_______ in arteries sense changes in the acidity of the blood.
a. Mechanoreceptors
b. Neurotransmitters
c. Photoreceptors
d. Chemoreceptors
> Tears are an _______ secretion released by specialized _______ tissue cells. a. endocrine/epithelial b. endocrine/connective c. exocrine/epithelial d. exocrine/connective
> ______ increase the surface area of some epithelial cells. a. Microfilaments b. Microvilli c. Gap junctions d. Adhering junctions
> ____ from a motor neuron excites a muscle fiber. a. Ach b. GABA c. calcium d. phosphate
> A motor unit is _______. a. a muscle and the bone it moves b. two muscles that work in opposition c. the amount a muscle shortens during contraction d. a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it controls
> A sarcomere shortens when ________. a. thick filaments shorten b. thin filaments shorten c. both thick and thin filaments shorten d. none of the above
> In sarcomeres, phosphate-group transfers from ATP activate ______. a. actin c. troponin b. myosin d. Z bands
> The ________ attaches to the pelvic girdle. a. radius b. sternum c. femur d. tibia
> A ligament connects _______. a. bones at a joint b. a muscle to a bone c. a muscle to a tendon d. a tendon to bone
> A rain shadow is a reduction in rainfall ________. a. on the inland side of a coastal mountain range b. during an El Niño event c. that results from global warming
> 1. Bones are ______. a. mineral reservoirs b. skeletal muscle’s partners c. sites where blood cells form d. all of the above 2. Bones move when _____ muscles contract. a. cardiac b. skeletal c. smooth d. all of the above 3. The _______ is the basic uni
> After death, calcium pumps no longer function and the calcium ion concentration of muscle fiber cytoplasm increases. The result is rigor mortis—a state of postmortem muscle contraction. Explain why this contraction occurs and why it ends only when myosin
> Match each organ with its digestive function in humans. - gallbladder _ salivary gland colon a. final stop for digestive waste b. makes bile c. compacts undigested residues liver - esophagus . rectum stomach d. adds enzymes to small intestine e. del
> ________ is (are) a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce the risk of heart disease. a. Oatmeal b. Legumes c. Fish d. Corn syrup
> Iron is the ______ most often deficient in the diet. a. macronutrient b. vitamin c. mineral d. enzyme
> The low pH of the ________ aids in protein digestion. a. stomach b. small intestine c. large intestine d. esophagus
> Bacteria in the ______ make essential vitamins. a. stomach b. small intestine c. colon d. esophagus
> A pregnancy test detects ______ in the urine. a. lysozyme b. prolactin c. oxytocin d. human chorionic gonadotropin
> _____ removes webs between developing digits. a. Gastrulation b. Cleavage c. Apoptosis d. Implantation
> Pharyngeal arches of a human embryo will later develop into ______. a. gills b. lungs c. structures of the head and neck
> Warm air ______ and it holds _______ water than cold air. a. sinks; less b. rises; less c. sinks; more d. rises; more
> Human milk contains __________. a. sugars b. lysozyme c. antibodies d. all of the above
> During the fetal period, ______. a. gastrulation ends b. somites form c. a tail forms d. limb movements begin
> The placenta consists of ______. a. embryonic tissue b. maternal tissue c. paternal tissue d. a combination of a and b
> The ________, a fluid-filled sac, surrounds and protects a human embryo and keeps it from drying out. a. amnion b. allantois c. yolk sac d. chorion
> In humans, fertilization typically occurs in the ______. a. vagina b. uterus c. cervix d. oviduct
> Carrying multiple offspring at the same time increases the risk of some birth defects. FIGURE 42.16 shows the results of Yiwei Tang’s study of birth defects reported in Florida from 1996 to 2000. Tang compared th
> Carrying multiple offspring at the same time increases the risk of some birth defects. FIGURE 42.16 shows the results of Yiwei Tang’s study of birth defects reported in Florida from 1996 to 2000. Tang compared th
> The outermost germ layer in a vertebrate gastrula is The ______. a. endoderm b. ectoderm c. mesoderm d. dermis
> Carrying multiple offspring at the same time increases the risk of some birth defects. FIGURE 42.16 shows the results of Yiwei Tang’s study of birth defects reported in Florida from 1996 to 2000. Tang compared th
> The end product of cleavage is a ______. a. gamete b. blastula c. gastrula d. zygote
> The use of off-road recreational vehicles may double in the next twenty years. Enthusiasts would like increased access to government-owned deserts. Some argue that it’s the perfect place for off-roaders because “There’s nothing there.” Explain whether yo
> Carrying multiple offspring at the same time increases the risk of some birth defects. FIGURE 42.16 shows the results of Yiwei Tang’s study of birth defects reported in Florida from 1996 to 2000. Tang compared th
> A bird’s keratin-lined ______ helps it grind up food. a. pharynx b. crop c. gizzard d. gastrovascular cavity
> Most nutrients are absorbed in the _________. a. mouth b. stomach c. small intestine d. large intestine
> The enzyme pepsin is activated in the ________. a. mouth b. stomach c. small intestine d. large intestine
> A python can survive by eating a large meal once or twice a year (Figure 39.4). When it does eat, microvilli in its small intestine lengthen fourfold and its stomach pH drops from 7 to 1. Explain the benefits of these changes.
> A digestive system functions in _______. a. secreting enzymes b. absorbing compounds c. eliminating wastes d. all of the above
> Some people who have gallstones experience pain after they eat, with fatty meals causing the greatest discomfort. Why are fatty meals most likely to trigger gallbladder pain?
> An endoskeleton consists of ______. a. a fluid in an internal space b. hardened plates at the surface of a body c. internal hard parts d. a fluid that surrounds the body
> Continued strenuous activity can cause lactate to accumulate in muscles. After the activity stops, the lactate is converted into pyruvate and used as an energy source. Explain how pyruvate can be used to produce ATP.
> Straps of dense, regular connective tissue ________. a. connect muscles to bones b. produce blood cells c. underlie the skin d. lack fibroblasts
> Which latitude will have the most hours of daylight on the summer solstice? a. 0° (the equator) b. 30° north c. 45° north d. 60° north
> ________ muscle pulls on bones and muscle regulates the diameter of blood vessels. a. Skeletal/cardiac b. Smooth/cardiac c. Skeletal/smooth d. Smooth/skeletal
> Your body’s main energy reservoir is _________. a. glycogen stored in cardiac muscle b. lipids stored in adipose tissue c. starch stored in skeletal muscle d. phosphorus stored in bone
> Blood cells develop from stem cells in _______. a. epidermis b. dermis c. cartilage d. bone
> A rubbery secreted matrix of glycoproteins and collagen surrounds the cells in _______. a. bone b. cartilage c. adipose tissue d. blood
> Exocrine glands are specialized ______ tissue. a. epithelial b. muscle c. nervous d. connective
> Each level of biological organization has emergent properties that arise from the interaction of its component parts. For example, cells have a capacity for inheritance that molecules making up the cell do not. What are some emergent properties of specif
> Radiation and chemotherapy drugs preferentially kill cells that divide frequently, most notably cancer cells. These cancer treatments also cause hair to fall out. Why?
> Most oxygen transported in blood ________. a. is bound to hemoglobin b. combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide c. is in the form of bicarbonate d. is dissolved in the plasma
> When you breathe quietly, inhalation is and exhalation is ________. a. passive; passive b. active; active c. passive; active d. active; passive
> Increased industrialization in China has environmentalists worried about air quality elsewhere. Are air pollutants emitted in Beijing more likely to end up in eastern Europe or the western United States? Why?
> Which holds the most dissolved oxygen? a. warm, still water b. warm, running water c. cold, running water d. cold, still water
> In human lungs, gas exchange occurs at the ______. a. bronchi b. bronchioles c. alveoli d. pleural sacs
> The tracheal tubes of insects carry ______ to tissues deep inside the body. a. hemolymph b. blood c. air d. water
> In a, air flows continually across the respiratory surface. a. fish b. bird c. frog d. mammal
> A developing fetus obtains oxygen from its mother’s blood. In an organ called the placenta, fetal capillaries run through and exchange substances with maternal blood. The hemoglobin made by a fetus has different properties than that made after birth. At
> 1. Respiratory proteins such as hemoglobin ________. a. contain metal ions b. occur only in vertebrates c. increase the efficiency of oxygen transport d. both a and c 2. _____ binds to hemoglobin even more strongly than oxygen does. a. Carbon dioxide b.
> The red blood cell enzyme carbonic anhydrase contains a zinc cofactor. A diet deficient in zinc does not reduce the number of red blood cells, but it impairs respiratory function by reducing CO2 output. Explain why.
> _____tissues are sheetlike with one free surface. a. Epithelial b. Muscle c. Nervous d. Connective
> IPSCs are nearly identical to human embryonic stem cells in terms of gene expression, but there may be other ways in which they are not equivalent. For example, the telomeres of IPSCs often vary in length, with many IPSCs cells having telomeres shorter t
> In 1798, a stuffed platypus specimen was delivered to the British Museum. Reports that it laid eggs created much confusion. To modern biologists, a platypus is clearly a mammal. It has fur and the females produce milk. Young animals have typical mammalia
> London, England, is at the same latitude as Calgary in Canada’s province of Alberta. However, the mean January temperature in London is 5.5°C (42°F), whereas in Calgary it is minus 10°C (14°F). Compare the locations of these two cities and suggest a reas
> Tree rings occur ______. a. when there are droughts during the time the rings form b. where environmental conditions influence xylem cell size c. if heartwood alternates with sapwood d. as epidermis replaces periderm
> The activity of lateral meristems ______ older roots and stems. a. lengthens b. thickens c. both a and b
> Root hairs ______. a. conduct water from cortex to aboveground shoots b. increase the root’s surface area for absorption c. anchor the plant in soil
> A dendritic cell engulfs a bacterium, then presents bacterial bits on its surface along with a(n) ________. a. MHC marker b. antibody c. T cell receptor d. antigen
> Antibodies are ______. a. antigen receptors b. made only by B cells c. proteins d. all of the above
> ____ trigger(s) immune responses. a. Cytokines b. Lysozyme c. Antibodies d. Antigens e. Histamines f. MHC markers
> A flu shot is a vaccine for several strains of influenza virus. This year, you get the shot and “the flu.” What happened? (There are at least three explanations.)
> Which artery carries oxygen-poor blood?
> Which of the following has the thickest wall? a. left atrium b. left ventricle c. right atrium d. right ventricle
> Blood pressure is highest in the and lowest in the _________. a. arteries; veins b. arterioles; venules c. veins; arteries d. capillaries; arterioles
> Match the terms with the most suitable description. a. broadleaf forest near equator b.partly enclosed by land; where tundra chaparral desert fresh water and seawater mix c. African grassland with trees d.low-growing plants at high latitudes or eleva
> Blood flows directly from the left atrium to ___________. a. the aorta b. the left ventricle c. the right atrium d. the pulmonary arteries
> The plasma protein albumin is made by ______. a. white blood cells b. red blood cells c. the heart d. the liver
> 1. In ________ blood flows through two completely separate circuits. a. birds b. mammals c. fish d. both a and b 2. The _______ circuit carries blood to and from lungs. a. systemic b. pulmonary 3. Platelets function in ______. a. oxygen transport b. bl
> In a(n) _______, the primary root is typically the largest. a. lateral meristem b. adventitious root system c. fibrous root system d. taproot system
> Is an onion a root or a stem?
> Typically, vascular tissue is organized as in stems and as in roots. a. multiple vascular bundles; one vascular cylinder b. one vascular bundle; multiple vascular cylinders c. one vascular cylinder; multiple vascular bundles d. multiple vascular cylinder
> A vascular bundle in a leaf is called ______. a. a vascular cylinder b. mesophyll c. a vein d. vascular cambium
> Epidermis and periderm are ______ tissues. a. ground b. vascular c. dermal
> All of the vascular bundles inside a typical ______ are arranged in a ring. a. monocot stem b. eudicot stem c. monocot root d. eudicot root
> Which of these traits are retained by an adult lancelet?
> Individuals help sustain biodiversity by ___________. a. reducing consumption b. reusing materials c. recycling materials d. all of the above
> True or false? Most species that evolved have already become extinct.
> Find the points on the given curve where the tangent line is horizontal or vertical. r=1- sine
> Find the points on the given curve where the tangent line is horizontal or vertical.
> Find the points on the given curve where the tangent line is horizontal or vertical. r= e°
> Find the points on the given curve where the tangent line is horizontal or vertical. r= 3 cos e 3 cos
> Find the slope of the tangent line to the given polar curve at the point specified by the value of θ. r= cos(0/3), e= T
> Find the slope of the tangent line to the given polar curve at the point specified by the value of θ. r= cos 20, e = T/4
> Find the slope of the tangent line to the given polar curve at the point specified by the value of θ. r%3D 2 — sin 6, ө— п/3
> Find the slope of the tangent line to the given polar curve at the point specified by the value of θ. r= 1/6, 0 = T
> Evaluate ∑ni-1 3/2i-1.
> Prove the formula for the sum of a finite geometric series with first term and common ratio r ≠1: a(r* – 1) E ari- = a + ar + ar? + · .. + ar"-1 %3D i-1 r- 1
> A machinist is required to manufacture a circular metal disk with area 1000cm2. (a). What radius produces such a disk? (b). If the machinist is allowed an error tolerance of ±5 cm2 in the area of the disk, how close to the ideal radius in part (a) must t
> Show that the curve r = sin θ tan θ (called a cissoid of Diocles) has the line x = 1 as a vertical asymptote. Show also that the curve lies entirely within the vertical strip 0 < x < 1. Use these facts to help sketch the cissoid.
> Show that the polar curve r = 4 + 2 sec θ (called a conchoid) has the line x = 2 as a vertical asymptote by showing that limr→±∞ x = 2. Use this fact to help sketch the conchoid.
> The figure shows a graph of r as a function of θ in Cartesian coordinates. Use it to sketch the corresponding polar curve. TA 2- -2-