Questions from General Calculus

Q: Draw the graph of a function y = f (x)

Draw the graph of a function y = f (x) with the stated properties. Both the function and the slope decrease as x increases.

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Q: The annual world consumption of oil rises each year. Furthermore,

The annual world consumption of oil rises each year. Furthermore, the amount of the annual increase in oil consumption is also rising each year. Sketch a graph that could represent the annual world co...

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Q: In certain professions, the average annual income has been rising at

In certain professions, the average annual income has been rising at an increasing rate. Let f (T) denote the average annual income at year T for persons in one of these professions and sketch a graph...

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Q: Differentiate. y = 3x + π3

Differentiate. y = 3x + π3

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Q: In certain professions, the average annual income has been rising at

In certain professions, the average annual income has been rising at an increasing rate. Let f (T) denote the average annual income at year T for persons in one of these professions and sketch a graph...

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Q: Let C(x) denote the total cost of manufacturing x

Let C(x) denote the total cost of manufacturing x units of some product. Then C(x) is an increasing function for all x. For small values of x, the rate of increase of C(x) decreases (because of the sa...

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Q: One method of determining the level of blood flow through the brain

One method of determining the level of blood flow through the brain requires the person to inhale air containing a fixed concentration of N2O, nitrous oxide. During the first minute, the concentration...

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Q: Suppose that some organic waste products are dumped into a lake at

Suppose that some organic waste products are dumped into a lake at time t = 0 and that the oxygen content of the lake at time t is given by the graph in Fig. 21. Describe the graph in physical terms....

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Q: Figure 22 gives the number of U.S. farms in

Figure 22 gives the number of U.S. farms in millions from 1920 (t = 20) to 2000 (t = 100). In what year was the number of farms decreasing most rapidly? Figure 22:

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Q: Figure 23 shows the graph of the consumer price index for the

Figure 23 shows the graph of the consumer price index for the years 1983 (t = 0) through 2002 (t = 19). This index measures how much a basket of commodities that costs $100 in the beginning of 1983 wo...

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