Questions from Macroeconomics

Q: A country whose currency is the primary reserve currency can likely borrow

A country whose currency is the primary reserve currency can likely borrow at lower interest rates than it could if its currency were not the primary reserve currency. Do you agree or disagree? Explai...

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Q: What does it mean to say that a currency is overvalued?

What does it mean to say that a currency is overvalued? Undervalued?

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Q: Under what condition would an individual choose to spend additional time producing

Under what condition would an individual choose to spend additional time producing instead of stealing? Under what condition would an individual choose to spend additional time stealing instead of pro...

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Q: Individuals sometimes disagree over the preferred quality and quantity of a non

Individuals sometimes disagree over the preferred quality and quantity of a non-excludable public good. Why?

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Q: In this chapter, we discussed three types of transfers. Identify

In this chapter, we discussed three types of transfers. Identify and explain each.

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Q: Explain how a tax credit policy for first-time home buyers

Explain how a tax credit policy for first-time home buyers can raise the demand for, and price of, houses.

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Q: Special-interest group A receives a 1/1,000

Special-interest group A receives a 1/1,000 slice of the economic pie. The group’s net benefits from an economic growth policy are $3,000, which are the same as its net benefits from a transfer policy...

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Q: Special-interest groups that seek transfers may find themselves in a

Special-interest groups that seek transfers may find themselves in a prisoner’s dilemma setting. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

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Q: As presented in this chapter, what is the case for government

As presented in this chapter, what is the case for government? What is the case against government?

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Q: Government may provide, or be part of a process that generates

Government may provide, or be part of a process that generates, both non-excludable public goods and bads. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer.

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