Definition of Maturity Date

Maturity date is the date of settlement of an instrument. In the case of a bond, the maturity date is the date at which the borrower will repay the amount of the bond to the lender. In the case of a lease agreement, a maturity date is at the end of the lease term. 


Maturity date is important for bond investors, as this date defines how many cash flows are associated with the bonds in the upcoming days. For example, a 15 years bond worth $500,000 that pays 10% interest per annum compounded quarterly was issued 7 years ago. This means that the bond will mature in the next 8 years and the interest payments associated with the bond are $12500 ($500,000 x 10% x 3/12) due every three months for the next 8 years and a repayment of $500,000 at the end of 8 years

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