Among 150 math students 22 have taken Calculus 2, 30 have taken Linear Algebra. There are 12 have taken both.
a. How many students have taken only Calculus 2, but not Linear Algebra?
b. How many students have taken only Linear Algebra, but not Calculus 2?
c. How many students have taken only one of Calculus 2 or Linear Algebra?
d. How many students have taken neither course?
e. How many students have taken at least one of Calculus 2 or Linear Algebra (possibly both)?
> Draw the correct Lewis structure for the following molecules. NH3 CO2 H2O HF XeF4 SF6 284
> Write the preferred Lewis structures and then determine the electron-pair geometry, the hybridization of the central atom, the molecular geometry, and the dipole moment for each of the following molecules or ions. Molecular formula Lewis Structure E
> Complete the following chart. Formula Lewis Structure Ideal Electron Geometry Molecular Geometry Hybridization Bond Angle(s) XeF4 SO:
> Draw Lewis structures for the following. Name their molecular shape. Is each polar or nonpolar? XeF4 CH20 C2H2 SO2
> Number of valence electrons Molecule Bond skeleton electrons C2H4 C2H2. XeF4 CIO4 NO2 Lewis structures with formal charges resonance structures? How many? Number of valence electrons Remaining electrons Lewis structures with formal charges Resonance
> BrCls Lewis Structure Electronic Geometry Molecular Geometry Sketch Name Valence Polar Sketch Lewis Structure Electronic Geometry Molecular Geometry BrCls Lewis Structure Sketch Name Valence e Polar Electronic Geometry Molecular Geometry Lewis Sketc
> Draw the Lewis structure for the molecules. Include all lone pairs of electrons. If resonance structures are needed to describe the Lewis structure, draw all possible resonance structures for NO, BF3, ICl2− , OPBr3 (where P is the central atom), XeF4
> Be sure to answer all parts. Give the IUPAC name for the following compound. Be sure to answer all parts. Give the IUPAC name for the following compound. (select) (select) (select) (select) Be sure to answer all parts. Give the IUPAC name for the f
> Complete the table below: Net dipole VSEPR name Hybridization Lewis Dot Structure XeF4 CCl2O. Lewis Dot Structure Net VSEPR Hybridization dipole name Xefa
> Which lewis structure violates the octet rule? Explain? OF2 HF XeF4 PF3 SiF4
> Draw the symmetry and the lewis structure of XeF2 and XeF4.
> Write the lewis structures and indicate the shapes of the following: PCl3, SO32-, XeF4, BrF3
> What are the shapes of I3-, XeF2, XeF4, and O3? Draw the Lewis structures.
> Molecule XeF4 has D4h symmetry. Draw its Lewis structure, determine shape and confirm the point group. /. Molecule XeF4 has D4h symmetry. Draw its Lewis structure, determine shape and confirm the point group. a) Consider p-orbitals on the fluorine
> Draw the Lewis structure for XeF4. Is the molecule polar or nonpolar overall? Why?
> Include Lewis structures and 3-D structures. 1. AsBr5 2. CS2 3. [PO4]3- 4. CIF3 5. XeF4
> Draw the lewis structures for the following 1. CO2 2. NH4+ 3. SO32- 4. PO43- 5. XeF4 6. BF3
> Write Lewis structures for: XeF2, XeF4, XeO2F2, XeO3. Include for charges.
> Molecule Lewis Structure 3D-Model Hybridization on CA Molecule Lewls Structure 3D-Model Hybridizatlon Number of on CA o and t bonds HCN T =2 NH3 BH3 CH20 CH;Cl, SO2 IF; Molecule Lewls Structure 3D-Model Hybrldlzatlon Number of on CA o and n bonds Br
> A. The Lewis diagram for BH2 is: H-B-H The electron- pair geometry around the B atom in BH2 is There arelone pair(s) around the central atom, so the geometry of BH2 A. The Lewis diagram for BH, is: H-B-H The electron-pair geometry around the B atom i
> Express the following sums using sigma notation. a. 9+ 11 + 13 + 15 + ... + 99 b. 6 + 10 + 14 + ... + 38 c. 7+ 16 + 25 + ... + 115 1 1 1 + + 1.3 2.4 3.5 49• 51
> 1. Use the summation formulas to rewrite the expression without the summation notation. Evaluate your formula for n = 100 and n = 1000. Check your answers with the summation feature of your calculator. 2. Use the limit process to find the area of the r
> Express the sum 1+3+5+ 7+...+23 using summation notation. Use 1 as the lower limit of summation.
> Express the following sums using sigma notation. a. 9 +10+11+12+13 b. 3 +6+9+12+15+18 c. 12 +22 +32 +4² 1 d. 4 1 1 1 5 6 7 + +
> For the function shown in Problem #4, lim(x→∞)(f(x)) =? y 1 X
> Write the numbers 1 to 50 using any math operation and the digits of the year in order.
> Choose all the correct statements about glycolysis. 1. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell. 2. Two glucose molecules are needed to initiate glycolysis. 3. Glycolysis is an aerobic process. 4. Glycolysis is the process by which glucose is c
> Which statement concerning glycolysis is FALSE? a. Glycolysis requires the input of 2 ATP. b. An end product of glycolysis is 2 molecules of NADH. c. Glycolysis does not require oxygen d. Oxidative phosphorylation occurs during glycolysis. e. Glycol
> Which statement correctly describes the role of glycolysis during cellular respiration a. Glycolysis requires the oxidation of fructose-6-phosphate. b. Glycolysis initiates the breakdown of glucose by spending ATP to overcome the energy barrier. c. Gl
> Which statement regarding glycolysis is most TRUE? a. During glycolysis, oxygen is consumed. b. During glycolysis, glucose is oxidized and electrons are held in NADH molecules. c. During glycolysis, no ATP molecules are directly produced. d. During g
> What happens to liver glycolysis and gluconeogenesis when blood sugar is low? Glycolysis is inhibited and gluconeogenesis is elevated. Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are inhibited. Glycolysis is elevated and gluconeogenesis is inhibited. Glycolysis an
> What molecule is specifically oxidized during glycolysis? glucose glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate NAD+ fructose-1,6-bisphosphate pyruvate
> High concentrations of fructose-2,6-bisphopshate stimulate glycolysis and inhibit gluconeogenesis. inhibit glycolysis and stimulate gluconeogenesis stimulate both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. inhibit both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis have no e
> Fructose 2,6-bisphosphate has what effects on glycolysis and gluconeogenesis? А. Enhances glycolysis only. Enhances gluconeogenesis only/ C. Inhibits glycolysis only D. Inhibits gluconeogenesis only. E. Enhances glycolysis/inhibits gluconeogenesis F.
> Match the process with what the ATP-generating chemical/metabolic pathway(s) it requires. 1. aerobic respiration 2. anaerobic respiration 3. fermentation glycolysis, Kreb's cycle glycolysis, Kreb's cycle, electron transport chain glycolysis
> Complete the glycolysis reaction. What is the enzyme that catalyzes this reaction? 1. triose phosphate isomerase 2. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 3. phosphoglycerate kinase 4. phosphoglycerate mutase 5. pyruvate kinase 6. aldolase он
> Classify the sugars as either aldoses or ketoses. CHO CH,OH CHO H-C-OH C=0 H-C-OH но -с -н но -с-н но -с -н H-C-OH H-C-OH H-C-OH H-C-OH H-C-OH CH,OH CH,OH CH,OH
> Classify the sugars as either aldoses or ketoses. CHO CH,OH Č=0 CHO H-C-OH н-с-он но -с -н но -с -н Но -с -н но -с -н H-C-OH H-C-OH H-C-OH ČH,OH H-C-OH ČH,OH ČH,OH CH,OH CHO CH2OH C=0 C=0 H-C-OH н-с-он Но -с -н ČH,OH H-C-OH CH,OH CH;OH
> Which of the following statements about reverse transcription is false? Reverse transcription uses RNA as a template. Reverse transcription builds copy DNA (cdna). Reverse transcription is performed by certain viruses and human cells. Reverse transcripti
> 1. The Glycolysis pathway is activated or inhibited by various factors. Answer activate OR inhibit for the following situations. a. A high concentration of ATP in the cell will ________ the glycolysis pathway. b. A low concentration of ATP in the cell
> In the Cori cycle, when glucose is degraded by glycolysis to lactate in muscle, the lactate is excreted into the blood and returns to the liver where it is converted back into glucose by gluconeogenesis. For each enzyme below, identify whether it is invo
> Linear Algebra Question Just fill in the blanks as the answers. Also try to make it clear as to which answer goes to which blank. 4 -1 4. 2 8 -2 (1 point) Let A 8 . Find a basis for the row space of A, a basis for 0 0 0 0 0 -1 5 the column space of
> Suppose that each year 30% of CSUF students who prefer calculus to linear algebra switch their preference to linear algebra (possibly after taking Math 250B). Also, 10% of those who prefer linear algebra switch their preference to calculus (possibly beca
> Define both linear algebra and numerical linear algebra, and describe the differences between the two.
> Linear Algebra Question Just fill in the blanks as the answers. Also try to make it clear as to which answer goes to which blank. (1 point) Let A be a 4 x 5 matrix. If a, a2, and a are linearly independent and az = a + 2a2, as = -3a, – az + 2a4 dete
> Linear Algebra Question Just fill in the blanks as the answers. Also try to make it clear as to which answer goes to which blank. (1 point) Let A =|-5 -5 10 0 Find basis for the kernal and image of the linear -2 0 transformation T defined by T(#) = A
> Use the gram-Schmidt process to convert {1, x, x2, x3} to an orthogonal basis for P3.
> Consider the complex vector space P (the set of all polynomials with complex coefficients) and the subsets M of all those vectors (polynomials) p for which (a) p has degree 3, (b) 2p(0) = p(1), (c) p(t) >0 whenever 0 < t< 1, (d) p(t) = p(1 – t) for a
> Let U be the set of undergraduate students at a university. Let C(x) denote that statement "x has taken calculus", and let L(x) denote the statement "x has taken linear algebra". Translate each of the following statements into a logical expression involv
> Suppose xk is the fraction of UCF students who prefer calculus to linear algebra at year k. The remaining fraction yk=1-xk prefers linear algebra. At year k+1, 1/5 of those who prefer calculus change their mind. Also at year k+1, 1/10 of those who prefer
> This is a linear Algebra problem. Use linear algebra concepts. (10 points) Let B {(1,–1), (3, 1)} and B' = {(1,2), (–1,0)}. Find the transition matrix from B to B'. %3D 5. Let u = (1, -10,1, 1) and v (0, 1,-2, 2, 1). (a) (5 points) Find u v. (b) (5 p
> Just fill in the blanks as the answers. Also try to make it clear as to which answer goes to which blank. (1 point) Let A be a 4 x 5 matrix. If a, a2, and a are linearly independent and ag = a + 2a2, ag = -3a, - a + 2a4 determine the reduced row ech
> Find the matrix entry below that is covered up. keep away from him.. he's not normall 1 1 0 2 0 106 2 7 2 1 3 7 3 2 0 1 1aa 0 6 0 0 3 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 O 2009
> 1. Selling the bonds at a premium has the effect of a. raising the effective interest rate above the stated interest rate b. attracting investors that are willing to pay a lower rate of interest than on similar bonds c. causing the interest expense to
> The rate quoted in the bond contract used to calculate the cash payments for interest is called the: a. Yield rate. b. Face rate. c. Market rate. d. Stated rate.
> Based on the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high values for the benchmarked data that appear on p. 7 of each issue of the FIR, which one of the following is the strongest and most valid signal that one or more elements of a company's costs
> Based on the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high values for the benchmarking data on pp. 6-7 of each issue of the FIR, which one of the following is the most valid signal that one or more elements of a company's costs are too high relative
> Based on the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high values for the benchmarked data in each issue of the FIR, which one of the following is the strongest and most valid signal that one or more elements of a company's costs are too high relativ
> Based on the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high values for the benchmarked data in each issue of the FIR, which of the following is an unconvincing or untrustworthy indication that one or more elements of your company's costs are too high
> Based on the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high values for the benchmarked data on p. 7 of the FIR, which one of the following is the strongest and most valid signal that one or more elements of a company's costs are too high relative to t
> Based on the industry-low, industry-average, and industry-high values for the benchmarked data on p. 7 of the FIR, which of the following is an untrustworthy or incomplete indication that certain elements of your company's costs are too high relative to
> The accounting treatment for a lawsuit depends on: (choose as correct ones) a. the ability to estimate the amount of payment b. the amount of time until the lawsuit is settled c. the likelihood of payment d. the type of contingency
> Slader Inc. had sales as follows during 2015: Slader expects sales in each quarter of 2016 to be 10% more than the respective quarters for 2015. If each unit sells for $110, what amounts will appear as sales revenue in the quarterly sales budgets for 20
> 1. Points represent: A. 2% of the amount of the loan B. Monthly payments C. An additional cost of receiving the mortgage D. 3% up-front payment E. None of these 2. Ben Brown bought a home for $225,000. He put down 20%. The mortgage is at 6½ % for 30 yea
> Your client, EKB, Inc., prepared the following schedule for long-term debt for the audit of financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2019: Required: a. What type of evidence would you examine to support the beginning balances in the account
> In the audit of the Regional Transport Company, a large branch that maintains its own bank account, cash is periodically transferred to the central account in Cedar Rapids. On the branch account’s records, bank transfers are recorded as
> In March 2018, Toys R Us confirmed that it would close all of its U.S. stores after its plans to survive Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings failed. Visit the SEC’s Edgar database to locate the company’s (1) Form 10-K filing for the fiscal year ended Janu
> As a part of the audit of Ren Gold Manufacturing Company, a nonpublic company, management requests basic financial statements and separately, the same basic financial statements accompanied by additional information. Management informs you that the inten
> Callie Peters is completing the audit of for the year ended December 31, 2019. Callie has been the audit manager on this engagement for the past three years. issued stock two years ago but has had difficulty esta
> The field work for the June 30, 2019, audit of Tracy Brewing Company was finished August 19, 2019, and the completed financial statements, accompanied by the signed audit reports, were mailed September 6, 2019. In each of the highly material independent
> The amount of subjectivity involved in establishing fair value estimates can be complex for management responsible for making the fair value measurements and disclosures contained in financial statements. This is particularly true for fair value measurem
> In an audit of the Marco Corporation as of December 31, 2019, the following situations exist. No entries have been made in the accounting records in relation to these items. 1. During the year 2019, the Marco Corporation was named as a defendant in a sui
> Latner Shoe Distributor Company maintains a large portion of the shoe merchandise in 10 warehouses throughout the eastern United States. This ensures swift delivery service for its chain of stores. You are assigned alone to the Boston warehouse to observ
> Chen, CPA, is auditing the financial statements of a manufacturing company with a significant amount of trade accounts receivable. Chen is satisfied that the accounts are correctly summarized and classified and that allocations, reclassifications, and va
> Describe what is meant by the term “non-GAAP measure” and summarize requirements regarding the inclusion of non-GAAP measures in financial statements filed with the SEC.
> Before a company can begin trading on an exchange, it must meet certain initial requirements. The exchanges set their own standards for initial listing, which include minimum thresholds for the number of publicly traded shares, total market value, stock
> E-Antiques, Inc., is an Internet-based market for buyers and sellers of antique furniture and jewelry. The company allows sellers of antique items to list descriptions of those items on the E-Antiques website. Interested buyers review the website for ant
> The table below is an excerpt from Apple Inc.’s Statement of Shareholders’ Equity for its fiscal year ended September 30, 2017: Required: a. How would the auditor verify the balances as of September 24, 2016? b. What
> In an annual audit at December 31, 2019, you find the following transactions near the closing date: 1. Merchandise costing $625 was received on December 28, 2019, and the invoice was not recorded. You located it in the hands of the purchasing agent; it w
> McNeil Company, a medium-sized manufacturer of microwave ovens, has been an audit client for the past five years. McNeil Co. has been steadily growing and recently hired a new CEO, who has decided to increase the level of investments in financial instrum
> The following are sales, cost of sales, and inventory data for Aladdin Products Supply Company, a wholesale distributor of cleaning supplies. Dollar amounts are in millions. Required: a. Use a spreadsheet to calculate the following ratios: (1) Gross ma
> The Redford Corporation took out a 20-year mortgage on June 15, 2019, for $2,600,000 and pledged its only manufacturing building and the land on which the building stands as collateral. Each month subsequent to the issue of the mortgage, a payment of $17
> The ending general ledger balance of $568,000 in notes payable for the Kolman Production Company is made up of 20 notes to nine different payees. The notes vary in duration anywhere from 30 days to two years, and in amounts from $10,000 to $50,000. In so
> Auditors are required to understand the client’s industry and business but may not be experts in identifying the quantity and value of certain inventory items. For example, consider observing a physical inventory and testing inventory valuation for a cli
> Items 1 through 7 are questions typically found in a standard internal control questionnaire used by auditors to obtain an understanding of internal control for notes payable. In using the questionnaire for a client, a “yes” response indicates a possible
> Assume that a sample of 100 units was obtained in sampling the inventory in Question 17-10. Assume further that the following three misstatements were found: Calculate the overstatement bound for the population. Draw audit conclusions based on the resu
> Following are audit procedures commonly performed in the inventory and warehousing cycle for a manufacturing company: 1. Account for a sequence of raw material requisitions and examine each requisition for an authorized approval. 2. Trace the recorded ad
> The following are audit procedures in the sales and collection cycle: 1. Foot the aged trial balance using audit software and compare the total with the general ledger. 2. Match sales invoices with subsequent cash receipts using audit software. 3. Examin
> You have been engaged for the audit of the Y Company for the year ended December 31, 2019. The Y Company is in the wholesale chemical business and makes all sales at 25 percent over cost. Following are portions of the client’s sales and
> As a part of your clerical tests of inventory for Martin Manufacturing, you have tested about 20 percent of the dollar items and have found the following exceptions: 1. Pricing errors: 2. Differences located in comparing last year’s c
> Below are four independent client scenarios: 1. Food Giant is a regional grocery store chain located in the Pacific Northwest. Rather than operate a company-owned distribution center, Food Giant uses five different independent storage warehouse companies
> Your client, Ridgewood Heating and Cooling, specializes in residential air conditioning and heating installations. The company maintains an inventory of air conditioning units, furnaces, and air handling ductwork. The client has provided the following se
> The following audit procedures are typical of those found in auditing the payroll and personnel cycle: 1. Examine owner approval of rates of pay and withholdings. 2. Examine evidence that payroll hours and wage rates are verified by an independent person
> The following misstatements are included in the inventory and related records of Westbox Manufacturing Company: 1. When raw material acquisitions were recorded, the improper unit price was included in the perpetual inventory master file. Therefore, the i
> You are part of the engagement team for the audit of Suzuki Manufacturing for the year ended December 31, 2019, and are responsible for auditing the acquisition cycle. Download the Excel file for the problem from the textbook website, which contains a wo
> As part of the June 30, 2019, audit of accounts payable of Milner Products Company, the auditor sent 22 confirmations of accounts payable to vendors in the form of requests for statements. Four of the statements were not returned by the vendors, and five
> What type of report might a service organization use as a marketing tool to provide potential customers information about the internal controls related to security at the service organization?
> Chief executive officer compensation can be a material amount and is often scrutinized by regulators, analysts, competitors, and investors. For CEOs of publicly traded companies, compensation can consist of salary, bonus, stock option grants, or other st
> You are auditing the financial statements of Austin Software Company, which is a fast-growing software development company. As part of the company’s strategy, management has been aggressively pursuing acquisitions of other companies. Some of the prior ac
> The following are various audit procedures performed in the audit of the acquisition and payment cycle and accounts payable: 1. Foot the acquisitions journal for the month of August and trace postings to general ledger and accounts payable master file. 2