11. Handwriting containing inks of different chemical compositions may be distinguished by photography with ___________ film.
12. ___________ writings are partially visible impressions appearing on a sheet of paper underneath the one on which the visible writing was done.
13. Many ink dyes can be separated by the technique of ___________ chromatography.
14. Transitory defect marks originating from random debris on the ___________, ___________, or ___________ of a copier produce images.
> Briefly describe the basic chromatographic process. Be sure to explain how motion is important to the process.
> Describe how a microcrystalline test works. Name two advantages of microcrystalline tests.
> How does a color test work? What is the main limitation of a color test for identifying drugs?
> Investigator Terry Martin arrives at an assault scene and finds a cast-off pattern consisting of tiny drops of blood in a very narrow linear arc pattern on a wall near the victim. What does this tell him about the weapon used in the crime?
> Police investigating an apparent suicide collect the following items at the scene: a note purportedly written by the victim, a revolver bearing very faint fingerprints, and traces of skin and blood under the victim’s fingernails. What units of the crime
> What two goals must laboratory testing accomplish to positively identify a drug?
> List and describe the two phases in a criminalist’s scheme of action for identifying a drug.
> What is a precursor? How is possession of a precursor treated under the Controlled Substances Act?
> What is a controlled substance analog? Why are such substances considered schedule I drugs?
> According to the Controlled Substances Act, what is the legal difference between a schedule I drug and a schedule II drug?
> On what three criteria does the Controlled Substances Act classify dangerous substances?
> What is the most popular club drug? Name three negative health effects associated with chronic use of the drug.
> Name two physiological factors and two nondrug factors that influence drug dependence.
> List three important considerations when submitting hair samples to a crime laboratory.
> What is mitochondrial DNA and why is it useful in analyzing hair samples?
> Investigator Priscilla Wright arrives at a murder scene and finds the body of a victim who suffered a gunshot wound, but she sees no blood spatter on the wall or floor behind it. What should she conclude from this observation?
> What type of hair specimens are potentially the richest source of nuclear DNA and why?
> Why are most hair specimens collected at crime scenes not good sources of DNA?
> Which of the following cannot be confidently determined by a microscopic examination of hair: age, sex, racial origin, the part of the body from which the hair came, or whether the hair was pulled out or fell out?
> In comparing two hair samples, what aspects of the hair is the criminalist particularly interested in matching? What other features of hair are important to compare?
> What is the follicular tag and why is it important to forensic scientists studying hair?
> 1. True or False: Henry’s law describes the distribution of a volatile chemical compound between its liquid and gas phases. _________ 2. The (higher, lower) the solubility of a gas in a liquid, the greater its tendency to remain dissolved in that liquid
> 1. _________ are composed of a large number of atoms arranged in repeating units. 2. The basic unit of the polymer is called the _________. 3. _________ are polymers composed of thousands of amino acids linked in a highly organized arrangement and sequ
> 11. True or False: A liter is slightly larger than a quart. ___________ 12. ___________ is a measure of a substance’s heat intensity. 13. There are ___________ degrees Fahrenheit between the freezing and boiling points of water. 14. There are ________
> 1. A(n) ___________ property describes the behavior of a substance without reference to any other substance. 2. A(n) ___________ property describes the behavior of a substance when it reacts or combines with another substance. 3. The ___________ system
> 1. A fire moves away from the original point of ignition because the ___________ created by the combustion process tends to move from a high- temperature region to one at a lower temperature. 2. Electrons and atoms within a solid object exposed to heat
> After looking at the bloodstains in the figure, answer the following questions: Which three drops struck the surface closest to a 90-degree angle? Explain your answer. Which three drops struck the surface farthest from a 90-degree angle? Explain your ans
> 1. True or False: Enzymes known as DNA polymerases assemble new DNA strands into a proper base sequence based off the template strand during replication. ___________ 2. DNA evidence at a crime scene can be copied by the processes of the ___________ with
> 1. An immunological assay technique used to detect the presence of minute quantities of drugs in blood and urine is ___________. 2. Antibodies designed to interact with a specific antigen site are (monoclonal, polyclonal). 3. True or False: Hybridoma c
> 1. True or False: Matter in a solid or liquid state produces an emission spectrum that is characteristic of its composition. _________ 2. The _________ is an instrument used to obtain and record the line spectrum of elements. 3. Excitation of a specime
> 1. A(n) _________ carries blood away from the heart; a(n) _________ carries blood back to the heart. 2. The _________ artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs. 3. Alcohol passes from the blood capillaries into the _________ sacs in
> 1. The process of _________ determines a substance’s physical or chemical identity with as near absolute certainty as existing analytical techniques will permit. 2. The number and type of tests needed to identify a substance must be sufficient to ______
> 21. A digital camera captures light on a light-sensitive _________. 22. True or False: Each crime scene should be photographed as completely as possible in a logical succession, and the photographs should include the area in which the crime actually too
> 11. Three methods for recording the crime scene are _________, _________, and _________. 12. True or False: Note-taking begins with the call to a crime-scene investigator to report to a scene. _________ 13. The crime-scene notes should include a precis
> 1. The term _________ encompasses all objects that can establish or disprove whether a crime has been committed or can link a crime and its victim or its perpetrator. 2. True or False: Scientific evaluation of crime-scene evidence can usually overcome t
> 41. The possibility of future legal proceedings requires that a(n) _________ be established with respect to the possession and location of physical evidence. 42. Most physical evidence collected at the crime scene will require the accompanying submissio
> 31. The crime-scene search is undertaken to locate _________. 32. True or False: The search patterns that may be used to search a crime scene for evidence include the line pattern, grid pattern, polar coordinate pattern, and spiral pattern. _________ 3
> An investigator at a murder scene notes signs of a prolonged struggle between the attacker and victim. Name at least three types of physical evidence for which the investigator would probably collect standard/reference samples and explain why he or she w
> 21. The _________ unit dispatches trained personnel to the scene of a crime to retrieve evidence for laboratory examination. 22. The “general acceptance” principle, which serves as a criterion for the judicial admissibility of scientific evidence, was s
> 11. The first forensic laboratory in the United States was created in 1923 by the _________ Police Department. 12. The state of _________ is an excellent example of a geographical area in the United States that has created a system of integrated regiona
> 1. The application of science to law describes _________. 2. The fictional exploits of _________ excited the imagination of an emerging generation of forensic scientists and criminal investigators. 3. A system of personal identification using a series
> 21. ___________ chains of evidence describe the events of a crime in terms of cause and effect. 22. ___________ crime assessment attempts to tie elements of a crime together into a single crime scene and use the timelines to build a picture and describe
> 11. Examiners make it a practice to run an extracted image (once, twice). 12. The ___________ extraction is fairly fast, and one may want to examine it for obvious evidence while a tool is making a physical image of the target. 13. Just like computers,
> 1. Early mobile phone systems were followed by digital ___________ networks. 2. True or False: The architectural functionality that distinguishes 2G from 3G is that 2G systems were circuit switched and 3G systems are packet switched ___________. 3. Tru
> 31. E-mails have the ___________ address of the sender in the header portion of the mail. 32. True or False: Chat and instant messages conducted over the Internet are typically stored in RAM storage. ___________ 33. When investigating a hacking inciden
> 21. The existence of ___________ data is why a forensic image of the media is created. 22. The smallest unit of addressable space on a hard disk drive is the ___________. 23. The two types of slack space are ___________ slack and ___________ slack. 24
> 11. Personal computers typically communicate with each other through a(n) ___________. 12. The computer’s ___________ permits the user to manage files and applications. 13. A hard drive’s partitions are typically divided into ___________, ___________,
> 1. Computer forensics involves the ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________ of computer data. 2. True or False: Hardware comprises the physical components of the computer.___________ 3. ___________ is a set of instructions co
> Which of the forensic databases described in the text contain information that relates primarily to evidence exhibiting class characteristics? Which ones contain information that relates primarily to evidence exhibiting individual characteristics? Explai
> 1. Any object that contains handwriting or typescript and whose source or authenticity is in doubt is referred to as a(n) ___________. 2. Variations in mechanical, physical, and mental functions make it (likely, unlikely) that the writing of two differe
> 41. The explosive core in detonating cord is ___________. 42. A high explosive is normally detonated by a(n) ___________ explosive contained within a blasting cap. 43. An obvious characteristic of a high explosive is the presence of a(n) ___________ at
> 31. True or False: Chemicals that supply oxygen are known as oxidizing agents. ___________ 32. Explosives that decompose at relatively slow rates are classified as ___________ explosives. 33. The speed at which low explosives decompose is called the sp
> 21. A search of the fire scene must focus on finding the fire’s ___________. 22. True or False: The probable origin of a fire is most likely closest to the lowest point that shows the most intense characteristics of burning. ___________ 23. The collect
> 11. A chemical reaction in which heat is absorbed from the surroundings is said to be ___________. 12. True or False: All reactions require an energy input to start them. ___________ 13. The minimum temperature at which a fuel burns is known as the ___
> 1. True or False: The absence of chemical residues always rules out the possibility of arson. ___________ 2. The combination of oxygen with other substances to produce new chemical products is called ___________. 3. True or False: All oxidation reactio
> 31. True or False: Y-STR data is normally entered into the CODIS database collection. ___________. 32. Small amounts of blood are best submitted to a crime laboratory in a (wet, dry) condition. 33. True or False: Airtight packages make the best contain
> 21. Used as markers for identification purposes, ___________ are locations on the chromosome that contain short sequences that repeat themselves within the DNA molecule and in great abundance throughout the human genome. 22. (CODIS, AFIS) maintains loca
> 11. ___________ are derived from a combination of up to 20 known amino acids. 12. The production of an amino acid is controlled by a sequence of ___________ bases on the DNA molecule. 13. True or False: Enzymes known as DNA polymerase assemble new DNA
> For each of the following pieces of evidence, indicate whether the item is more likely to possess class or individual characteristics and explain your answers. a. An impression from a new automobile tire b. A fingerprint c. A spent bullet cartridge d. A
> 1. The fundamental unit of heredity is the ___________. 2. Each gene is actually composed of ___________, specifically designed to carry out a single body function. 3. A(n) ___________ is a very large molecule made by linking a series of repeating unit
> 31. The sex of an offspring is always determined by the (mother, father). 32. Genes that influence a given characteristic and are aligned with one another on a chromosome pair are known as ___________. 33. When a pair of allelic genes is identical, the
> 21. The distribution of type A blood in the United States is approximately (42, 15) percent. 22. The distribution of type AB blood in the United States is approximately (12, 3) percent. 23. (All, Most) blood hemoglobin has peroxidase-like activity. 24
> 11. Serum contains proteins known as ___________, which destroy or inactivate antigens. 12. An antibody reacts with (any, only a specific) antigen. 13. True or False: Agglutination describes the clumping together of red blood cells by the action of an
> 1. Karl Landsteiner discovered that blood can be classified by its ___________. 2. True or False: No two individuals, except for identical twins, can be expected to have the same combination of blood types or antigens. ___________ 3. ___________ is the
> 31. True or False: The ultimate value of soil as evidence depends on its variation at the crime scene. _________ 32. To develop an idea of the soil variation within the crime-scene area, standard/reference soils should be collected at various intervals
> 21. The two most important components of dried paint from the criminalist’s point of view are the _________ and the _________. 22. The most important physical property of paint in a forensic comparison is _________. 23. Paints can be individualized to
> 11. A line spectrum of an element (is, is not) characteristic of the element. 12. Three important subatomic particles of the atom are the _________, _________, and _________. 13. The total number of protons and neutrons present in a nucleus is known as
> 1. The presence of _________ elements in materials provides useful “invisible” markers when comparing physical evidence. 2. The proton and electron (are, are not) of approximately equal mass. 3. A proton imparts the nucleus of an atom with a _________
> 31. Both _________ and _________ tests must be incorporated into the drug-testing protocol of a toxicology laboratory to ensure the correctness of the laboratory’s conclusions. 32. The gas _________ combines with hemoglobin in the blood to form carboxy-
> The following are three possible combinations of DNA characteristics that may be found in an individual’s genetic profile. Using the product rule, rank each of these combinations of DNA characteristics from most common to least common. The number after e
> 21. Failure to add a preservative, such as sodium fluoride, to blood removed from a living person may lead to a(n) (decline, increase) in alcohol concentration. 22. Most states have established _________ percent w/v as the impairment limit for blood-alc
> 11. The amount of alcohol exhaled in the _________ is directly proportional to the concentration of alcohol in the blood. 12. Alcohol is eliminated from the blood at an average rate of _________ percent w/v. 13. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood from
> 1. The most heavily abused drug in the Western world is _________. 2. True or False: Toxicologists are employed only by crime laboratories. _________ 3. The amount of alcohol in the blood (is, is not) directly proportional to the concentration of alcoh
> 51. The study of the absorption of light by chemical substances is known as _________. 52. An (ultraviolet, infrared) absorption spectrum provides a unique “fingerprint” of a chemical substance. 53. The gas chromatograph, in combination with the ______
> 41. The _________ color test reagent turns orange-brown in the presence of amphetamines. 42. The Duquenois–Levine test is a valuable color test for _________. 43. The _________ test is a widely used color test for cocaine. 44. _________ tests tentativ
> 31. True or False: Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system depressant. _________ 32. The two drugs usually associated with drug-facilitated sexual assaults are _________ and _________. 33. _________ steroids are designed to promote muscle growth b
> 21. _________ are called “downers” because they depress the central nervous system. 22. Phenobarbital is an example of a (short-, long-) acting barbiturate. 23. _________ is a powerful sedative and muscle relaxant that possesses many of the depressant
> 11. A legally manufactured drug that is chemically related to heroin and heavily abused is _________. 12. True or False: Methadone is classified as a narcotic drug, even though it is not derived from opium or morphine. _________ 13. Drugs that cause ma
> 1. True or False: Underlying emotional factors are the primary motives leading to the repeated use of a drug. _________ 2. Drugs such as alcohol, heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, and cocaine can lead to a (high, low) degree of psychological dependenc
> 31. True or False: A first step in the forensic examination of fibers is to compare color and diameter. _________ 32. The micro-spectrophotometer employing _________ light is a convenient way for analysts to compare the colors of fibers through spectral
> Arrange the following tasks in order from the one that would require the least extensive testing procedure to the one that would require the most extensive. Explain your answer. a. Determining whether an unknown substance contains an illicit drug b. Dete
> 21. A(n) _________ hair root is a likely candidate for DNA typing. 22. True or False: The onset of postmortem changes to the root portion of hair is only observed in anagenic and catagenic hairs. _________ 23. A minimum collection of _________ full-len
> 11. True or False: Much of a hair’s resistance and stability is attributed to the cuticle. _________ 12. The three stages of hair growth are the _________, _________, and _________ phases. 13. True or False: Individual hairs can show variable morpholog
> 1. Hair is an appendage of the skin, growing out of an organ known as the _________. 2. The three layers of the hair shaft are the _________, the _________, and the _________. 3. True or False: The scales of most animal hairs can be described as lookin
> 41. True or False: It is easy to determine from the size and shape of a hole in glass whether it was made by a bullet or some other projectile. ___________ 42. True or False: Stress marks on the edge of a radial crack are always perpendicular to the edg
> 32. The two most useful physical properties of glass for forensic comparisons are ___________ and ___________. 33. True or False: Automobile headlights and heat-resistant glass, such as Pyrex, are manufactured with lime oxide added to the oxide mix. ___
> 21. True or False: Color is a usual indication that substances selectively absorb light. ___________ 22. The distance between two successive identical points on a wave is known as ___________. 23. True or False: Frequency and wavelength are directly pr
> 11. The attraction forces between the molecules of a liquid are (greater, less) than those in a solid. 12. Different ___________ are separated by definite visible boundaries. 13. Mass per unit volume defines the property of ___________. 14. If an obje
> 1. Anything that has mass and occupies space is defined as ___________. 2. The basic building blocks of all substances are the ___________. 3. The number of elements known today is ___________. 4. An arrangement of elements by similar chemical propert
> 31. Tool marks compare only when a sufficient number of ___________ match between the evidence and test markings. 32. Objects bearing tool marks should be submitted intact to the crime lab or a(n) ___________ should be taken of the tool mark. 33. An im
> 21. Determining whether an individual has fired a weapon is done by measuring the elements ___________ and ___________ present on the hands. 22. True or False: Firings with all types of ammunition can be detected by hand swabbings with nitric acid. ____
> During his search of a homicide scene, investigator David Gurney collects evidence that includes a bloody shirt. After the crime-scene team has completely processed the scene, Investigator Gurney packages the shirt in a paper bag, seals the bag, and labe
> 11. True or False: A cartridge case can be individualized to a single weapon. ___________ 12. The automated firearms search system developed by the FBI and ATF as a unified system incorporating both DRUGFIRE and IBIS technologies available in prior year
> 1. The ___________ is the original part of the bore left after rifling grooves are formed. 2. The diameter of the gun barrel is known as its ___________. 3. True or False: The number of lands and grooves is a class characteristic of a barrel. _______
> 21. True or False: A bridge is used to join two independent objective lenses into a single binocular unit to form a comparison microscope. _______ 22. Two monocular compound microscopes properly spaced and aligned describe the ______ microscope. 23.
> 11. A microscope that remains in focus regardless of which objective lens is rotated into place is _________. 12. A microscope with only one eyepiece is ________; one with two eyepieces is ______. 13. Each microscope lens is inscribed with a number s
> 1. A microscope uses a combination of ______ to magnify an image. 2. A type of image that cannot be viewed directly is called a(n) ______ image. 3. A(n) ________ microscope consists of two lenses mounted at each end of a hollow tube. 4. The lens cl
> 31. A significant advantage of automated facial recognition, as compared to the other different forms of biometrics, is that it does not require subjects to participate. Millions of people can be walking by a _________ each day without realizing that the
> 21. The iris begins to form at the _________ stage of pregnancy, where muscle fibers start to take shape and construct tight patterns. 22. The _________ is composed of neural cells in the back of the eyeball that provide a “screen” for the cornea and l
> 11. A second process known as the _________ module compares all collected files to the system’s database. 12. The first process that each biometric system must perform is _________. 13. True or False: The human iris will undergo significant changes dur