Questions from Macroeconomics

Q: Consider the portfolio theory of money demand. How do you think

Consider the portfolio theory of money demand. How do you think the demand for money would be affected by a hyperinflation (i.e., monthly inflation rates in excess of 50%)?

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Q: According to the portfolio theory approach to money demand, what would

According to the portfolio theory approach to money demand, what would be the effect of a stock market crash on the demand for money? (Hint: Consider both the increase in stock price volatility follow...

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Q: Suppose a plot of the values of M2 and nominal GDP for

Suppose a plot of the values of M2 and nominal GDP for a given country over forty years shows that these two variables are very closely related. In particular, a plot of their ratio (nominal GDP/M2) y...

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Q: Use the following table to find the steady-state values of

Use the following table to find the steady-state values of the capital-labor ratio and output per worker (i.e., complete the table) if the per worker production function is yt = 2kt 0.3:

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Q: Refer to Problem 1 for data and assume now that the saving

Refer to Problem 1 for data and assume now that the saving rate increases to 50%. Calculate the new steady-state values of the capital labor ratio and output. Explain your answer graphically. Data fr...

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Q: Refer to Problem 1 for data and assume now that the population

Refer to Problem 1 for data and assume now that the population growth rate increases to 5%. Calculate the new steady-state values of the capital-labor ratio and output. Explain your answer graphically...

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Q: Use the graphical representation of the Solow growth model to explain why

Use the graphical representation of the Solow growth model to explain why an increase in the technology factor A leads to a more-than proportional increase in both the capital-labor ratio and output p...

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Q: Using a graphical representation of the new Keynesian model, describe the

Using a graphical representation of the new Keynesian model, describe the effects of an unanticipated negative demand shock (label this equilibrium as point 2). Compare these effects to those of an an...

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Q: In the per-worker production function, what factors determine the

In the per-worker production function, what factors determine the level of output per worker? Which one of these factors does the Solow growth model consider to be exogenous?

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Q: Why does the per-worker production function have its particular shape

Why does the per-worker production function have its particular shape and slope?

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