> a. Determine VDS for VGS = 0 V and ID = 6 mA using the characteristics of Fig. 6.11. b. Using the results of part (a), calculate the resistance of the JFET for the region ID = 0 to 6 mA for VGS = 0 V. c. Determine VDS for VGS = - 1 V and ID = 3 mA. d. Us
> Given k = 0.4 * 10-3 A>V2 and ID(on) = 3 mA with VGS(on) = 4 V, determine VT.
> Using an average value of 2.9 mA for the IDSS of the 2N3797 MOSFET of Fig. 6.31, determine the level of VGS that will result in a maximum drain current of 20 mA if VP = - 5 V.
> Given ID = 4 mA at VGS = - 2 V, determine IDSS if VP = - 5 V.
> Given ID = 14 mA and VGS = 1 V, determine VP if IDSS = 9.5 mA for a depletion-type MOSFET.
> Sketch the transfer and drain characteristics of an n-channel depletion-type MOSFET with IDSS = 12 mA and VP = - 8 V for a range of VGS = - VP to VGS = 1 V.
> Given a depletion-type MOSFET with IDSS = 6 mA and VP = - 3 V, determine the drain cur- rent at VGS = - 1, 0, 1, and 2 V. Compare the difference in current levels between - 1 V and 0 V with the difference between 1 V and 2 V. In the positive VGS region,
> A resistor RC = 470 Ω is added to the network of Fig. 5.181 along with a bypass capacitor CE = 5 mF across the emitter resistor. If bD = 4000, VBET = 1.6 V and ro1 = ro2 = 40 kΩ for a packaged Darlington amplifier: a. Find the dc levels of VB1, VE2, and
> For the common-gate configuration of Fig. 8.92: a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo. b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.75 with the parameters determined in part (a) in place. c. Determine AvL and Avs. d. Change RL to 2.2 kΩ and calcula
> The input impedance to a common-emitter transistor amplifier is 1.2 kΩ with b = 140, ro = 50 kΩ, and RL = 2.7 kΩ. Determine: a. re. b. Ib if VI = 30 mV. c. Ic. d. Ai = Io>Ii = IL>Ib. e. Av = VO>VI.
> For the source-follower network of Fig. 8.91: a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo. b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.75 with the parameters determined in part (a) in place. c. Determine AvL and Avs. d. Change RL to 4.7 kΩ and calculate
> For the self-bias JFET network of Fig. 8.90: a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo. b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.75 with the parameters determined in part (a) in place. c. Determine AvL and Avs. d. Change Rsig to 10 kΩ and calculate
> a. Describe in your own words the operation of the network of Fig. 6.45 with Vi = 0 V. b. If the “on” MOSFET of Fig. 6.45 (with Vi = 0 V) has a drain current of 4 mA with VDS = 0.1 V, what is the approximate resistance level of the device? If ID = 0.5 mA
> For the common-base network of Fig. 5.176:
> For the network of Fig. 5.175:
> For the emitter-stabilized network of Fig. 5.174:
> Repeat Problem 6 using the universal JFET bias curve
> For the voltage-divider configuration of Fig. 5.173:
> For the network of Fig. 5.172:
> For the network of Fig. 5.171:
> Using the model of Fig. 5.16, determine the following for a common-emitter amplifier if b = 80, IE (dc) = 2 mA, and ro = 40 kΩ. a. Zi. b. Ib. c. Ai = Io>Ii = IL>IB if RL = 1.2 kΩ. d. Av if RL = 1.2 kΩ.
> a. What is the significant difference between the construction of an enhancement-type MOSFET and a depletion-type MOSFET? b. Sketch a p-channel enhancement-type MOSFET with the proper biasing applied (VDS 7 0 V, VGS 7 VT) and indicate the channel, the di
> For the fixed-bias configuration of Fig. 5.170: a. Determine AvNL, Zi, and Zo. b. Sketch the two-port model of Fig. 5.63 with the parameters determined in part (a) in place. c. Calculate the gain AvL = VO>VI. d. Determine the current gain AiL = Io>
> Repeat the analysis of problem 15 for the network of Fig. 9.83 with the addition of a source
> Repeat the analysis of problem 15 for the network of Fig. 9.82 with the addition of a source
> Repeat the analysis of problem 15 for the network of Fig. 9.81 with the addition of a source
> Repeat the analysis of problem 15 for the network of Fig. 9.80 with the addition of a source
> Repeat Problem 15 for the common-base configuration of Fig. 9.83. Keep in mind that the common-base configuration is a noninverting network when you consider the Miller effect.
> Repeat Problem 15 for the emitter-follower network of Fig. 9.82.
> Repeat Problem 15 for the emitter-stabilized network of Fig. 9.81.
> a. Compare the levels of stability for the fixed-bias configuration of Problem 65. b. Compare the levels of stability for the voltage-divider configuration of Problem 67. c. Which factors of parts (a) and (b) seem to have the most influence on the stabil
> For the common-base configuration of Fig. 5.18, an ac signal of 10 mV is applied, resulting in an ac emitter current of 0.5 mA. If a = 0.980, determine: a. Zi. b. Vo if RL = 1.2 kΩ. c. Av = VO>VI. d. Zo with ro = ∞ Ω. e. Ai = Io>Ii. f. Ib.
> Compare the relative values of stability for Problems 65 through 68. The results for Exercises 65 and 67 can be found in Appendix E. Can any general conclusions be derived from the results?
> For the network of Fig. 4.140, determine: a. S(ICO). b. S(VBE). c. S(), using T1 as the temperature at which the parameter values are specified and (T2) as 25% more than (T1). d. Determine the net change in IC if a change in operating conditions resul
> For the network of Fig. 4.125, determine: a. S(ICO). b. S(VBE). c. S(), using T1 as the temperature at which the parameter values are specified and (T2) as 25% more than (T1). d. Determine the net change in IC if a change in operating conditions resul
> For the network of Fig. 4.122, determine: a. S (ICO). b. S (VBE). c. S (), using T1 as the temperature at which the parameter values are specified and (T2) as 25% more than (T1). d. Determine the net change in IC if a change in operating conditions re
> Determine the following for the network of Fig. 4.118: a. S(ICO). b. S(VBE). c. S(), using T1 as the temperature at which the parameter values are specified and (T2) as 25% more than (T1). d. Determine the net change in IC if a change in operating con
> Answer the following questions about the circuit of Fig. 4.159: a. What happens to the voltage VC if the resistor RB is open? b. What should happen to VCE if  increases due to temperature? c. How will VE be affected when replacing the c
> Answer the following questions about the circuit of Fig. 4.158: a. What happens to the voltage VC if the transistor is replaced by one having a larger value of ? b. What happens to the voltage VCE if the ground leg of resistor RB2 opens (does not connec
> For the circuit of Fig. 4.157: a. Does VC increase or decrease if RB is increased? b. Does IC increase or decrease if is reduced? c. What happens to the saturation current if is increased? d. Does the collector current increase or decrease if VCC is
> The measurements appearing in Fig. 4.156 reveal that the networks are not operating properly. Be specific in describing why the levels obtained reflect a problem with the expected network behavior. In other words, the levels obtained reflect a very speci
> The measurements of Fig. 4.155 all reveal that the network is not functioning correctly. List as many reasons as you can for the measurements obtained.
> a. Given an Early voltage of VA = 100 V, determine ro if VCEQ = 8 V and ICQ = 4 mA. b. Using the results of part (a), find the change in IC for a change in VCE of 6 V at the same Q-point as part (a).
> a. Using the characteristics of Fig. 3.23e, determine ton and toff at a current of 2 mA. Note the use of log scales and the possible need to refer to Section 9.2. b. Repeat part (a) at a current of 10 mA. How have ton and toff changed with increase in co
> Design the transistor inverter of Fig. 4.154 to operate with a saturation current of 8 mA using a transistor with a beta of 100. Use a level of IB equal to 120% of IBmax and standard resistor values.
> Using the characteristics of Fig. 4.121, determine the appearance of the output waveform for the network of Fig. 4.153. Include the effects of VCEsat, and determine IB, IBmax, and ICsat when Vi = 10 V. Determine the collector-to-emitter resistance at sat
> Determine IE and VC for the network of Fig. 4.152.
> Determine VC and IB for the network of Fig. 4.151.
> Determine VC, VCE, and IC for the network of Fig. 4.150.
> For the circuit of Fig. 4.148, calculate the current I.
> a. Determine IC and VCE for the network of Fig. 4.118. b. Change  to 180 and determine the new value of IC and VCE for the network of Fig. 4.118. c. Determine the magnitude of the percentage change in IC and VCE using the following equa
> Calculate the current through the 2.2-kΩ load in the circuit of Fig. 4.147.
> In what ways is the construction of a depletion-type MOSFET similar to that of a JFET? In what ways is it different?
> a. Calculate the resistance associated with the JFET of Fig. 6.22 for VGS = V from ID = 0 mA to 4 mA. b. Repeat part (a) for VGS = - 0.5 V from ID = to 3 mA. c. Assigning the label ro to the result of part (a) and rd to that of part (b), use Eq. (6.1
> Using IDSS = 9 mA and VP = - 3 V for the characteristics of Fig. 6.22, calculate ID at VGS =—1 V using Shockley’s equation and compare to the level in Fig. 6.22.
> Determine VP for the characteristics of Fig. 6.22 using IDSS and ID at some value of VGS. That is, simply substitute into Shockley’s equation and solve for VP. Compare the result to the assumed value of - 3 V from the characteristics.
> Referring to Fig. 6.22, is the locus of pinch-off values defined by the region of VDS 6 VP = 3 V?
> Using the characteristics of Fig. 6.22, determine ID at VGS = - 0.7 V and VDS = 10 V.
> Define the region of operation for the JFET of Fig. 6.54 if
> For the 2N5457 JFET of Fig. 6.20, what is the power rating at a typical operating temperature of 45°C using the 5.0 mW/°C derating factor.
> Define the region of operation for the 2N5457 JFET of Fig. 6.20 using the range of IDSS and VP provided. That is, sketch the transfer curve defined by the maximum IDSS and VP and the transfer curve for the minimum IDSS and VP. Then, shade in the resultin
> A p-channel JFET has device parameters of IDSS = 7.5 mA and VP = 4 V. Sketch the transfer characteristics.
> Calculate collector currents for Q1 and Q2 in Fig. 4.146.
> Using the characteristics of Fig. 6.11: a. Determine the difference in drain current (for VDS 7 VP) between VGS = 0 V and VGS = -1 V. b. Repeat part (a) between VGS = -1 and -2 V. •312Repeat part (a) between VGS = -2 and -3 V. c. Repeat part (a) between
> Given the network of Fig. 5.190: a. Is the network properly biased? b. What problem in the network construction could cause VB to be 6.22 V and obtain the given waveform of Fig. 5.190?
> a. Based on a review of the characteristics of Fig. 5.126, which parameter changed the most with increase in temperature? b. Which changed the least? c. What are the maximum and minimum values of hfe? Is the change in magnitude significant? Was it expect
> a. Based on a review of the characteristics of Fig. 5.124, which parameter changed the least for the full range of collector current? b. Which parameter changed the most? c. What are the maximum and minimum values of 1>hoe? Is the approximation 1>hoe ǁ R
> a. If hre = 2 * 10-4 at IC = 1 mA on Fig. 5.124, determine the approximate value of hre at 0.1 mA. b. For the value of hre determined in part (a), can hre be ignored as a good approximation if Av = 210?
> a. If hoe = 20 mS at IC = 1 mA of Fig. 5.124, what is the approximate value of hoe at IC = 10 mA? b. Determine its resistive value at 10 mA and compare to a resistive load of 6.8 kΩ. Is it a good approximation to ignore the effects of 1>hoe in this case?
> a. If hoe = 20 mS at IC = 1 mA on Fig. 5.124, what is the approximate value of hoe at IC = 0.2 mA? b. Determine its resistive value at 0.2 mA and compare to a resistive load of 6.8 kΩ. Is it a good approximation to ignore the effects of 1>hoe in this cas
> Repeat Problem 74 for hie (same changes in IC).
> a. Using Fig. 5.124, determine the magnitude of the percentage change in hfe for an IC change from 0.2 mA to 1 mA using the equation b. Repeat part (a) for an IC change from 1 mA to 5 mA.
> Given a Q-point of IDQ = 3 mA and VGS = - 3 V, determine IDSS if VP = - 6 V.
> For the common-base amplifier of Fig. 5.189, determine: a. Zi. b. Ai. c. Av. d. Zo.
> Calculate the mirrored current I in the circuit of Fig. 4.145.
> For the network of Fig. 5.188, determine: a. Zi. b. Av. c. Ai=Io>Ii. d. Zo.
> Repeat parts (a) and (b) of Problem 68 with hre = 2 * 10-4 and compare results.
> For the common-base network of Fig. 5.187: a. Determine Zi and Zo. b. Calculate Av and Ai. c. Determine a, b, re, and ro.
> For the network of Fig. 5.186: a. Determine Zi and Zo. b. Calculate Av and Ai. c. Determine re and compare bre to hie.
> For the network of Problem 11: a. Determine re. b. Find hfe and hie. c. Find Zi and Zo using the hybrid parameters. d. Calculate Av and Ai using the hybrid parameters. e. Determine Zi and Zo if hoe = 50 mS. f. Determine Av and Ai if hoe = 50 mS. g. Compa
> a. Given b = 120, re = 4.5 Ω, and ro = 40 kΩ, sketch the approximate hybrid equivalent circuit. b. Given hie = 1 kΩ, hre = 2 * 10-4, hfe = 90, and hoe = 20 mS, sketch the re model.
> Repeat Problem 63 for RL = 3.3 kΩ and the average value of hoe in Fig. 5.92.
> Repeat Problem 62 using the average values of the parameters of Fig. 5.92 with Av = - 180.
> Given the typical values of RL = 2.2 kΩ and hoe = 20 mS, is it a good approximation to ignore the effects of 1>hoe on the total load impedance? What is the percentage difference in total loading on the transistor using the followin
> Given the typical values of hie = 1 kΩ, hre = 2 * 10-4, and Av = - 160 for the input con- figuration of Fig. 5.185:
> For the feedback amplifier of Fig. 4.144 determine a. the base and collector current of each transistor. b. the base, emitter, and collector voltages of each transistor.
> Given IDSS = 6 mA and VP = - 4.5 V: a. Determine ID at VGS = - 2 and - 3.6 V. b. Determine VGS at ID = 3 and 5.5 mA.
> For a particular JFET if ID = 4 mA when VGS = —3 V, determine VP if IDSS = 12 mA.
> Given IDSS = 16 mA and VP = - 5 V, sketch the transfer characteristics using the data points of Table 6.1. Determine the value of ID at VGS = - 3 V from the curve, and compare it to the value determined using Shockley’s equation. Repeat the above for VGS
> Given IDSS = 9 mA and VP = - 4 V, determine ID when: a. VGS = 0 V. b. VGS = -2 V. c. VGS = -4 V. d. VGS = -6 V.
> Given IE (dc) = 1.2 mA, b = 120 and ro = 40 kΩ, sketch the following: a. Common-emitter hybrid equivalent model. b. Common-emitter re equivalent model. c. Common-base hybrid equivalent model. d. Common-base re equivalent model.
> Repeat problem 54 if a load resistance of 1.2 kΩ is introduced.
> Repeat problem 54 if a 22-Ω resistor is added between VE2 and ground.
> For the feedback pair of Fig. 5.182: a. Calculate the dc voltages VB1, VB2, VC1, VC2, VE1, and VE2. b. Determine the dc currents IB1, IC1, IB2, IC2, and IE2. c. Calculate the impedances Zi and Zo. d. Find the voltage gain Av = VO>VI. e. Determine the
> a. Given IDSS = 12 mA and VP = - 4 V, sketch the transfer characteristics for the JFET transistor. b. Sketch the drain characteristics for the device of part (a).
> Determine Av = VO>Vs for the network of Fig. 5.181 if the source has an internal resistance of 1.2 kΩ and the applied load is 10 kΩ.
> For the cascode amplifier of Fig. 4.143 determine a. the base and collector currents of each transistor. b. the voltages VB1, VB2, VE1, VC1, VE2, and VC2.
> Repeat problem 50 with a load resistor of 1.2 kΩ.
> For the Darlington network of Fig. 5.181: a. Determine the dc levels of VB1, VC1, VE2, VCB1, and VCE2. b. Find the currents IB1, IB2, and IE2. c. Calculate Zi and Zo. d. Determine the voltage gain Av = Vo/Vi and current gain Ai = Io>Ii.
> Calculate the ac voltage across a 10-kΩ load connected at the output of the circuit in Fig. 5.180.