Q: Use the data in PHILLIPS for this exercise. (i
Use the data in PHILLIPS for this exercise. (i) We estimated an expectation augmented Phillips curve of the form (inft = 0 + 1unemt + et, where (inft = inft – inft-1. In estimating this equation by...
See AnswerQ: The purpose of this exercise is to compare the estimates and standard
The purpose of this exercise is to compare the estimates and standard errors obtained by correctly using 2SLS with those obtained using inappropriate procedures. Use the data file WAGE2. (i) Use a 2SL...
See AnswerQ: Use the data in RENTAL for this exercise. The data on
Use the data in RENTAL for this exercise. The data on rental prices and other variables for college towns are for the years 1980 and 1990. The idea is to see whether a stronger presence of students af...
See AnswerQ: This question assumes that you have access to a statistical package that
This question assumes that you have access to a statistical package that computes standard errors robust to arbitrary serial correlation and heteroskedasticity for panel data methods. (i) For the pool...
See AnswerQ: Use the data in COUNTYMURDERS to answer this question. The data
Use the data in COUNTYMURDERS to answer this question. The data set covers murders and executions (capital punishment) for 2,197 counties in the United States. (i) Consider the model murdrateit = (t...
See AnswerQ: Use the data in SCHOOL93_98 to answer the following questions
Use the data in SCHOOL93_98 to answer the following questions. Use the command xtset schid year to set the cross section and time dimensions. (i) How many schools are there. Does each school have a r...
See AnswerQ: Use the state-level data on murder rates and executions in
Use the state-level data on murder rates and executions in MURDER for the following exercise. (i) Consider the unobserved effects model mrdrteit = t + 1execit + 2unemit + i + uit, where t simply...
See AnswerQ: A simple model to determine the effectiveness of condom usage on reducing
A simple model to determine the effectiveness of condom usage on reducing sexually transmitted diseases among sexually active high school students is infrate = 0 + 1conuse + 2percmale + 3avginc +...
See AnswerQ: For a large university, you are asked to estimate the demand
For a large university, you are asked to estimate the demand for tickets to women’s basketball games. You can collect time series data over 10 seasons, for a total of about 150 observations. One possi...
See AnswerQ: (i) The variable phsrank is the person’s high school percentile
(i) The variable phsrank is the personâs high school percentile. (A higher number is better. For example, 90 means you are ranked better than 90 percent of your graduating class.) Fi...
See Answer