2.99 See Answer

Question: A 7500-kg rocket blasts off vertically

A 7500-kg rocket blasts off vertically from the launch pad with a constant upward acceleration of 2.25 m/s2 and feels no appreciable air resistance. When it has reached a height of 525 m, its engines suddenly fail; the only force acting on it is now gravity.
(a) What is the maximum height this rocket will reach above the launch pad?
(b) How much time will elapse after engine failure before the rocket comes crashing down to the launch pad, and how fast will it be moving just before it crashes?
(c) Sketch ay-t, vy-t, and y-t graphs of the rocket’s motion from the instant of blast-off to the instant just before it strikes the launch pad.

> A falling brick has a mass of 1.5 kg and is moving straight downward with a speed of 5.0 m/s. A 1.5-kg physics book is sliding across the floor with a speed of 5.0 m/s. A 1.5-kg melon is traveling with a horizontal velocity component 3.0 m/s to the right

> It is 5.0 km from your home to the physics lab. As part of your physical fitness program, you could run that distance at 10 km/h (which uses up energy at the rate of 700 W), or you could walk it leisurely at 3.0 km/h (which uses energy at 290 W). Which c

> How many joules of energy does a 100-watt light bulb use per hour? How fast would a 70-kg person have to run to have that amount of kinetic energy?

> A crate on a motorized cart starts from rest and moves with a constant eastward acceleration of a = 2.80 m/s2. A worker assists the cart by pushing on the crate with a force that is eastward and has magnitude that depends on time according to F(t)=(5.40

> A 75.0-kg painter climbs a ladder that is 2.75 m long and leans against a vertical wall. The ladder makes a 30.0° angle with the wall. (a) How much work does gravity do on the painter? (b) Does the answer to part (a) depend on whether the painter climbs

> A force in the +x-direction with magnitude F(x)= 18.0 N –(0.530 N/m)x is applied to a 6.00-kg box that is sitting on the horizontal, frictionless surface of a frozen lake. F(x) is the only horizontal force on the box. If the box is initially at rest at x

> An ingenious bricklayer builds a device for shooting bricks up to the top of the wall where he is working. He places a brick on a vertical compressed spring with force constant k = 450 N/m and negligible mass. When the spring is released, the brick is pr

> A small glider is placed against a compressed spring at the bottom of an air track that slopes upward at an angle of 40.0° above the horizontal. The glider has mass 0.0900 kg. The spring has k = 640 N/m and negligible mass. When the spring is released, t

> (a) Suppose you cut a massless ideal spring in half. If the full spring had a force constant k, what is the force constant of each half, in terms of k? (b) If you cut the spring into three equal segments instead, what is the force constant of each one, i

> At a waterpark, sleds with riders are sent along a slippery, horizontal surface by the release of a large compressed spring. The spring, with force constant k = 40.0 N/cm and negligible mass, rests on the frictionless horizontal surface. One end is in co

> Suppose the 2.0-kg model car in Exercise 6.43 is initially at rest at x = 0 and

> Many terms from physics are badly misused in everyday language. In both cases, explain the errors involved. (a) A strong person is called powerful. What is wrong with this use of power? (b) When a worker carries a bag of concrete along a level constructi

> A force

> A 4.00-kg block of ice is placed against a horizontal spring that has force constant k = 200 N/m and is compressed 0.025 m. The spring is released and accelerates the block along a horizontal surface. Ignore friction and the mass of the spring. (a) Calcu

> (a) In Example 6.7 (Section 6.3) it was calculated that with the air track turned off, the glider travels 8.6 cm before it stops instantaneously. How large would the coefficient of static friction

> As part of your daily workout, you lie on your back and push with your feet against a platform attached to two stiff springs arranged side by side so that they are parallel to each other. When you push the platform, you compress the springs. You do 80.0

> Suppose the worker in Exercise 6.3 pushes downward at an angle of 30° below the horizontal. (a) What magnitude of force must the worker apply to move the crate at constant velocity? (b) How much work is done on the crate by this force when the crate is p

> A 6.0-kg box moving at 3.0 m/s on a horizontal, frictionless surface runs into a light spring of force constant 75 N/cm. Use the work–energy theorem to find the maximum compression of the spring.

> A spring of force constant 300.0 N/m and unstretched length 0.240 m is stretched by two forces, pulling in opposite directions at opposite ends of the spring, that increase to 15.0 N. How long will the spring now be, and how much work was required to str

> Suppose the sled in Exercise 6.36 is initially at rest at x = 0. Use the work–energy theorem to find the speed of the sled at (a) x = 8.0 m and (b) x = 12.0 m. Ignore friction between the sled and the surface of the pond.

> A child applies a force

> Three identical 8.50-kg masses are hung by three identical springs (Fig. E6.35). Each spring has a force constant of 7.80 kN/m and was 12.0 cm long before any masses were attached to it. (a) Draw a free-body diagram of each mass. (b) How long is each spr

> You swing a ball on the end of a lightweight string in a horizontal circle at constant speed. Can the string ever be truly horizontal? If not, would it slope above the horizontal or below the horizontal? Why?

> A ball is held at rest at position A in Fig. P5.115 by two light strings. The horizontal string is cut, and the ball starts swinging as a pendulum. Position B is the farthest to the right that the ball can go as it swings back and forth. What is the rati

> In Fig. P5.114 masses m1 and m2 are connected by a light string A over a light, frictionless pulley B. The axle of pulley B is connected by a light string Cover a light, frictionless pulley D to a mass m3. Pulley D is suspended from the ceiling by an att

> A wedge with mass M rests on a frictionless, horizontal tabletop. A block with mass m is placed on the wedge, and a horizontal force

> A wedge with mass M rests on a frictionless, horizontal tabletop. A block with mass m is placed on the wedge (Fig. P5.112a). There is no friction between the block and the wedge. The system is released from rest. (a) Calculate the acceleration of the wed

> A block of ice with mass 2.00 kg slides 1.35 m down an inclined plane that slopes downward at an angle of 36.9° below the horizontal. If the block of ice starts from rest, what is its final speed? Ignore friction.

> A factory worker pushes a 30.0-kg crate a distance of 4.5 m along a level floor at constant velocity by pushing horizontally on it. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor is 0.25. (a) What magnitude of force must the worker a

> A little red wagon with mass 7.00 kg moves in a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. It has an initial speed of 4.00 m>s and then is pushed 3.0 m in the direction of the initial velocity by a force with a magnitude of 10.0 N. (a) Use the w

> A soccer ball with mass 0.420 kg is initially moving with speed 2.00 m/s. A soccer player kicks the ball, exerting a constant force of magnitude 40.0 N in the same direction as the ball’s motion. Over what distance must the player’s foot be in contact wi

> A 12-pack of Omni-Cola (mass 4.30 kg) is initially at rest on a horizontal floor. It is then pushed in a straight line for 1.20 m by a trained dog that exerts a horizontal force with magnitude 36.0 N. Use the work–energy theorem to find the final speed o

> A mass m slides down a smooth inclined plane from an initial vertical height h, making an angle a with the horizontal. (a) The work done by a force is the sum of the work done by the components of the force. Consider the components of gravity parallel an

> A curve in a road has a bank angle calculated and posted for 80 km/h. However, the road is covered with ice, so you cautiously plan to drive slower than this limit. What might happen to your car? Why?

> In the conical pendulum of Example 5.20 (Section 5.4), which of the forces do work on the bob while it is swinging? Example 5.20: An inventor designs a pendulum clock using a bob with mass m at the end of a thin wire of length L. Instead of swinging ba

> A rookie quarterback throws a football with an initial upward velocity component of 12.0 m>s and a horizontal velocity component of 20.0 m/s. Ignore air resistance. (a) How much time is required for the football to reach the highest point of the trajecto

> Crickets Chirpy and Milada jump from the top of a vertical cliff. Chirpy drops downward and reaches the ground in 2.70 s, while Milada jumps horizontally with an initial speed of 95.0 cm/s. How far from the base of the cliff will Milada hit the ground? I

> A daring 510-N swimmer dives off a cliff with a running horizontal leap, as shown in Fig. E3.10. What must her minimum speed be just as she leaves the top of the cliff so that she will miss the ledge at the bottom, which is 1.75 m wide and 9.00 m below t

> A squirrel has x- and y-coordinates (1.1 m, 3.4 m) at time t1 = 0 and coordinates (5.3 m, -0.5 m) at time t2 = 3.0 s. For this time interval, find (a) the components of the average velocity, and (b) the magnitude and direction of the average velocity.

> A ball moves in a straight line (the x-axis). The graph in Fig. E2.9 shows this ball’s velocity as a function of time. (a) What are the ball’s average speed and average velocity during the first 3.0 s? (b) Suppose that

> A bird is flying due east. Its distance from a tall building is given by x(t)= 28.0 m +(12.4 m/s)t –(0.0450 m/s3)t3. What is the instantaneous velocity of the bird when t = 8.00 s?

> A car is stopped at a traffic light. It then travels along a straight road such that its distance from the light is given by x(t)= bt2 - ct3, where b = 2.40 m/s2 and c = 0.120 m>s3. (a) Calculate the average velocity of the car for the time interval t =

> Starting from the front door of a ranch house, you walk 60.0 m due east to a windmill, turn around, and then slowly walk 40.0 m west to a bench, where you sit and watch the sunrise. It takes you 28.0 s to walk from the house to the windmill and then 36.0

> All of the stars of the Big Dipper (part of the constellation Ursa Major) may appear to be the same distance from the earth, but in fact they are very far from each other. Figure P1.91 shows the distances from the earth to each of these stars. The distan

> The football team at Enormous State University (ESU) uses vector displacements to record its plays, with the origin taken to be the position of the ball before the play starts. In a certain pass play, the receiver starts at +1.0

> Can you have zero displacement and nonzero average velocity? Zero displacement and nonzero velocity? Illustrate your answers on an x-t graph.

> A ball is thrown straight up from the edge of the roof of a building. A second ball is dropped from the roof 1.00 s later. Ignore air resistance. (a) If the height of the building is 20.0 m, what must the initial speed of the first ball be if both are to

> A student is running at her top speed of 5.0 m/s to catch a bus, which is stopped at the bus stop. When the student is still 40.0 m from the bus, it starts to pull away, moving with a constant acceleration of 0.170 m/s2. (a) For how much time and what di

> In the vertical jump, an athlete starts from a crouch and jumps upward as high as possible. Even the best athletes spend little more than 1.00 s in the air (their “hang time”). Treat the athlete as a particle and let ymax be his maximum height above the

> A brick is dropped (zero initial speed) from the roof of a building. The brick strikes the ground in 1.90 s. You may ignore air resistance, so the brick is in free fall. (a) How tall, in meters, is the building? (b) What is the magnitude of the brick’s v

> A meter stick is held vertically above your hand, with the lower end between your thumb and first finger. When you see the meter stick released, you grab it with those two fingers. You can calculate your reaction time from the distance the meter stick fa

> A lunar lander is making its descent to Moon Base I (Fig. E2.40). The lander descends slowly under the retro-thrust of its descent engine. The engine is cut off when the lander is 5.0 m above the surface and has a downward speed of 0.8 m/s. With the engi

> A tennis ball on Mars, where the acceleration due to gravity is 0.379g and air resistance is negligible, is hit directly upward and returns to the same level 8.5 s later. (a) How high above its original point did the ball go? (b) How fast was it moving j

> A rocket designed to place small payloads into orbit is carried to an altitude of 12.0 km above sea level by a converted airliner. When the airliner is flying in a straight line at a constant speed of 850 km/h, the rocket is dropped. After the drop, the

> Two students are canoeing on a river. While heading upstream, they accidentally drop an empty bottle overboard. They then continue paddling for 60 minutes, reaching a point 2.0 km farther upstream. At this point they realize that the bottle is missing an

> A driver in Massachusetts was sent to traffic court for speeding. The evidence against the driver was that a policewoman observed the driver’s car alongside a second car at a certain moment, and the policewoman had already clocked the second car going fa

> A projectile thrown from a point P moves in such a way that its distance from P is always increasing. Find the maximum angle above the horizontal with which the projectile could have been thrown. Ignore air resistance.

> At the instant the traffic light turns green, a car that has been waiting at an intersection starts ahead with a constant acceleration of 2.80 m/s2. At the same instant a truck, traveling with a constant speed of 20.0 m/s, overtakes and passes the car. (

> A small block has constant acceleration as it slides down a frictionless incline. The block is released from rest at the top of the incline, and its speed after it has traveled 6.80 m to the bottom of the incline is 3.80 m/s. What is the speed of the blo

> Two cars, A and B, move along the x-axis. Figure E2.32 is a graph of the positions of A and B versus time. (a) In motion diagrams (like Figs. 2.13b and 2.14b), show the position, velocity, and acceleration of each of the two cars at t = 0, t = 1 s, and t

> The graph in Fig. E2.31 shows the velocity of a motorcycle police officer plotted as a function of time. (a) Find the instantaneous acceleration at t = 3 s, t = 7 s, and t = 11 s. (b) How far does the officer go in the first 5 s? The first 9 s? The first

> You normally drive on the freeway between San Diego and Los Angeles at an average speed of 105 km/h 165 mi/h2, and the trip takes 1 h and 50 min. On a Friday afternoon, however, heavy traffic slows you down and you drive the same distance at an average s

> A car sits on an entrance ramp to a freeway, waiting for a break in the traffic. Then the driver accelerates with constant acceleration along the ramp and onto the freeway. The car starts from rest, moves in a straight line, and has a speed of 20 m/s 145

> It has been suggested, and not facetiously, that life might have originated on Mars and been carried to the earth when a meteor hit Mars and blasted pieces of rock (perhaps containing primitive life) free of the Martian surface. Astronomers know that man

> Falls resulting in hip fractures are a major cause of injury and even death to the elderly. Typically, the hip’s speed at impact is about 2.0 m/s. If this can be reduced to 1.3 m/s or less, the hip will usually not fracture. One way to do this is by wear

> During an auto accident, the vehicle’s air bags deploy and slow down the passengers more gently than if they had hit the windshield or steering wheel. According to safety standards, air bags produce a maximum acceleration of 60g that lasts for only 36 ms

> Can an object with constant acceleration reverse its direction of travel? Can it reverse its direction twice? In both cases, explain your reasoning.

> A pilot who accelerates at more than 4g begins to “gray out” but doesn’t completely lose consciousness. (a) Assuming constant acceleration, what is the shortest time that a jet pilot starting from rest can take to reach Mach 4 (four times the speed of so

> The human body can survive an acceleration trauma incident (sudden stop) if the magnitude of the acceleration is less than 250 m/s2. If you are in an automobile accident with an initial speed of 105 km/h 165 mi/h2 and are stopped by an airbag that inflat

> In the fastest measured tennis serve, the ball left the racquet at 73.14 m/s. A served tennis ball is typically in contact with the racquet for 30.0 ms and starts from rest. Assume constant acceleration. (a) What was the ball’s acceleration during this s

> The fastest measured pitched baseball left the pitcher’s hand at a speed of 45.0 m/s. If the pitcher was in contact with the ball over a distance of 1.50 m and produced constant acceleration, (a) what acceleration did he give the ball, and (b) how much t

> A jet fighter pilot wishes to accelerate from rest at a constant acceleration of 5g to reach Mach 3 (three times the speed of sound) as quickly as possible. Experimental tests reveal that he will black out if this acceleration lasts for more than 5.0 s.

> An antelope moving with constant acceleration covers the distance between two points 70.0 m apart in 6.00 s. Its speed as it passes the second point is 15.0 m/s. What are (a) its speed at the first point and (b) its acceleration?

> The position of the front bumper of a test car under microprocessor control is given by x (t)= 2.17 m + (4.80 m/s2)t2 –(0.100 m/s6)t6. (a) Find its position and acceleration at the instants when the car has zero velocity. (b) Draw x-t, vx-t, and ax-t gra

> A car’s velocity as a function of time is given by vx(t)= a + bt2, where a = 3.00 m/s and b = 0.100 m/s3. (a) Calculate the average acceleration for the time interval t = 0 to t = 5.00 s. (b) Calculate the instantaneous acceleration for t = 0 and t = 5.0

> An astronaut has left the International Space Station to test a new space scooter. Her partner measures the following velocity changes, each taking place in a 10-s interval. What are the magnitude, the algebraic sign, and the direction of the average acc

> A turtle crawls along a straight line, which we will call the x-axis with the positive direction to the right. The equation for the turtle’s position as a function of time is x (t) = 50.0 cm +(2.00 cm>s) t –(0.0625 cm/s2)t2. (a) Find the turtle’s initial

> Under what conditions does the magnitude of the average velocity equal the average speed?

> A race car starts from rest and travels east along a straight and level track. For the first 5.0 s of the car’s motion, the eastward component of the car’s velocity is given by vx(t)=(0.860 m>s3)t2. What is the acceleration of the car when vx = 12.0 m/s?

> The table shows test data for the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, the fastest street car made. The car is moving in a straight line (the x-axis). (a) Sketch a vx-t graph of this car’s velocity (in mi/h) as a function of time. Is its accel

> Figure E2.12 shows the velocity of a solar-powered car as a function of time. The driver accelerates from a stop sign, cruises for 20 s at a constant speed of 60 km / h, and then brakes to come to a stop 40 s after leaving the stop sign. (a) Compute the

> A test car travels in a straight line along the x-axis. The graph in Fig. E2.11 shows the car’s position x as a function of time. Find its instantaneous velocity at points A through G. Fig. E2.11: Figure E2.11 x (m) 40 30 FA 20 10

> A physics professor leaves her house and walks along the sidewalk toward campus. After 5 min it starts to rain, and she returns home. Her distance from her house as a function of time is shown in Fig. E2.10. At which of the labeled points is her velocity

> High-speed motion pictures (3500 frames>second) of a jumping, 210-mg flea yielded the data used to plot the graph in Fig. E2.54. (See “The Flying Leap of the Flea” by M. Rothschild, Y. Schlein, K. Parker, C. Neville

> The acceleration of a motorcycle is given by ax(t)= At - Bt2, where A = 1.50 m/s3 and B = 0.120 m/s4. The motorcycle is at rest at the origin at time t = 0. (a) Find its position and velocity as functions of time. (b) Calculate the maximum velocity it at

> The acceleration of a bus is given by ax(t)= at, where a = 1.2 m/s3. (a) If the bus’s velocity at time t = 1.0 s is 5.0 m/s, what is its velocity at time t = 2.0 s ? (b) If the bus’s position at time t = 1.0 s is 6.0 m, what is its position at time t = 2

> A rocket starts from rest and moves upward from the surface of the earth. For the first 10.0 s of its motion, the vertical acceleration of the rocket is given by ay =(2.80 m/s3)t, where the +y-direction is upward. (a) What is the height of the rocket abo

> A small object moves along the x-axis with acceleration ax(t)= -(0.0320 m/s3)(15.0 s – t). At t = 0 the object is at x = -14.0 m and has velocity v0x = 8.00 m/s. What is the x-coordinate of the object when t = 10.0 s?

> Is it possible for an object to be (a) slowing down while its acceleration is increasing in magnitude; (b) speeding up while its acceleration is decreasing? In both cases, explain your reasoning.

> You throw a small rock straight up from the edge of a highway bridge that crosses a river. The rock passes you on its way down, 6.00 s after it was thrown. What is the speed of the rock just before it reaches the water 28.0 m below the point where the ro

> For the two vectors

> For the two vectors A and D in Fig. E1.24, find the magnitude and direction of (a) the vector product

> For the two vectors in Fig. E1.35, find the magnitude and direction of (a)the vector product

> Find the angle between each of these pairs of vectors: (a)

> Find the vector product

> For tℎe vectors

> (a) Find the scalar product of the vectors

> Given two vectors

> You are given two vectors

> The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) maintains several accurate copies of the international standard kilogram. Even after careful cleaning, these national standard kilograms are gaining mass at an average rate of about 1 mg>y (y


See Answer