon has consistently defeated worker efforts to unionize. What factors make it particularly difficult for Amazon workers to unionize?

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Q: Amazon efforts to counter efforts to unionize are legal, but are

Amazon efforts to counter efforts to unionize are legal, but are these efforts ethical?

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Q: Why do you believe that Amazon opposed the unionization of its employees

Why do you believe that Amazon opposed the unionization of its employees? Would unionization of its workers benefit Amazon in any way?

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Q: How would the PRO Act affect situations similar to the union campaign

How would the PRO Act affect situations similar to the union campaign described in this case?

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Q: What dimensions of diversity are represented in a name?

What dimensions of diversity are represented in a name?

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Q: Do you think that Jinghua, Francisco, and Dhiriti nicknames promote

Do you think that Jinghua, Francisco, and Dhiriti nicknames promote or hamper workplace inclusion? Explain your answer.

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Q: Even though it was discovered that a disgruntled employee fraudulently sent posts

Even though it was discovered that a disgruntled employee fraudulently sent posts to Black applicants rejecting their applications based on their names, should Mantality be held responsible?

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Q: Describe the performance “expectations gap found in the case. What

Describe the performance “expectations gap found in the case. What were the stakeholders (consumers, employees, legislators) expectations, and how did they differ from Robinhood’s performance?

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Q: If you were an HR manager for one of the companies described

If you were an HR manager for one of the companies described in the case, what changes would you make to ensure that the hiring process was fair and inclusive? What changes would you make to promote a...

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Q: If an employer request to change someone name is intended to make

If an employer request to change someone name is intended to make it easier for others to pronounce, is this a violation of Title VII? Why or why not?

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