Questions from Organic Chemistry

Q: Upon treatment with aqueous acid, compound 1 is converted into compound

Upon treatment with aqueous acid, compound 1 is converted into compound 2. a. In the first step of the accepted mechanism, one of the triple bonds is protonated to give a vinyl carbocation. Generally...

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Q: Provide an IUPAC name for each of the following alcohols:

Provide an IUPAC name for each of the following alcohols:

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Q: Safer alternatives to existing insecticides and mosquito repellants might be found in

Safer alternatives to existing insecticides and mosquito repellants might be found in the essential oils of plants. Phytol is one such isolated compound that has promising pest-fighting potential. Pro...

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Q: Mandelate esters exhibit spasmolytic activity (they act as muscle relaxants).

Mandelate esters exhibit spasmolytic activity (they act as muscle relaxants). The nature of the alkyl group (R) greatly affects potency. Research indicates that the optimal potency is achieved when R...

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Q: Draw the alkoxide ion that is formed in each of the following

Draw the alkoxide ion that is formed in each of the following cases:

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Q: For each of the following pairs of alcohols, identify the one

For each of the following pairs of alcohols, identify the one that is more acidic and explain your choice:

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Q: Flavonoids are a class of naturally occurring compounds with promising medicinal uses

Flavonoids are a class of naturally occurring compounds with promising medicinal uses due to their anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-HIV properties. Much of this biological activity is due to th...

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Q: Identify the reagents that you would use to accomplish each of the

Identify the reagents that you would use to accomplish each of the following transformations:

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Q: Identify reagents that can be used to achieve each of the following

Identify reagents that can be used to achieve each of the following transformations: a. To convert 1-hexene into a primary alcohol b. To convert 3,3-dimethyl-1-hexene into a secondary alcohol c. T...

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Q: How many signals would you expect in the 1H NMR spectrum of

How many signals would you expect in the 1H NMR spectrum of each of the following compounds:

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