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Question: After walking for about an hour, you

After walking for about an hour, you feel several spiders in your pants. You don’t feel any pain, but you realize some spider bites are painless. Which of these spider bites is painless?

> Imelda Sanchez, manager of the Arias Division of Poncé Chemical, is evaluated based on the division’s return on investment and residual income. Near the end of November 2010, she was reviewing the division’s financial information as well as some activiti

> Fashion Fabrics sells sewing and craft materials to specialty retail and department stores. For 2010, the company’s New York Division had the following performance targets: Asset turnover ………………………………….3.0 Profit margin ………………………………….5.5% Actual informa

> Indicate whether each of the following statements constitutes a potential disadvantage (D), or neither (N) of using transfer prices for support department costs. a. Can put all support departments on an equal footing b. Can cause certain services to be u

> Go to your university’s Web site and review the various organizational units within the university. Assuming no transfer pricing exists, make a list of the units that you believe would be classified as cost centers and profit centers.

> Indicate whether each of the following is a potential advantage (A) or disadvantage (D) of decentralization. If an item is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage, use N. a. Provision of increased job satisfaction b. Development of leadership qualities c

> Eastgate Electronics is considering a new product line that would require an investment of $140,000 in equipment and $180,000 in working capital. Store managers expect the following pattern of net cash inflows from the new product line over the life of t

> Use the information for Sheridan Shacks in Exercise and assume a tax rate for the company of 35 percent. Information given in Exercise 8: Sheridan Shacks makes portable garden sheds that sell for $1,800 each. Costs are as follows: a. If Sheridan Shacks

> Tasty Beverages began business in 2010 selling bottles of a thirst-quenching drink. Production for the first year was 104,000 bottles, and sales were 98,000 bottles. The selling price per bottle was $3.10. Costs incurred during the year were as follows:

> The great global recession has claimed many victims. 51 In many countries, unemployment is at near-historic highs, and even those who have managed to keep their jobs have often been asked to accept reduced work hours or pay cuts. Another consequence of t

> Describe a situation where your perception turned out to be wrong. What perceptual errors did you make that might have caused this to happen?

> Some researchers—psychologist Paul Ekman may be the best known—have studied whether facial expressions reveal true emotions. 185 These researchers have distinguished real smiles (so-called Duchenne smiles, named after French physician Guillaume Duchenne)

> Samantha Parks is the owner and CEO of Sparks, a small agency that develops advertising, promotions, and marketing materials for high-fashion firms. 119 Parks has tended to keep a tight rein on her business, overseeing most projects from start to finish.

> What are employee involvement programs? How might they increase employee motivation?

> What are the three alternative work arrangements of flextime, job sharing and telecommuting? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

> What are the main ways that jobs can be redesigned? In your view, in what situations would one of the methods be favoured over the others?

> What is the job characteristics model? How does it motivate employees?

> What are the characteristics of a matrix organization?

> How can flexible benefits motivate employees?

> What are the six key elements that define an organization’s structure?

> What is variable pay? What variable-pay programs are used to motivate employees? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

> How can motivation theories be used to create more motivating work environments?

> How might the job of student be redesigned to make it more motivating?

> One of the members of your team continually arrives late for meetings and does not turn drafts of assignments in on time. In general this group member is engaging in social loafing. What can the members of your group do to reduce social loafing?

> What are the motivational benefits of intrinsic rewards?

> How does group size affect group performance?

> What characteristics contribute to the effectiveness of a team?

> What are the five stages of group development?

> How do group norms influence an individual’s behaviour?

> What are the characteristics of a bureaucracy, and how does it differ from a simple structure?

> What are some examples of impression management techniques?

> Do role requirements change in different situations? If so, how?

> How do you explain the growing popularity of teams in organizations?

> Define group and team. What are the different types of teams?

> When is work performed by individuals preferred over work performed by teams?

> As work has become more global, companies are realizing the benefits of composing teams of employees who not only have different cultural backgrounds, but who live in different countries. 131 These multicultural, multinational teams are extremely diverse

> Identify 4 or 5 norms that a team could put into place near the beginning of its life that might help the team function better over time.

> You and 2 other students carpool to school every day. The driver has recently taken to playing a new radio station quite loudly. You do not like the music, or the loudness. Using one of the conflict-handling intentions, indicate how you might go about re

> The following proposal was made to employees of Montreal-based Quebecor’s Vidéotron cable division: 126 Employees are asked to increase the number of hours worked per week to 40 from 35, while receiving the same pay as working the shorter work week. In a

> While much of this chapter has discussed methods for achieving harmonious relationships and getting out of conflicts, it’s also important to remember that there are situations in which too little conflict can be a problem. 112 As we noted, in creative pr

> You come across a fast-moving stream. What is the best way to cross it?

> What are the causes and consequences of political behavior?

> What are the behavioral implications of different organizational designs?

> After getting some sleep, you notice that the night sky has cleared, and so you decide to try and find your way back to base camp. You believe you should travel north and can use North Star for navigation. How do you locate the North Star?

> In the shelter that you built, you notice a spider. You heard from a fellow hiker that black widow spiders populate the area. How do you identify a black widow spider?

> Next, you decide to build a shelter for the evening. In selecting a site, what do you not have to consider?

> You are also very hungry, so you decide to eat what appear to be edible berries. When performing the Universal Edibility Test what should you do?

> You are very thirsty. You go to a nearby stream and collect some water in the small metal cup you have in your backpack. How long should you boil the water?

> It occurs to you that you can also use the fire as a distress signal. When signaling with fire, how do you form the international distress signal?

> The first thing you decide to do is to build a fire. However, you have no matches, so you use the bow-and-drill method. What is the bow-and-drill method?

> What is authentic leadership?

> What is the connection between sexual harassment and the abuse of power?

> What leadership roles are available to nonmanagers?

> What forces act as sources of resistance to change?

> How do charismatic and transformational leadership compare and contrast? Are they valid?

> What is Fiedler’s contingency model? Has it been supported in research?

> What are the central tenets and main limitations of behavioural theories of leadership?

> What are the conclusions of trait theories of leadership?

> What are the requirements of ethical leadership?

> What is servant leadership? How does it make a difference in organizations?

> How are leadership and management different from one another?

> Would you support a government program that gave companies incentives to send leaders undercover?

> What does it mean to be empowered? What factors lead to empowerment?

> Do you think leaders who work undercover are really changed as a result of their experiences?

> Do you think it is ethical for a leader to go undercover in his or her organization? Why or why not?

> How can managers create a culture for change?

> What is organizational culture, and what its common characteristics?

> What is a positive organizational culture?

> How can an ethical organizational culture be created?

> What are the liabilities of organizational culture?

> How is culture transmitted to employees?

> What factors create and sustain an organization’s culture?

> What are the functional effects of organizational culture on people and the organization?

> What are the nine most often identified power or influence tactics and their contingencies?

> What does this story tell you about the effect of top management on organizational culture?

> How can you determine when a line has been crossed between a fun and informal culture, and one that is offensive and inappropriate?

> Jay Scovie looked at his workspace. 95 He took pride in how nice and tidy he had made it look. As it turns out, his pride was misplaced. Sweeping visible clutter from your workspace by packing it into boxes hidden in a closet was not acceptable to his em

> What are the four main approaches to managing organizational change?

> What is corporate social responsibility?

> You are probably so used to seeing Starbucks coffee shops everywhere that you might not realize the company went from just 11 stores in the United States in 1987 to 18 000 locations in 60 countries and earning more than $3.6 billion in quarterly revenue

> One of the major functions of an organizational hierarchy is to increase standardization and control for top managers. 63 Using the chain of command, managers can direct the activities of subordinates toward a common purpose. If the right person with a c

> What are the four criteria used in making ethical decisions, and how do they differ?

> What is creativity, and what is the three stage model of creativity?

> How effective are interacting, brainstorming, and the nominal group technique?

> What is the role of dependence in power relationships?

> What are the strengths and weaknesses of group (versus individual) decision making?

> What are some common decision biases or errors people make?

> What is the rational model of decision making? How is it different from bounded rationality and intuition?

> You are negotiating a contract with a potentially very large customer whose representative has hinted that you could almost certainly be assured of getting his business if you gave him and his wife an all-expenses-paid cruise to the Caribbean. You know t

> Assume that you are the manager at a gaming company, and you are responsible for hiring a group to outsource the production of a highly anticipated new game. Because your company is a giant in the industry, numerous companies are trying to get the bid. O

> Your company policy on reimbursement for meals while travelling on company business is that you will be repaid for your out-of-pocket costs, which are not to exceed $50 a day. You don’t need receipts for these expenses—the company will take your word. Wh

> You have discovered that one of your closest friends at work has stolen a large sum of money from the company. Would you do nothing? Go directly to an executive to report the incident before talking about it with the offender? Confront the individual bef

> Maggie Becker, age 24, is a marketing manager for a small chain of shops in Halifax. Recently, Maggie’s wealthy uncle passed away and left her, his only niece, $100 000. Maggie considers her current salary adequate to meet her current living expenses, so

> Apply the rational decision-making model to deciding where your group might eat dinner this evening. How closely were you able to follow the rational model in making this decision?

> The Triniton TV, transistor radio, Walkman, and VCR are the stuff of time capsules nowadays, but not long ago they were cutting-edge technology. 63 Japan was at the pinnacle of the home consumer electronics industry from the 1970s to the 1990s, introduci

> What are the five bases of power?

> What are the differences between distributive and integrative bargaining?

> How do individual differences influence negotiations?

> What are the conditions that lead to conflict?

> What are the three types of conflict and the three loci of conflict?

> What is conflict?


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