Q: Modify the CHARTER table to add the attributes shown in the following
Modify the CHARTER table to add the attributes shown in the following table. Table P8.34 The New Attributes for the CHARTER Table Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_C...
See AnswerQ: Write the sequence of commands required to update the CHAR_WAIT
Write the sequence of commands required to update the CHAR_WAIT_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Hint: Use either an updatable view or a stored procedure. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attrib...
See AnswerQ: Write the sequence of commands required to update the CHAR_FLT
Write the sequence of commands required to update the CHAR_FLT_CHG_HR attribute values in the CHARTER table. Hint: Use either an updatable view or a stored procedure. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attr...
See AnswerQ: Write the command required to update the CHAR_FLT_CHG
Write the command required to update the CHAR_FLT_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge for eac...
See AnswerQ: Write the command required to update the CHAR_TAX_CHG
Write the command required to update the CHAR_TAX_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge for eac...
See AnswerQ: Write the command required to update the CHAR_TOT_CHG
Write the command required to update the CHAR_TOT_CHG attribute values in the CHARTER table. Table P8.34 Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type CHAR_WAIT_CHG Waiting charge for eac...
See AnswerQ: Write the query that will generate a combined list of customers to
Write the query that will generate a combined list of customers to include the duplicate customer records. (Figure P8.4) Figure P8.4 Combined list of customers with duplicates
See AnswerQ: Using the EMPLOYEE, JOB, and PROJECT tables in the Ch07
Using the EMPLOYEE, JOB, and PROJECT tables in the Ch07_ConstructCo database (see Figure P7.1), write the SQL code that will produce the results shown in Figure P7.16. Figure P7.1 Structure and conte...
See AnswerQ: Modify the PILOT table to add the attribute shown in the following
Modify the PILOT table to add the attribute shown in the following table. Table P8.40 The New Attribute for the PILOT Table Attribute name Attribute Description Attribute type PIL_PIC_HRS Pilot...
See AnswerQ: Create a trigger named trg_char_hours that will automatically
Create a trigger named trg_char_hours that will automatically update the AIRCRAFT table when a new CHARTER row is added. Use the CHARTER table’s CHAR_HOURS_FLOWN to update the AIRCRAFT table’s AC_TTAF...
See Answer