Q: The defendant, attempting to heal the plaintiff, left him blind
The defendant, attempting to heal the plaintiff, left him blind in one eye. The plaintiff has sued in trespass, a forerunner of today’s tort action. The defendant made a procedural argument, claiming...
See AnswerQ: Maria Kerkoulas owned the Pub Zone bar, frequented by many motorcycle
Maria Kerkoulas owned the Pub Zone bar, frequented by many motorcycle gangs, and knew from her own experience and conversations with police that some of the gangs, including the Pagans, were dangerous...
See AnswerQ: It was late night at the Del Lago hotel bar. Bradley
It was late night at the Del Lago hotel bar. Bradley Smith and 40 of his closest fraternity brothers had been partying there for hours. Around midnight, guests from a wedding party made a rowdy entran...
See AnswerQ: In 1960, The New York Times ran a full-page
In 1960, The New York Times ran a full-page advertisement paid for by civil rights activists. The ad described an “unprecedented wave of terror” by the police of Montgomery, Alabama, against civil rig...
See AnswerQ: Oregon Steel Mills, Inc. was a publicly-traded company
Oregon Steel Mills, Inc. was a publicly-traded company whose financial statements were audited by Coopers & Lybrand, LLP for many years. When Oregon sold the stock in one of its subsidiaries, Coopers...
See AnswerQ: Steven Leber (Leber) was the trustee of the Steven E
Steven Leber (Leber) was the trustee of the Steven E. Leber Charitable Remainder Unitrust (“Trust”) which, at its peak, had assets of $4 million. The Defendant, Paul Konigsberg (Konigsberg), was a cer...
See AnswerQ: The First National Bank of Keystone could do nothing right. For
The First National Bank of Keystone could do nothing right. For five years, it issued risky mortgage loans on which borrowers defaulted. Keystone Management lied about the value of the loans. When the...
See AnswerQ: Grant Thornton (GT) audited Winstar, a broadband communications company
Grant Thornton (GT) audited Winstar, a broadband communications company that provided businesses with wireless internet connectivity. Winstar was one of GT’s largest and most important clients, but on...
See AnswerQ: ABAT was a Delaware corporation operating in China that designed and manufactured
ABAT was a Delaware corporation operating in China that designed and manufactured lithium batteries for use in consumer products. Because its stock was listed on a U.S. stock exchange, ABAT was requir...
See AnswerQ: For 19 years, Ernst & Ernst audited a small brokerage firm
For 19 years, Ernst & Ernst audited a small brokerage firm, First Securities Company of Chicago (First Securities). Leston B. Nay was president of the firm and owned 92 percent of its stock. He convin...
See Answer