Q: Define “hypergrowth” companies, and evaluate the reasons for their
Define “hypergrowth” companies, and evaluate the reasons for their phenomenal rate of growth. What are the most valid explanations for the rate of success found in these companies?
See AnswerQ: Many entrepreneurs test the waters of a market by starting a sideline
Many entrepreneurs test the waters of a market by starting a sideline business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of selling items on Internet auctions like eBay? Is a person who regularly has...
See AnswerQ: Explain the concept “window of opportunity” as it relates to
Explain the concept “window of opportunity” as it relates to new startups from idea conception through the final decision about whether or not to turn the idea into a reality.
See AnswerQ: Is creative destruction just another economic theory for the foundation of capitalism
Is creative destruction just another economic theory for the foundation of capitalism? Build a case supporting your answer.
See AnswerQ: Entrepreneurs get their ideas for business startups from various sources. Elaborate
Entrepreneurs get their ideas for business startups from various sources. Elaborate on these sources, and analyze which ones are the most reliable indicators for the new business owner with regard to...
See AnswerQ: What are some examples of consumer preferences and values? What are
What are some examples of consumer preferences and values? What are some examples of things the new business owner can do to ensure capturing some of the market for the good or service being produced?...
See AnswerQ: What criteria do you see as most critical when differentiating an idea
What criteria do you see as most critical when differentiating an idea from an opportunity?
See AnswerQ: Give some examples of things the new entrepreneur should immediately investigate in
Give some examples of things the new entrepreneur should immediately investigate in order to ensure to the maximum extent possible that the business will “get off the ground.”
See AnswerQ: Is a business plan really necessary even for a very small startup
Is a business plan really necessary even for a very small startup business? How much market analysis and competitive analysis should the new entrepreneur conduct prior to startup?
See AnswerQ: What are some of the tangible resources that the new entrepreneur might
What are some of the tangible resources that the new entrepreneur might need in order to go into business initially? What are some options for obtaining capital for a business that is brand new and th...
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