Questions from Statistics Principles

Q: In the federal government’s Current Population Survey, the response rate for

In the federal government’s Current Population Survey, the response rate for 20- to 29-year- olds is 85%; for individuals at least 70 years of age it is 99%. Why do you think this is?

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Q: Researchers conducted an experiment in which 695 individuals were shown black and

Researchers conducted an experiment in which 695 individuals were shown black and white photographs of individuals running for Congress (either the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives). In each...

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Q: In a study published in the journal Teaching of Psychology, the

In a study published in the journal Teaching of Psychology, the article “Fudging the Numbers: Distributing Chocolate Influences Student Evaluations of an Undergraduate Course” states that distribut...

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Q: The Pew Research Group asked the following question of individuals who earned

The Pew Research Group asked the following question of individuals who earned in excess of $100,000 per year and those who earned less than $100,000 per year: “Do you believe that it is morally...

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Q: Is there a difference in the attitude toward extramarital affairs in the

Is there a difference in the attitude toward extramarital affairs in the United States versus Canada? Pew Research surveyed a random sample of adults from each country and asked, “Do you personally be...

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Q: In today’s “wired” society, students believe that they can

In today’s “wired” society, students believe that they can multitask. Research suggests that 5% of individuals truly have the ability to multitask. Can students multitask, or do they perform worse wh...

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Q: The data below represent the 5-year rate of return (

The data below represent the 5-year rate of return (in percent) for a random sample of stocks in financial services and an independent random sample of stocks in health care. Has there been a differen...

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Q: As of October 1, 2012, hospitals in the United States

As of October 1, 2012, hospitals in the United States with excessive numbers of readmissions based on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) data were penalized. Therefore, it is importa...

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Q: In the fall of 1998, the National Center for Education Statistics

In the fall of 1998, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) established a cohort of kindergarten students based on a random sample of all kindergarten students throughout the United State...

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Q: John has an online company that sells custom rims for cars.

John has an online company that sells custom rims for cars. A web-design firm hired by John designed two different web pages to be used to sell his rims online. However, he cannot decide which page to...

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