Questions from Business Law

Q: Redmond offered to sell Goosen her used car for $6,

Redmond offered to sell Goosen her used car for $6,000. Goosen could not make up his mind and, finally, after five months, told Redmond that he would accept her offer. a. Goosen can accept Redmond’s o...

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Q: Guss, a professor at a small college, offered to sell

Guss, a professor at a small college, offered to sell his five-year old car to Kantrowitz, a student in one of his classes. The price Guss asked was well above market value. Kantrowitz accepted Guss’s...

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Q: Gortino, while trying to sell his house to Gawlas, was

Gortino, while trying to sell his house to Gawlas, was asked if he had ever seen or suspected termites in the house. Gortino replied that he had not and that the house was sound. Several months after...

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Q: Gallagher Restaurant Supply was in the business of leasing equipment to small

Gallagher Restaurant Supply was in the business of leasing equipment to small restaurants. Quezada, the operator of a small diner, leased a coffeemaker from Gallagher. It was only after the contract h...

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Q: Duggan inherited some nondescript furniture, including an old desk that he

Duggan inherited some nondescript furniture, including an old desk that he sold to Andersen for $50. A short time later he learned that the desk was an antique worth about $500. Duggan brought suit to...

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Q: Helfrich, in a barroom brawl, broke Grady’s arm. Grady

Helfrich, in a barroom brawl, broke Grady’s arm. Grady brought suit against Helfrich for damages. Before the case came to trial, Helfrich offered to give Grady a $500 note, payable in 30 days, as full...

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Q: Alfieri, a hunting enthusiast, frequently shot birds in his own

Alfieri, a hunting enthusiast, frequently shot birds in his own and his neighbor’s backyard in violation of a city ordinance that prohibited guns being discharged within the city limits. The neighbor...

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Q: Classify the two major kinds of agents and discuss the four ways

Classify the two major kinds of agents and discuss the four ways in which an agency may be created.

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Q: Nguyen, who was 17 years old, purchased a used boat

Nguyen, who was 17 years old, purchased a used boat, agreeing to pay for it in monthly installments over a two-year period. During the next six months, she made 6 of the 24 payments she had agreed to...

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Q: Caroli, who was 17 years old, signed an agreement to

Caroli, who was 17 years old, signed an agreement to buy a used computer from Egan for $150. While Caroli was on his way to pick up the equipment, Egan got an offer for $250 from someone else. When Ca...

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