Questions from Microeconomics

Q: One description of the costs of operating a railroad makes the following

One description of the costs of operating a railroad makes the following observation: “The fixed … expenses which attach to the operation of railroads … are in the nature of a tax upon the business of...

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Q: In the ancient world, a book could be produced either on

In the ancient world, a book could be produced either on a scroll or as a codex, which was made of folded sheets glued together, something like a modern book. One scholar has estimated the following v...

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Q: We saw in the chapter opener that some colleges and private companies

We saw in the chapter opener that some colleges and private companies have launched online courses that anyone with an Internet connection can take. The most successful of these massive open online co...

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Q: Use the information in the graph to find the values for the

Use the information in the graph to find the values for the following at an output level of 1,000. a. Marginal cost b. Total cost c. Variable cost d. Fixed cost

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Q: List the errors in the following graph. Carefully explain why the

List the errors in the following graph. Carefully explain why the curves drawn this way are incorrect. In other words, why can’t these curves be as they are shown in the graph?

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Q: An article in the Wall Street Journal described the Chinese automobile industry

An article in the Wall Street Journal described the Chinese automobile industry as “a hodgepodge of companies,” most of which produce fewer than 100,000 cars per year. Ford Chief Executive Alan Mulall...

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Q: Which of the following products are most likely to have significant network

Which of the following products are most likely to have significant network externalities? Briefly explain. a. Smart watches b. Dog food c. Board games d. LCD televisions e. 3D televisions

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Q: Explain how the events listed in (a) through (d

Explain how the events listed in (a) through (d) would affect the following costs at Southwest Airlines: 1. Marginal cost 2. Average variable cost 3. Average fixed cost 4. Average total cost a. Southw...

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Q: What is the difference between total cost and variable cost in the

What is the difference between total cost and variable cost in the long run?

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Q: What is minimum efficient scale? What is likely to happen in

What is minimum efficient scale? What is likely to happen in the long run to firms that do not reach minimum efficient scale?

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