Absolute zero is the lowest temperature that can be attained by a substance and at this point, no heat energy is trapped by the molecules of the substance. The fundamental particles present in nature constitute no vibrational motion at the absolute zero. It has been agreed by the International committees that on the kelvin scale, 0 kelvin is the absolute zero and it is -273.16 centigrade on the Celsius scale.
The scientists are unable to achieve such a low temperature at which the movement of the particles is ceased, yet they have made extraordinary efforts in achieving temperature somewhat closer to absolute zero.
Consider a system of N free electrons within a volume V.
A steel cylinder with rigid walls is evacuated to a high degree
Explain how the concept of absolute zero came about through Charles’s studies
Like the Kelvin scale, the Rankine scale is an absolute temperature
Pretend that you’re talking to a friend who has not yet taken
In a student experiment, a constant-volume gas thermometer is
Temperature differences on the Rankine scale are identical to differences on the
The data in the following table are from a constant-volume