Questions from Fundamental Nursing

Q: Does categorizing or classifying grand theories as the writers have done assist

Does categorizing or classifying grand theories as the writers have done assist in studying and understanding them? Why or why not?

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Q: Find reports that present middle range or practice theories in the nursing

Find reports that present middle range or practice theories in the nursing literature. Identify if these theories are descriptive, explanatory, predictive, or prescriptive in nature.

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Q: Discuss the use of patient simulators in clinical nursing staff education.

Discuss the use of patient simulators in clinical nursing staff education. Consider the cost and upkeep of the equipment for simulators and faculty training and education and the need for technical su...

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Q: Find an example of a nursing theory in a current book or

Find an example of a nursing theory in a current book or periodical. Review the theory and classify it based on scope or level of abstraction (grand theory, middle range theory, or practice theory), t...

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Q: Find an example of a middle range nursing theory (see Chapter

Find an example of a middle range nursing theory (see Chapter 10 or 11 for ideas). Following the preceding exemplar, identify the components of the theory (e.g., scope of the theory, purpose, concepts...

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Q: Choose one of the models discussed in this chapter and demonstrate its

Choose one of the models discussed in this chapter and demonstrate its use in the care of a selected client. Write a nursing care plan using the model. Define all elements of the nursing care plan usi...

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Q: Select one of the middle range theories derived from a grand nursing

Select one of the middle range theories derived from a grand nursing theory and one derived from a non-nursing theory. Analyze both for ease of application to research and practice.

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Q: Consider the following case: A 30-year-old woman

Consider the following case: A 30-year-old woman arrives in the emergency department. She is diagnosed with a drug overdose. Assessment data reveal the following information: she has three children (1...

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Q: Examine early issues of American Journal of Nursing (1900–1950

Examine early issues of American Journal of Nursing (1900–1950). Determine if and how theories were used in nursing practice. What types of theories were used? Review current issues to analyze how thi...

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Q: Following the example of CRNA student Maria in the opening case study

Following the example of CRNA student Maria in the opening case study, outline a potential research study using one of the theories or models presented in this chapter as a framework as depicted in th...

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