Q: Our federal Constitution and our state constitutions place a premium on individual
Our federal Constitution and our state constitutions place a premium on individual rights. If the United States were a police state, violations of privacy and other rights that we often take for gran...
See AnswerQ: What advantages are there to an employer to use basic principles of
What advantages are there to an employer to use basic principles of fairness in investigating and disciplining employees?
See AnswerQ: Once Diana made out a prima facie case of discrimination, did
Once Diana made out a prima facie case of discrimination, did the employer have to establish a business justification?
See AnswerQ: Why is discrimination presumed under Title VII when a plaintiff establishes a
Why is discrimination presumed under Title VII when a plaintiff establishes a prima facie case unless the employer provides a nondiscriminatory explanation for an adverse employment action?
See AnswerQ: If Reese represented himself as a partner with Hailey and Felix,
If Reese represented himself as a partner with Hailey and Felix, for the purpose of borrowing funds from a bank to buy new equipment for the farm, and the bank relied on this representation to make th...
See AnswerQ: If Hailey presented Reese to the bank as a partner, and
If Hailey presented Reese to the bank as a partner, and the bank relied on this representation to make the loan, would Reese be considered a partner?
See AnswerQ: Besides avoiding confusion, what do most states require in a corporate
Besides avoiding confusion, what do most states require in a corporate name?
See AnswerQ: Once a business chooses a name, is the submission of the
Once a business chooses a name, is the submission of the name to the state only a formality?
See AnswerQ: What must occur for the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA)
What must occur for the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) to apply to a transaction?
See AnswerQ: Are directors expected to attend all board of directors’ meetings?
Are directors expected to attend all board of directors’ meetings?
See Answer