Q: A discussion of digital ethics appears in the article “Academic Cheating
A discussion of digital ethics appears in the article “Academic Cheating, Aided by Cell Phones or Web, Shown to be Common” (Los Angeles Times, June 17, 2009). One question posed in the article is: Wha...
See AnswerQ: In 2010, the online security firm Symantec estimated that 63%
In 2010, the online security firm Symantec estimated that 63% of computer users don’t change their passwords very often (www.cnet.com/news/survey-63-dont -change-passwords-very-often, retrieved Novemb...
See AnswerQ: A manufacturer of small appliances purchases plastic handles for coffeepots from an
A manufacturer of small appliances purchases plastic handles for coffeepots from an outside vendor. If a handle is cracked, it is considered defective and can’t be used. A large shipment of plastic ha...
See AnswerQ: The article “Should Canada Allow Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
The article “Should Canada Allow Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs?” (Canadian Family Physician [2009]: 130–131) calls for the legalization of advertising of prescription drugs in C...
See AnswerQ: The 1991 publication of the book Final Exit, which includes chapters
The 1991 publication of the book Final Exit, which includes chapters on doctor-assisted suicide, caused a great deal of controversy in the medical community. The Society for the Right to Die and the A...
See AnswerQ: In spite of the potential safety hazards, some people would like
In spite of the potential safety hazards, some people would like to have an Internet connection in their car. A preliminary survey of adult Americans has estimated the proportion of adult Americans wh...
See AnswerQ: Data from a representative sample were used to estimate that 32%
Data from a representative sample were used to estimate that 32% of all computer users in 2011 had tried to get on a Wi-Fi network that was not their own in order to save money (USA TODAY, May 16, 201...
See AnswerQ: USA TODAY (January 24, 2012) reported that ownership of
USA TODAY (January 24, 2012) reported that ownership of tablet computers and e-readers is soaring. Suppose you want to estimate the proportion of students at your college who own at least one tablet o...
See AnswerQ: A survey on SodaHead (www.sodahead.com/survey
A survey on SodaHead (www.sodahead.com/survey /featured/anonymous-advice/?results51, retrieved May 13, 2016) reported that 603 out of 753 respondents replied ânoâ t...
See AnswerQ: The article “Report: More Than Half of DC-Area
The article âReport: More Than Half of DC-Area Millennials Are Using Ride-Hailing Appsâ (June 23, 2016, www .washingtonian.com/2016/06/23/report-half-dc-area -mille...
See Answer