The numbers which are very big or very small are typically difficult to deal with. So, a system was introduced through which these numbers can be conveniently expressed in the form of decimals. This system is termed the scientific notation. It is also named as scientific form, standard index form, and standard form.
The arithmetic operations are easily simplified with the help of scientific notation and it is widely used by scientists, engineers and mathematicians, etc. The non-zero numbers are expressed in the form of m * 10n in the scientific notation. Here m is the non-zero number and n is the integer.
Use the data in DISCRIM to answer this question. These are
For each of the following, make the indicated conversion.
The facts about U.S. currency represent a colorful part
Find the product below and express the answer with units and in
You are given these approximate measurements: (a) the
2. With the quotient rule for exponents, the expression
Value of New York City Assume the value of the island of
convert each number to scientific notation and simplify. Express the answer
convert each number to scientific notation and simplify. Express the answer
express the given standard: (A) In scientific notation