Q: In 1985, neither Florida nor Georgia had laws banning open alcohol
In 1985, neither Florida nor Georgia had laws banning open alcohol containers in vehicle passenger compartments. By 1990, Florida had passed such a law, but Georgia had not. (i) Suppose you can collec...
See AnswerQ: Using the data in INJURY for Kentucky, we find the estimated
Using the data in INJURY for Kentucky, we find the estimated equation when afchnge is dropped from (13.12) is Is it surprising that the estimate on the interaction is fairly close to that in (13.12)?...
See AnswerQ: Suppose that the idiosyncratic errors in (14.4), {
Suppose that the idiosyncratic errors in (14.4), {
See AnswerQ: With a single explanatory variable, the equation used to obtain the
With a single explanatory variable, the equation used to obtain the between estimator is where the overbar represents the average over time. We can assume that E(ai) = 0 because we have included an in...
See AnswerQ: In a random effects model, define the composite error vit =
In a random effects model, define the composite error vit =
See AnswerQ: In order to determine the effects of collegiate athletic performance on applicants
In order to determine the effects of collegiate athletic performance on applicants, you collect data on applications for a sample of Division I colleges for 1985, 1990, and 1995. (i) What measures of...
See AnswerQ: Use all the data in PHILLIPS to answer this question. You
Use all the data in PHILLIPS to answer this question. You should now use 56 years of data. (i) Reestimate equation (11.19) and report the results in the usual form. Do the intercept and slope estimate...
See AnswerQ: Suppose that, for one semester, you can collect the following
Suppose that, for one semester, you can collect the following data on a random sample of college juniors and seniors for each class taken: a standardized final exam score, percentage of lectures atten...
See AnswerQ: Using the “cluster” option in the econometrics package Stata®
Using the “cluster” option in the econometrics package Stata® 11, the fully robust standard errors for the pooled OLS estimates in Table 14.2—that is, robust to serial correlation and heteroskedastici...
See AnswerQ: The data in CENSUS2000 is a random sample of individuals from the
The data in CENSUS2000 is a random sample of individuals from the United States. Here we are Interested in estimating a simple regression model relating the log of weekly income, lweekinc, to schoolin...
See Answer