Q: Will shoppers pay more for products that are marketed as sustainable,
Will shoppers pay more for products that are marketed as sustainable, or manufactured in ways that are aligned with certain labor and social measurements? Recently, major clothing manufacturers have s...
See AnswerQ: What role should advertisers play in reflecting and supporting a more inclusive
What role should advertisers play in reflecting and supporting a more inclusive society? (a) According to the 2010 census, mixed race marriages have grown by 28 percent over a decade, and a 2012 Pew...
See AnswerQ: In 1998, Coca-Cola held a contest inviting high-
In 1998, Coca-Cola held a contest inviting high-school students to devise promotional ideas for the company. A prize of $500 would go to the school with the best PR strategy. Greenbriar High in Evans,...
See AnswerQ: In August 2016 Arizona became the first in the nation to pass
In August 2016 Arizona became the first in the nation to pass a "Declaration of Independent Business Status," allowing, but not requiring, independent contractors to sign a statement acknowledging tha...
See AnswerQ: Task Rabbit allows potential clients to post a job request and be
Task Rabbit allows potential clients to post a job request and be matched with workers ("task rabbits") who are able and willing to do the job. Upwork is similar—but the projects are computer-based. S...
See AnswerQ: Retailers that rely on software to track the flow of customers have
Retailers that rely on software to track the flow of customers have been criticized for using that data to schedule their employees in uneven and unpredictable ways. Responding to public pressure, in...
See AnswerQ: 1. What is the legal basis of the challenge to the
1. What is the legal basis of the challenge to the Idaho law? 2. Break down the judge’s analysis of Idaho’s challenge: (a) Does the Idaho law outlaw speech based on its content? (b) Was there a compel...
See AnswerQ: In 2015, Abercrombie and Fitch stopped requiring workers to be on
In 2015, Abercrombie and Fitch stopped requiring workers to be on call for shifts that were frequently cancelled with little notice. Still, the New York Times reported in August of 2015 that the state...
See AnswerQ: The FLSA exempts from its minimum wage/maximum hours laws people
The FLSA exempts from its minimum wage/maximum hours laws people who provide "companionship services" (babysitters) and those who live in a home where they care for the elderly, ill, or disabled. Acco...
See AnswerQ: Should NCAA players be allowed to organize and bargain collectively? Do
Should NCAA players be allowed to organize and bargain collectively? Do you see any differences between basketball and football players at Division I schools like Ohio State University and the Univers...
See Answer