Sociality is an ecological term that is defined as the extent to which the individuals belonging to the animal population tend to associate and socialize with each other. They consequently form social groups and they eventually lead to cooperative societies. This is a response to the pressure that evolution has put on the population.
Take an example of a mother wasp which keeps herself near to its larvae so that the parasites are unable to harm it. The most important and prime characteristic of sociality between the animals is a parental investment. Such animals who care for their offsprings but have no other trait of sociality are said to be subsocial.
Predation by one flour beetle species on another can be used as
In chapter 14 we have seen how a herbivorous stream insect controls
How was the amount of food that Gause (1934) provided
How are manipulation of host behavior by spiny-headed worms and
Predation is one of the processes by which one organism exploits another
Ecologists are now challenged to study global ecology. The apparent role
In his experiments on competition between T. confusum and T.
Discuss how mathematical theory, laboratory models, and field experiments have
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What evidence is there that variation in atmospheric CO 2 concentration is