Liquidity Ratio is an important ratio of finance as it pictures a company’s ability to pay its short-term debts and liabilities with its available current and/or liquid assets. Liquidity ratio of a company is a clear indicator of how well it is equipped to clear its short-term liabilities. The efficiency and timeliness of utilizing its current assets to pay the short-term debt.
Liquidity ratio has three types.
In all of the three liquidity ratios, we would divide the assets on its liabilities. In this case, if the outcome is 1 that means the company has the ability to pay off its debts. If the outcome is less than 1 that means that the company is not able to pay off its debts.
What effects will the following have on the equilibrium rate of interest
Imagine that the banking system receives additional deposits of £100 million
What do liquidity ratios focus on? What is an example of
What are liquidity ratios? Given an example of a liquidity ratio
What do liquidity ratios focus on? What is an example of