Q: Effective hiring policies that discriminate between marginal and highly ethical individuals contribute
Effective hiring policies that discriminate between marginal and highly ethical individuals contribute to an organization's success in preventing fraud.
See AnswerQ: Expectations about punishment must be communicated randomly among work groups if fraud
Expectations about punishment must be communicated randomly among work groups if fraud is to be prevented.
See AnswerQ: The net worth method is rarely, if ever, helpful in
The net worth method is rarely, if ever, helpful in actual fraud investigations.
See AnswerQ: Frauds typically start large and get smaller as the perpetrator tries to
Frauds typically start large and get smaller as the perpetrator tries to conceal his dishonest acts.
See AnswerQ: Fraud is difficult to detect because some fraud symptoms often cannot be
Fraud is difficult to detect because some fraud symptoms often cannot be differentiated from non-fraud factors that appear to be symptoms.
See AnswerQ: The three elements of the fraud triangle by which the investigative techniques
The three elements of the fraud triangle by which the investigative techniques are often classified are 1. the theft act, 2. concealment efforts, and 3. conversion methods.
See AnswerQ: Organizations often want to avoid embarrassment and expense, so they terminate
Organizations often want to avoid embarrassment and expense, so they terminate fraudulent employees without having them prosecuted further.
See AnswerQ: Studies show that a positive and honest work culture in a company
Studies show that a positive and honest work culture in a company does little to prevent fraud
See AnswerQ: Criminal conviction is much more difficult to achieve than a civil judgment
Criminal conviction is much more difficult to achieve than a civil judgment because there must be proof “beyond a reasonable doubt" that the perpetrator intentionally stole assets.
See AnswerQ: In order to create a culture of honesty and confidentiality, persons
In order to create a culture of honesty and confidentiality, persons aware of fraudulent activity should be encouraged to tell only the CEO.
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