Questions from Microeconomics

Q: What is the public choice model?

What is the public choice model?

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Q: What is the difference between the voting paradox and the Arrow impossibility

What is the difference between the voting paradox and the Arrow impossibility theorem?

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Q: What is rent seeking, and how is it related to regulatory

What is rent seeking, and how is it related to regulatory capture?

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Q: The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is a

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is a monopoly because the federal government has blocked entry into the market for delivering first-class mail. Is the USPS also a natural monopoly? How can we tell? Wha...

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Q: A columnist writing in the Wall Street Journal argues that because “

A columnist writing in the Wall Street Journal argues that because “hourly wages in real terms” rose, the “price of time” also rose. What is the “price of time”? Is the columnist correct that when rea...

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Q: What is the relationship between market failure and government failure?

What is the relationship between market failure and government failure?

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Q: Will the preferences shown in the following table lead to a voting

Will the preferences shown in the following table lead to a voting paradox? Briefly explain.

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Q: The Statistical Abstract of the United States was published for many years

The Statistical Abstract of the United States was published for many years by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Abstract provided a summary of business, economic, social, and political statistics. It was av...

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Q: Many political observers have noted that Republican presidential candidates tend to emphasize

Many political observers have noted that Republican presidential candidates tend to emphasize their conservative positions on policy issues while running for their party’s nomination, and Democratic p...

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Q: Michael Kinsley, a political columnist, observes: “The idea

Michael Kinsley, a political columnist, observes: “The idea of insurance is to share the risks of bad outcomes.” In what sense does insurance involve sharing risks? How does the problem of adverse sel...

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