1. List the three main activities of human resource management (HRM) and identify which activity is examined at length in the video.
2. Of the various steps in Barcelona’s employee selection process, the job interview is the briefest. Do you agree with the company’s approach to interviewing? Why or why not?
3. Identify Barcelona’s three-stage process for matching job applicants with its organizational objectives, and explain how each stage reveals the fit between job applicants and the needs of the restaurant.
> Explain the difference between risk and ambiguity. How might decision making differ for a risky versus an ambiguous situation?
> Managers at Gap Inc., a once- popular retail chain, are reported to have made a series of decisions that hurt the company: they expanded so rapidly that the chain lost touch with customers; they tried to copy the successful approach of rivals rather than
> A survey of teachers found that two of the most important rewards were the belief that their work was important and a feeling of accomplishment. According to Maslow’s theory, what needs do these rewards meet?
> How does starting an online business differ from starting a small business such as a local auto repair shop or delicatessen? Is it really possible for businesses that operate totally in cyberspace to build close customer relationships? Discuss.
> Experts advise that most catastrophes in organizations result from a series of small problems or mistakes. As a new entry-level manager, how might you apply this understanding to help your organization avoid making major mistakes?
> Can you think of a bad decision from your own school or work experience or from the recent business or political news that was made in an effort to correct or justify a past decision? As a new manager, how might you resist the urge to choose a decision a
> What opportunities and potential problems are posed by the formation of more than one coalition within an organization, each one advocating a different direction or alternatives? What steps can you take as a manager to make sure that dueling coalitions r
> Goals that are overly ambitious can discourage employees and decrease motivation, yet the idea of stretch goals is proposed as a way to get people fired up and motivated. As a manager, how might you decide where to draw the line between a “good” stretch
> Using Porter’s competitive strategies, how would you describe the strategies of Walmart, Macy’s, and Target?
> As organizations become more technology-driven, which do you think will become more important—the management of the human element of the organization or the management of technology? Discuss.
> Studies have suggested that extroverts contribute less to teams and are poor listeners, yet other studies suggest that they are more likely to earn six-figure incomes, even in today’s collaborative, team-oriented workplaces. Discuss why you think this mi
> 1. In the video, Mike Boyle talks about establishing a work environment that motivates employees to do great work. List two or three specific ways Boyle has created this type of environment in his gyms, and explain how these actions empower the employee
> Describe specific ways that you might incorporate Twitter into an organization’s crisis communication plan for customers. How about for employees
> Assume that it is the year 2027. In your company, central planning has given way to frontline decision making and bureaucracy has given way to teamwork. Shop floor workers use handheld devices and robots. A labor shortage currently affects many job openi
> Does it seem like a good idea to let a big data computer program make hiring decisions, as some companies like Xerox are doing, as described in this chapter? What types of positions do you think this might be suitable for? What might be some drawbacks to
> How would you go about deciding whether to use a job-based, skills-based, or pay-for-performance compensation plan for employees in a textile manufacturing plant? For waitstaff in a restaurant? For salespeople in an insurance company?
> 1. Part of Honest Tea’s mission is to convince consumers to make healthier choices by offering innovative products. Based on what you saw in the video, describe at least two “disruptive innovations” this company has made to support this goal. 2. When Ho
> Analyze the driving and restraining forces of a change you would like to make in your life. Do you believe understanding force-field analysis can help you more effectively implement a significant change in your own behavior?
> 1. How do managers at Barcelona control the company’s financial performance? 2. What is the “balanced scorecard” approach to measuring corporate performance, and in what ways does Barcelona utilize this approach? 3. List the four steps of the feedback co
> If managerial work is characterized by variety, fragmentation, and brevity, how do managers perform basic management functions such as planning, which would seem to require reflection and analysis?
> What do you see as the major advantages and disadvantages of a company moving to open innovation?
> Do the underlying values of OD differ from assumptions associated with other types of change? Discuss.
> A management professor once said that for successful management, studying the present was most important, studying the past was next, and studying the future should come last. Do you agree? Why?
> If you wanted to add a group of big data scientists to a large organization such as PepsiCo, would you centralize the scientists in a central pool at headquarters or decentralize them to separate divisions? Discuss your reasons.
> Many successful entrepreneurs say that they did little planning, perhaps scratching notes on a legal pad. How was it possible for them to do well, even so?
> Would you expect the structure of a company such as Facebook that operates almost entirely online to differ from the structure of a bricks-and-mortar company such as AT&T that uses the Internet for some things, such as customer service and business-to-bu
> Suppose that you manage an employee who is spending too much time using social media at work. The result is that he has missed three important deadlines in one week. You are planning a face-to-face conversation to address this performance problem and you
> 1. What role does an advisory board play in this business owner’s approach to decision making? If you were a business owner, would you want to develop an advisory board? 2. After listening to this entrepreneur’s perspective on decision making, how would
> Can intuition and evidence-based decision making coexist as valid approaches within an organization? How might managers combine their intuition with a rational, data-driven, evidence-based approach?
> 1. What are some of Seth Goldman’s responsibilities as “TeaEO” of Honest Tea? Provide at least three detailed examples. 2. How does Goldman’s experience as the founder of the company influence his ability to delegate? 3. Referring to Woodward’s researc
> If you are the CEO of a global company, how might you determine whether a globalization, multidomestic, or transnational strategy would work best for your enterprise? What factors would influence your decision?
> What strategic issues have the potential to create environmental uncertainty in the following four industries: (a) automobile; (b) social media; (c) newspaper; and (d) medical services
> 1. How does JetBlue’s commitment to diversity influence the way it treats its employees? How does it influence the way it treats its customers? 2. JetPride and VetConnect are two of JetBlue’s diversity initiatives. What are some of the benefits JetBlue
> Describe how a diversity of perspective boosts creativity and innovation in the workplace. Why do managers consider a diversity of perspective a competitive advantage?
> Discuss some of the ways organizations and jobs changed over the past ten years. What changes do you anticipate over the next ten years? How might these changes affect the manager’s job and the skills a manager needs to be successful?
> Why do you think a large number of women are opting out of the corporate world? Discuss whether this trend is likely to continue over the next ten years.
> What are the glass ceiling and bamboo ceiling, and why do you think they have proven to be such barriers to women and minorities?
> If talkative men are viewed as powerful and competent, why do you think talkative women are seen as less capable and pushy? Do you think this perception would be different in an organization with a large percentage of female managers at top levels?
> Describe the elements of the communication model in Exhibit 17.2. Give an example of each part of the model as it exists in the classroom during communication between teacher and students.
> How might employee affinity groups contribute to the advancement of women and minorities to higher-level positions in an organization?
> Many people who are successful at the start-up stage of a business are not the right people to carry the venture forward. How do you decide whether you’re better suited to be a serial entrepreneur (start the business and then move on to start another), o
> Describe employees who are most vulnerable to stereotype threat. Why is it important for managers to understand that some employees may experience stereotype threat?
> Surveys reveal dramatic shifts in social attitudes toward issues such as gay marriage and citizenship for illegal immigrants. How do you think these changing attitudes might affect the manager’s job over the next few years?
> 1. Based on how this business owner describes her business, write a one- or two-sentence organizational mission statement for Mi Ola Swimwear. 2. Pick four of the following six categories: strategic goal, strategic plan, tactical goal, tactical plan, o
> Until Sheryl Sandberg was promoted to chief operating officer of Facebook in 2012, its board was composed of only men. Yet a majority of Facebook’s 845 million users are women. Given this demographic, explain how Facebook might benefit from increasing th
> An organizational consultant was heard to say, “Some aspect of functional structure appears in every organization.” Do you agree? Explain.
> You’re a manager who employs a participative control approach. You’ve concluded that corrective action is necessary to improve customer satisfaction, but first you need to convince your employees that the problem exists. What kind of evidence do you thin
> Have you ever experienced or witnessed the queen bee syndrome? What specific strategies might top executives use to avoid the queen bee syndrome among female managers? Do you think that men might employ some of the same tactics as “queen bees” and are si
> How might organizations strike a balance between respecting and meeting the needs of a diverse workforce and shaping a high-performance corporate culture where shared values contribute to the accomplishment of strategic goals?
> What might be some disadvantages of acqui-hiring? As a manager, how would you draw up a contract with a new employee who was an acqui-hire? Include considerations such as compensation and benefits, performance measures, training, and a noncompete agreeme
> What are the characteristics of an open communication climate? Describe the organizational benefits of managers cultivating an open communication climate.
> What personal skills do you need to keep your financial backers feeling confident in your new business? Which skills are most useful when you’re dealing with more informal sources such as family and friends versus receiving funds from stockholders, a ban
> The chapter suggested that structure should be designed to fit strategy. Some theorists argue that strategy should be designed to fit the organization’s structure. With which theory do you agree? Explain.
> A college professor told her students, “The purpose of a management course is to teach students about management, not to teach them to be managers.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Discuss.
> If you are in charge of training and development, which training option or options—such as OJT, cross-training, classroom—would you be likely to choose for your company’s production line manager? A customer service representative? An entry-level accounta
> One human resource manager recently got a thank you note on her iPhone that said “Thx 4 the Iview! Wud ♥ to wrk 4 u!!!☻” The manager had liked the candidate’s interview, but after getting the note, she put him in the reject pile. Do you think it was fair
> What strategic plans could the college or university at which you are taking this management course adopt to compete for students in the marketplace? Would these plans depend on the school’s goals?
> As HR manager for a small company that makes computer games and software, what are some steps that you might take to create an employer brand?
> If you were asked to advise a private company about its EEO responsibilities, what two points would you emphasize as most important?
> What does it mean to say that HRM plays a strategic role in driving organizational performance? Consider recruiting, performance appraisal, and compensation strategies as part of your answer.
> You have been hired to manage a 20-person staff for Nightlight Travels, a travel agency in Las Vegas. For five years, sales have been hammered by the global recession, and staff morale has plummeted as star employees have left for positions in more secur
> How does relational coordination differ from teams and task forces? Do you think relational coordination seems more valuable for a service technology or a manufacturing technology? Explain your answer.
> Is it wise for managers to evaluate a candidate’s tweets or postings on social networking sites as grounds for rejection before even interviewing him or her? What might be ethical and legal issues managers should consider? Discuss.
> Can a manager be effective and successful today without using social media? What do you see as the most important ways for managers to use this technology?
> How might the organizers of an upcoming Olympics use an extranet to get all the elements of the event up and running on schedule?
> Why is benchmarking an important component of TQM programs? Do you believe a company could have a successful TQM program without using benchmarking?
> What types of analysis can managers perform to help them diagnose a company’s financial condition? How can a review of financial statements help managers diagnose other kinds of performance problems as well?
> Some people argue that the presence of an outside threat correlates with a high degree of team cohesiveness. Would you agree or disagree? Explain your answer
> In zero-based budgeting, every account starts at $0, and every dollar added to the budget is reflected by an actual, documented need. Identify the possible advantages of bottom-up budgeting.
> Experts say that for teams to function well, members have to get to know one another in some depth. What specifically would you do to facilitate this in a colocated team? What about in a global virtual team?
> If an experienced executive assistant discovered that she made the same amount of money as a newly hired janitor, how do you think she would react? What inputs and outcomes might she evaluate to make this comparison?
> If you were the leader of a special-purpose team developing a new computer game and conflicts arose related to power and status differences among team members, what would you do? How might you use the various conflict-resolution techniques described in t
> One of the benefits of a strategy map is that goals and how they are linked can be clearly communicated to everyone in the organization. Does a minimum-wage maintenance worker in a hospital really need to understand any goals beyond keeping the place cle
> 1. Intermountain Healthcare is a very large organization with thousands of employees. List at least four methods it uses to communicate with employees. Why do you think this organization feels the need to use so many different methods to communicate? 2.
> If you were asked to design a training program to help managers become better communicators, what would you include in the program?
> Assume you manage a small online business that sells herbal supplements. Without your knowledge, a disgruntled employee has posted damaging information about your company in the company’s blog, including false information about dangerous ingredients in y
> Some critics argue that Six Sigma is a collection of superficial changes that often result in doing a superb job of building the wrong product or offering the wrong service. Do you agree or disagree? Explain?
> During times of significant organizational change, such as downsizing and layoffs, the grapevine becomes more active as anxious employees share organizational news and rumors. As a manager, what communication strategies would you employ during a time of
> Some senior managers believe they should rely on written information and computer reports because these yield more accurate data than do face-to-face communications. Do you agree? Why or why not?
> One small business owner said that he had to teach his young employees what a “dial tone” was. Do you have phone aversion? Do you think it is possible to build a solid business relationship with customers using only text messaging, e-mail, and social med
> Most companies have policies that regulate employees’ personal use of work computers during work hours. Some even monitor employee e-mails and track the Web sites that have been visited. Do you consider this type of surveillance an invasion of privacy? W
> Assume that you are a front-line manager at a call center. Try to come up with a specific motivational idea that fits in each of the four quadrants in Exhibit 16.2: Positive Extrinsic; Positive intrinsic; Negative Extrinsic; Negative Intrinsic
> Based on your knowledge of the following companies, how effective would you say any one of the following acquisitions were in terms of creating synergy a) Microsoft’s purchase of Nokia’s mobile handset and services business? b) Google’s purchase of You
> From the information provided in the chapter example, identify how Western Digital Thailand used both the prevention and the preparation stages of crisis planning.
> 1. What aspects of Camp Bow Wow’s corporate culture are visible and conscious? What aspects are invisible and unconscious? 2. Why did Camp Bow Wow have to change its culture when it became a national franchise? 3. What impact does Heidi Ganahl’s story ha
> Would the task environment for a wireless provider such as U.S. Cellular contain the same elements as that for a government welfare agency? Discuss the similarities and differences.
> Psychologists have identified three pathways to happiness: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. Do you think that it is the manager’s responsibility to help people find these elements in their work? Discuss.
> Can you think of potential drawbacks to retailers using labor waste elimination systems based on scientific management principles, as described in the text? Despite their being about 100 years old, do you believe scientific management characteristics wil
> Why do you think making progress ranks as the most important factor contributing to motivation according to a recent study? How can managers provide a sense of progress for employees working on long-range projects that might not show results for months o
> 1. Does Camp Bow Wow CEO Heidi Ganahl possess qualities associated with contemporary leadership? 2. In what way is Heidi Ganahl’s leadership charismatic and visionary? Give examples. 3. Where does Heidi Ganahl’s leadership fall on the Leadership Grid dis
> Consider the leadership position of a senior partner in a law firm. What task, subordinate, and organizational factors might serve as substitutes for leadership in this situation?
> Do you think leadership is more important or less important in today’s flatter, team-based organizations? Are some leadership styles better suited to such organizations as opposed to traditional hierarchical organizations? Explain.
> The Hay Group published a report that some managers have personalities suited to horizontal relationships such as project management that achieve results with little formal authority. Other managers are more suited to operating roles with much formal aut
> Why do you think so little attention is given to followership compared to leadership in organizations? Discuss how the role of an effective follower is similar to the role of a leader.
> To tap into the experience of battle-tested soldiers, the U.S. Army recently began encouraging personnel from all ranks to go online and collaboratively rewrite some of the Army’s field manuals in a Wikipedia-like fashion. When the rank and file showed l
> What would you feel about working in a boss less organization? What might be your role as a “manager” in such an environment? Do you think this is a trend that will continue to grow or fade away? Why?
> How does Level 5 leadership differ from the concept of servant leadership? Do you believe anyone has the potential to become a Level 5 leader? Discuss.
> Describe the advantages of using a balanced scorecard to measure and control organizational performance. Suppose you created a balanced scorecard for Walmart. What specific customer service measures would you include?
> Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE, tweeted for the first time in September 2012, prompting this response: “@JeffImmelt how come my grandfather got on twitter before you?” Do you think managers should use Twitter and other social media? Can you be an effective manag
> You are a middle manager helping to implement a new corporate cost-cutting strategy, and you’re meeting skepticism, resistance, and in some cases, outright hostility from your subordinates. In what ways might you or the company have been able to avoid th