Questions from Personal Finance

Q: Judy pays off her car loan and now must decide how she

Judy pays off her car loan and now must decide how she wants to invest the extra $3,648 per year that she budgeted for car payments. She decides to invest this additional amount in her employer-sponso...

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Q: Judy believes that another benefit of investing the extra $3,

Judy believes that another benefit of investing the extra $3,648 in her employer sponsored retirement plan is the tax savings. Judy is in a 25% marginal tax bracket. How much will investing in this ma...

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Q: Miguel, a recent 22-year-old college graduate,

Miguel, a recent 22-year-old college graduate, wants to retire a millionaire. How much will he need to set aside annually to achieve his goal, assuming he plans to retire at age 67 and he can earn an...

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Q: Judy has just received $12,500 as an inheritance from

Judy has just received $12,500 as an inheritance from her uncle and is considering ways to use the money. Judy’s car is one-year-old, and her monthly payment is $304. She owes 48 more payments. The am...

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Q: Dave and Sharon want to make sure that their family is properly

Dave and Sharon want to make sure that their family is properly cared for in the event of their death. They recently purchased term life insurance and want to make sure that the funds are allocated to...

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Q: Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He

Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He has set an even more ambitious goal of retiring in 20 years instead of the original goal of 30 years. His goal is to save $500,000 by that t...

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Q: Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He

Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He has set an even more ambitious goal of retiring in 20 years instead of the original goal of 30 years. His goal is to save $500,000 by that t...

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Q: Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He

Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He has set an even more ambitious goal of retiring in 20 years instead of the original goal of 30 years. His goal is to save $500,000 by that t...

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Q: Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He

Brad tells you that he has revised his retirement plans. He has set an even more ambitious goal of retiring in 20 years instead of the original goal of 30 years. His goal is to save $500,000 by that t...

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Q: Dave and Sharon want to make sure that their family is properly

Dave and Sharon want to make sure that their family is properly cared for in the event of their death. They recently purchased term life insurance and want to make sure that the funds are allocated to...

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