Questions from Business Law

Q: Lee Calan Imports advertised a used Volvo station wagon for sale in

Lee Calan Imports advertised a used Volvo station wagon for sale in the Chicago Sun-Times. As part of the information for the advertisement, Lee Calan Imports instructed the newspaper to print the pri...

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Q: On July 15, Adler purchased in Chicago a Buick sedan,

On July 15, Adler purchased in Chicago a Buick sedan, intending to drive it that day to St. Louis, Missouri. He telephoned a friend, Maruchek, who was in the insurance business, and told him that he w...

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Q: On June 1, Cain delivered his 2013 automobile to Barr,

On June 1, Cain delivered his 2013 automobile to Barr, the operator of a repair shop, for necessary repairs. Barr put the car in his lot on Main Street. The lot, which is fenced on all sides except al...

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Q: Decide and explain your decision for each of the following problems:

Decide and explain your decision for each of the following problems: a. A chimney sweep found a jewel and took it to a goldsmith, whose apprentice removed the stone and refused to return it. The chimn...

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Q: Ames leased an apartment to Boor at $200 a month,

Ames leased an apartment to Boor at $200 a month, pay- able the last day of each month. The term of the written lease was from January 1, 2020, through April 30, 2021. On March 15, 2020, Boor moved ou...

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Q: In 2009, Roy Martin and his wife, Alice, their

In 2009, Roy Martin and his wife, Alice, their son, Hiram, and Hiram’s wife, Myrna, acquired title to a 240-acre farm. The deed ran to Roy Martin and Alice Martin, the father and mother, as joint tena...

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Q: Robert and Stanley held legal title of record to adjacent tracts of

Robert and Stanley held legal title of record to adjacent tracts of land, each consisting of a number of five acres. Stanley fenced his five acres in 1996, placing his east fence fifteen feet onto Rob...

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Q: On January 1, 2021, Davis and Hershey owned Blackacre as

On January 1, 2021, Davis and Hershey owned Blackacre as tenants in common. On July 1, 2021, Davis made a written contract to sell Blackacre to Grigg for $250,000. Pursuant to this contract, Grigg pai...

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Q: Barker operated a retail bakery, Davidson a drugstore, Farrell a

Barker operated a retail bakery, Davidson a drugstore, Farrell a food store, Gibson a gift shop, and Harper a hardware store in adjoining locations along one side of a single suburban village block. A...

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Q: Grace Peterson, a never-married and childless woman, then

Grace Peterson, a never-married and childless woman, then age seventy-four, asked Chester Gustafson, a Minneapolis attorney, to draw a will for her. Gustafson, who had also probated Peterson’s sister’...

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