Coriolis effect is a pattern of deflection that is taken up by the objects which are not firmly held to the ground. These objects are not fully connected to the surface as they have to travel long distances around the Earth. The large scale weather patterns are due to this effect. The basis of the Coriolis effect is the rotation of the Earth.
The rotation of the earth is faster near the equator as compared to the poles. High velocities and long distances make the impact of the Coriolis effect quite prominent. The trade winds as well as the cyclones are the result of the Coriolis effect.
Predation by one flour beetle species on another can be used as
In chapter 14 we have seen how a herbivorous stream insect controls
How was the amount of food that Gause (1934) provided
How are manipulation of host behavior by spiny-headed worms and
Predation is one of the processes by which one organism exploits another
Ecologists are now challenged to study global ecology. The apparent role
In his experiments on competition between T. confusum and T.
Discuss how mathematical theory, laboratory models, and field experiments have
Explain the roles of food and predators in producing cycles of abundance
What evidence is there that variation in atmospheric CO 2 concentration is