Questions from Math

Q: 1. The conditional statement p (q is _______ only when

1. The conditional statement p (q is _______ only when p is true and q is false. 2. In the conditional statement p(q, (a) The lower-case letter p represents the_________ . (b) The lower-case letter q...

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Q: 1. Statements that have exactly the same truth values in the

1. Statements that have exactly the same truth values in the answer columns of their truth tables are called_______________ statements. 2. De Morgan’s laws state that (a) ((p ( q) is equivalent to____...

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Q: 1. When the conclusion of an argument necessarily follows from the

1. When the conclusion of an argument necessarily follows from the given set of premises it is a(n)__________ argument. 2. When the conclusion of an argument does not necessarily follow from the given...

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Q: 1. A number is a quantity, and it answers the

1. A number is a quantity, and it answers the question “______?” 2. A symbol used to represent a number is called a(n) _______. 3. The system of numeration that we presently use is the system______. 4...

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Q: 1. The most common place-value system is the decimal

1. The most common place-value system is the decimal number system that uses a base of ______. 2. When we write 789 as (7 × 102) + (8 ×10) + (9 × 1) the number is written in ______ form. 3. In the num...

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Q: 1. If all the elements of set A are also elements

1. If all the elements of set A are also elements of set B, then set A is a(n) _____ of set B. 2. If all the elements of set A are also elements of set B, and set A ≠set B, then set A is a(n) subset...

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Q: 1. The set of all the elements in the universal set

1. The set of all the elements in the universal set that are not in set A is called the_____. of set A 2. The set containing all the elements that are members of set A or of set B or of both sets is c...

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Q: 1. The number of regions created when constructing a Venn diagram

1. The number of regions created when constructing a Venn diagram with three overlapping sets is______________. 2. (a) When constructing a Venn diagram with three overlapping sets, region_______ is ge...

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