Questions from Macroeconomics

Q: Consider the Alesina Drazen model. Describe how, if at all

Consider the Alesina Drazen model. Describe how, if at all, each of the following developments affects workers’ proposal and the probability of reform: (a) A fall in T. (b) A rise in B. (c) An equal r...

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Q: Consider the model in Section 13.7. Suppose, however

Consider the model in Section 13.7. Suppose, however, that if there is no reform, workers and capitalists both receive payoffs of −C rather than 0, where C ≥0. (a) Find expressions analogous to (13.37...

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Q: Consider the model in Section 13.6. Suppose an international

Consider the model in Section 13.6. Suppose an international agency offers to give the workers and capitalists each an amount F > 0 if they agree to reform. Use analysis like that in Problem 13.12 to...

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Q: Suppose that in the Shapiro Stiglitz model, unemployed workers are hired

Suppose that in the Shapiro Stiglitz model, unemployed workers are hired according to how long they have been unemployed rather than at random; specifically, suppose that workers who have been unemplo...

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Q: Suppose the economy consists of M >1 congressional districts. The

Suppose the economy consists of M >1 congressional districts. The utility of the representative person living in district i is E +V(Gi)− C (T ). E is the endowment, Gi is the level of a local public g...

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Q: Consider the same setup as in Problem 13.14. Suppose

Consider the same setup as in Problem 13.14. Suppose, however, that there is an initial level of debt, D. The government budget constraint is therefore D +M i=1 Gi = MT. (a) How does an increase in D...

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Q: Consider the model of crises in Section 13.9, and

Consider the model of crises in Section 13.9, and suppose T is distributed uniformly on some interval [μ−X,μ+X], where X > 0 and μ−X ≥0. Describe how, if at all, each of the following developments aff...

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Q: By definition, the budget deficit equals the rate of change of

By definition, the budget deficit equals the rate of change of the amount of debt outstanding: δ(t)≡ D(t). Define d(t) to be the ratio of debt to output: d(t) ≡ D(t)/Y(t). Assume that Y(t) grows at a...

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Q: Consider an individual who lives for two periods. The individual has

Consider an individual who lives for two periods. The individual has no initial wealth and earns labor incomes of amounts Y1 and Y2 in the two periods. Y1 is known, but Y2 is random; assume for simpli...

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Q: Consider the Barro tax-smoothing model. Suppose that output,

Consider the Barro tax-smoothing model. Suppose that output, Y, and the real interest rate, r, are constant, and that the level of government debt outstanding at time 0 is zero. Suppose that there wil...

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