2.99 See Answer

Question: Draw a complete graph with five vertices.

Draw a complete graph with five vertices.

> Soon after December 31, 2020, the auditor of Morino Manufacturing Corp. asked the company to prepare a depreciation schedule for semitrucks that showed the additions, retirements, depreciation, and other data that affected the company's income in the fou

> Farmer Brown Industries Inc. is in the business of producing organic foods for sale to restaurants and in local markets. The company uses IFRS and has a June 30 fiscal year end. As an experiment, the company has decided to try raising organic free-range

> Bluebell Enterprises Ltd.'s records reported an inventory cost of $55,600 and a net realizable value of $54,000 at December 31, 2018. At December 31, 2019, the records indicated a cost of $68, 700 and a net realizable value of $61,625. All opening invent

> Doors Unlimited Ltd. purchases units of wood frames that have manufacturer's volume rebates from Traders Inc. The rebate requires Doors Unlimited to purchase a minimum number of units in a calendar year. The initial unit cost of each wood frame is $2.50

> Sunny Valley Limited produces wine. Certain vintage wines take more than one year to age. The company has borrowed funds to cover the costs of this aging process. The company meets the interest capitalization criteria under IFRS. Capitalizable interest u

> Gamers' World buys 1,000 computer game CDs from a distributor that is discontinuing those games. The purchase price for the lot is $7,500. Gamers' World will group the CDs into three price categories for resale, as follows: Determine the cost per CD fo

> Angus Enterprises Ltd. reported cost of goods sold for 2020 of $2.5 million and retained earnings of $4.0 million at December 31, 2020. Angus later discovered that its ending inventories at December 31, 2019 and 2020, were overstated by $150,000 and $50,

> Best Corp., a public company using IFRS, signed a long-term non-cancellable purchase commitment with a major supplier to purchase raw materials at an annual cost of $1 million. At December 31, 2019, the raw materials to be purchased in 2020 have a market

> Furniture Madness Inc. recently purchased 1,000 mattresses from a supplier for its big box stores. The cost for these mattresses was $140,000, or $140 per mattress. Furniture Madness established the selling price on these mattresses at $230 each. The sto

> Delicious Foods Inc. reported inventory of $5,706 million at the end of its 2020 fiscal year and $5,310 million at the end of its 2019 fiscal year. It reported cost of goods sold of $35,350 million for the fiscal year 2020 and net sales of $54,365 millio

> Show whether the following would be considered inventory for a public company like Ford Motor Corporation. If so, show the inventory category to which that item would belong. a. Engines purchased to make the Ford F-150 b. Nuts and bolts purchased to atta

> Assume the same information as in BE3.24 except that the payments are made monthly, at the end of each month, instead of annually. What would be the monthly payments? Show calculations using (a) A financial calculator (b) Excel function PMT.

> Alpha Company signs a contract to sell the use of its patented manufacturing technology to Delta Corp for 15 years. The contract for this transaction stipulates that Delta Corp pays Alpha $18,000 at the end of each year for the use of this technology. Us

> Rolling a Special Die a special die used in a game contains one dot on one side, two dots on two sides, and three dots on three sides. If the die is rolled, determine (a) The probability of rolling two dots. (b) The odds against rolling two dots.

> Construct a set of five pieces of data in which the mode has a lower value than the median and the median has a lower value than the mean.

> The 11 members of the Henrietta Town Board must decide where to build a new post office. Their three choices are Lehigh Road (L), Erie Road (E), and Ontario Road (O). The preference table follows. 32. Determine the winner using the plurality method. 34.

> Write the statement in symbolic form. Let p: A panther has a long tail. q: A bobcat can purr. A bobcat cannot purr, but a panther has a long tail.

> Refer to Exercise 26. Instead of the previous balance method, suppose Verna’s bank uses the average daily balance method. (a) Determine Verna’s average daily balance for the billing period from September 5 to October 5. (b) Determine the finance charge t

> In Exercises 31– 40, use Table 12.8 on pages 772 and 773 to determine the percent of data specified. 32. Less than z = -0.91 34. Greater than z = 2.66 36. Between z = -2.18 and z = -1.90 38. Between z = -1.53 and z = -1.82 40. Between z = -2.71 and z = 3

> A thumbtack is dropped on a concrete floor. Assume that the thumbtack can land only point up (u) or point down (d), as shown in the figure below. If two thumbtacks are dropped, one after the other, the tree diagram at the top of next page can be used to

> Malcolm’s mean average on five exams is 81. Determine the sum of his scores.

> A person randomly selects one of the six envelopes shown below. Each envelope contains a check that the person gets to keep. Determine the person’s expectation if the checks in the envelopes are as indicated in the exercises. Four envel

> Write the statement in symbolic form. Let p: A panther has a long tail. q: A bobcat can purr. A bobcat cannot purr if and only if a panther does not have a long tail.

> When the addition of a new group and additional items to be apportioned reduces the prior apportionment of another group, the _________ paradox occurs. 4. Hamilton’s and Jefferson’s apportionment methods, favor ___________ states. 6. The apportionment me

> Average Daily Balance Method The Levys’ credit card statement shows a balance due of $1578.25 on March 23, the billing date. For the period ending April 23, they had the following transactions. (a) Determine the average daily balance f

> Assume that a person spins the pointer and is awarded the amount indicated if the pointer points to a positive number but must pay the amount indicated if the pointer points to a negative number. Determine the person’s expectation if th

> Bob’s monthly living expenses for 1 year are as follows: Determine, to the nearest cent, the (a) Mean. (b) Median. (c) Mode. (d) Midrange.

> Use a graph to represent the floor plan shown. In each graph, use the letter O to represent the outside of the building. See Example 3, page 805. 28. Floor Plan The drawing below shows the floor plan of the Sun Valley model home offered by Wubben Builder

> The 12 members of the executive committee of the Student Senate must vote for a student representative for the college board of trustees from among three candidates: Brownstein (B), Samuels (S), and Marquez (M). The preference table follows. 28. Determin

> Write the statement in symbolic form. Let p: A panther has a long tail. q: A bobcat can purr. A panther has a long tail and a bobcat can purr.

> Previous Balance Method On April 15, the billing date, Gabrielle had a balance due of $57.88 on her credit card. She is redecorating her apartment and has the following transactions. (a) Determine the finance charge on May 15, using the previous balance

> The maps of states that are in other Navy regions (see Example 2 on page 803) are shown. Represent each map as a graph where each vertex represents a state and each edge represents a common border between the states. Use the state abbreviations to label

> The salaries of 10 employees of a small company follow. $32,000 $68,000 29,000 28,000 35,000 31,000 30,000 85,000 30,000 33,000 Determine the (a) mean. (b) median. (c) mode. (d) midrange. (e) If the employees wanted to demonstrate the need for a raise, w

> In Exercises 27–34, determine the equation of the line of best fit from the data indicated in the exercise. Round both m and b to the nearest hundredth. 28. Exercise 20 30. Exercise 22 32. Exercise 24 34. Exercise 26

> If you remove any edge in a tree, it creates a(n)__________ graph. 4. A tree that is created from another graph by removing edges while still maintaining a path to each vertex is called a(n) __________ tree. 6. To determine the minimum-cost spanning tr

> Use the rack of 15 billiard balls shown. If one ball is selected at random, determine the odds in favor of it being a ball other than the 8 ball. (28). Use the rack of 15 billiard balls shown. If one ball is selected at random, determine the odds against

> (a) Represent the map as a graph. Use the letter indicated in parentheses to label vertices of the graph. (b) Determine (state yes or no) whether the graph in part (a) has an Euler path. If yes, give one such Euler path. (c) Determine (state yes or no) w

> Assume that a person spins the pointer and is awarded the amount indicated by the pointer. Determine the person’s expectation.

> Previous Balance Method On September 5, the billing date, Verna had a balance due of $567.20 on her credit card. The transactions during the following month were (a) Determine the finance charge on October 5, using the previous balance method. Assume th

> Raffle Tickets Ten thousand raffle tickets are sold for $5 each. Four prizes will be awarded: one for $5000, one for $2500, and two for $1000. Assume that the probability that any given ticket is selected for the $5000 prize is 1/10,000, the probability

> The National Football League (NFL) is considering four cities for expansion: San Antonio (S), Los Angeles (L), Honolulu (H), and Toronto (T). The 32 current owners rank the four candidates according to the following preference table. 24. Determine the wi

> One million tickets are sold for a lottery in which a single prize will be awarded. (a) If you purchase a ticket, determine your odds against winning. (b) If you purchase 10 tickets, determine your odds against winning.

> Harry’s credit card company determines his minimum monthly payment by adding all new interest to 2.5% of the outstanding principal. The credit card company charges an interest rate of 0.03164% per day. On August 21, while on vacation, Harry used his cred

> Suppose that the people of Königsberg decide to add several bridges to their city. Two such possibilities are shown. Create graphs that would represent the Königsberg bridge problem with these new bridges.

> The amount of money Stephanie collected in tips in each of seven days is $51, $70, $54, $28, $105, $64, $83. Determine the mean, median, mode, and midrange.

> A circuit that passes through each edge of a graph exactlymone time is called a (n)_________ circuit. 4. A connected graph has at least one Euler path, but no Euler circuits, if the graph has exactly__________ odd vertices. 6. If a connected graph has e

> One thousand raffle tickets are sold for $2 each. One prize of $600 is to be awarded. Rena purchases one ticket. (a) Determine her expected value. (b) Determine the fair price of a ticket.

> Credit Card Minimum Monthly Payment Evelyn’s credit card company determines her minimum monthly payment by adding all new interest to 2% of the outstanding principal. The credit card company charges an interest rate of 0.04238% per day. On September 15,

> In Exercises 21–34, discuss the statement and tell what possible misuses or misinterpretations may exist. 22. There are more empty spaces in the parking lot of Mama Mia’s Italian restaurant than at Shanghai Chinese res

> In Exercises 19–26, (a) draw a scatter diagram; (b) determine the value of r, rounded to the nearest thousandth; (c) determine whether a correlation exists at a = 0.05; and (d) determine whether a correlation exists at a = 0.01.

> Assume that the spinner cannot land on a line. Determine the odds against the spinner landing on the color red. (22). Assume that the spinner cannot land on a line. Determine the odds against the spinner landing on the color red.

> The Wilson family is trying to decide whether to go to Washington, D.C. (W), Orlando (O), or Virginia Beach (V) on their summer vacation. The two parents, five children, and two grandparents rank their three choices according to the following preference

> The expected value when you purchase a lottery ticket is +$2.00, and the cost of the ticket is $5.00. Determine the fair price of the lottery ticket

> Jeff buys a new motorcycle for $12,000. He receives $4500 as a trade-in on his old motorcycle and uses the money as a down payment. Jeff finances the balance at 6.5% APR over 24 months. Before making his 12th payment, he decides to pay off the loan. (a)

> In Exercises 19–30, use Table 12.8 on pages 772 and 773 to find the specified area. 20. Below the mean 22. Between 1.30 and 1.70 standard deviations above the mean 24. To the left of z = 1.43 26. To the right of z = -1.78 28. To the left of z = -0.92 30.

> Fill in the blank with an appropriate word, phrase, or symbol(s). 2. The difference between the highest and lowest values in a set of data is called the________ . 4. The symbol s is used to indicate the standard deviation of a(n)________ . 6. The standar

> Eight voters are asked to rank three brands of yogurt: Dannon (D), Breyers (B), and Columbo (C). The eight voters turn in the following ballots showing their preferences in order:

> Write the negation of the statement 18. All houses are wired using parallel circuits. 20. No Capricorns are Leos 22. All horses have manes. 24. Some teachers are not professors. 26. Some vitamins contain sugar.

> Determine the minimum-cost spanning trees for the given graph.

> A multiple-choice exam has four possible answers for each question. For each correct answer, you are awarded 5 points. For each incorrect answer, 2 points are subtracted from your score. For answers left blank, no points are added or subtracted. (a) If y

> Early Repayment of a Loan Jeslie Ann has a 48-month installment loan with a fixed monthly payment of $83.81. The amount she borrowed was $3500. Instead of making her 18th payment, Jeslie Ann is paying the remaining balance on the loan. (a) Determine the

> Five candidates are running for president of the Student Senate. They receive the following votes: (a) Determine the winner using the plurality method. (b) Did this candidate receive a majority of votes?

> Where appropriate, round standard deviations to the nearest hundredth. 16. Caffeine in Soft Drinks Determine the range and standard deviation of the number of millgrams of caffeine in 9 selected soft drinks: 37, 43, 25, 80, 55, 33, 40, 30, 35. 18. Prescr

> Use the following graph 16. Determine an Euler circuit that begins and ends with vertex B. 18. Determine an Euler circuit that begins and ends with vertex D. 20. Determine an Euler circuit that begins and ends with vertex F

> Use the graph below to answer the following questions. 16. Is A, D, E, B, A, C, B a circuit? Explain. 18. On the graph, is it possible to determine a path that begins with vertex C, contains all of the edges exactly once, and ends with vertex B? If so,

> A card is picked from a standard deck of cards. Determine the odds against and the odds in favor of selecting. A spade. (18). A card is picked from a standard deck of cards. Determine the odds against and the odds in favor of selecting. A card greater th

> In an experiment, if there is a loss in the long run, the expected value is _______. (4). In an experiment, if there is neither a gain nor a loss in the long run, the expected value is _______ .

> Determine two different Hamilton circuits in each of the following graphs. 16. 18.

> A bag contains 4 blue chips and 6 red chips. Chi and Dolly play the following game. Chi selects one chip at random from the bag. If Chi selects a blue chip, Dolly gives Chi $6. If Chi selects a red chip, Chi gives Dolly $5. (a) Determine Chi’s expectatio

> Financing Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Chan want to buy furniture that has a cash price of $3450. On the installment plan, they must pay 25% of the cash price as a down payment and make six monthly payments of $437. (a) What finance charge will the Chans pay?

> For the distributions in Exercises 16–18, state whether you think the distribution would be normal, J-shaped, bimodal, rectangular, skewed left, or skewed right. 16. The numbers resulting from tossing a die many times. 18. The heights of a sample of hig

> Use a tree to show the parent–child relationships in the following family. Joe has two children: Allan and Rosemary. Allan has three children: Christopher, Donetta, and AJ. Rosemary has three children: Peter, Paula, and Martin.

> Employees of Brighton Summer Camp are choosing a new logo for their summer camp brochure. The choices are a sun (S), a lake (L), and a canoe (C). Each employee ranks the three choices from first to third. The preference table below shows the results of t

> Mike and Dave play the following game. Mike picks a card from a deck of cards. If he selects an ace, Dave gives him $5. If not, he gives Dave $2. (a) Determine Mike’s expectation. (b) Determine Dave’s expectation.

> Financing a Computer Ilga purchased a new computer on a monthly purchase plan. The computer sold for $1495. Ilga paid 5% down and $64 a month for 24 months. (a) What finance charge did Ilga pay? (b) What is the APR to the nearest half percent?

> Use a tree to show the following supervisory relationships at Halford College. President Downing supervises three division directors: Hill, Tipton, and Davis. Hill supervises two department chairs: Travis and Falkner. Tipton supervises three department c

> Determine the mean, median, mode, and midrange of the set of data. Where appropriate, round your answer to the nearest tenth. 12. 4, 6, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9 14. 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 21 16. 40, 50, 30, 60, 90, 100, 140 18. 16, 14, 20, 22, 2

> Each individual outcome in a sample space is called a sample _______ . (4). A helpful method to determine a sample space is to construct a(n) _______ diagram.

> In Exercises 11–18, assume that a sample of bivariate data yields the correlation coefficient, r, indicated. Use Table 12.9 on page 787 for the specified sample size and level of significance to determine whether a linear correlation exists. 12. r = 0.59

> Determine two different spanning trees for the given graph. There are many possible answers.

> A fair die is tossed. Determine the odds against rolling. An odd number. (14). A fair die is tossed. Determine the odds against rolling. A number greater than 4.

> Use the following graph. 12. Determine an Euler path that begins with vertex F 14. Is it possible to determine an Euler path that begins with vertex A?

> At a special clothing sale at the Crescent Oaks Country Club, after the cashier rings up your purchase, you select a slip of paper from a box. The slip of paper indicates the dollar amount, either $5 or $10, that is deducted from your purchase price. The

> Juan paid $7000 for a new central air-conditioning unit for his house. He paid 20% as a down payment and financed the balance with a 36-month fixed installment loan with an APR of 5%. (a) Determine Juan’s finance charge. (b) Determine Juan’s monthly paym

> Seattle Greenery In July in Seattle, the grass grows 1/2 in. a day on a sunny day and 1/4 in. a day on a cloudy day. If in Seattle in July, 75% of the days are sunny and 25% are cloudy (a) Determine the expected amount of grass growth on a typical day in

> In Exercises 11–20, identify the sampling technique used to obtain a sample. 12. Every 10th Samsung television coming off an assembly line is checked for defects. 14. A door prize is given away at a home improvement seminar. Tickets are

> Use the counting principle to determine the answer to part (a). Assume that each event is equally likely to occur. Boys and Girls A couple plans to have two children. (a) Determine the number of sample points in the sample space of the possible arrangeme

> Create a graph with the given properties. There are many possible answers for each problem. 10. Two even vertices 12. Four odd vertices 14. Eight vertices and one bridge

> (2) A loan on which you make variable payments each month is called a(n) _____installment loan. (4) The total amount of money the borrower must pay for borrowing the money is called the ____charge. (6) The period between when a purchase is made and whe

> Determine two different Hamilton paths in each of the following graphs. 10. 12. 14.

> In her wallet, Anne has 12 bills. Six are $1 bills, two are $5 bills, three are $10 bills, and one is a $20 bill. She passes volunteer seeking donations for the Salvation Army and decides to select one bill at random from her wallet and give it to the Sa

> In Exercises 8–10, determine the monthly payment for the installment loan. Unless told otherwise by your instructor, you may either use Table 10.2 or the installment payment formula (see Examples 1 and 2).

> Your television remote control has buttons for digits 0–9. If you press two buttons, how many numbers are possible if (a) The same button may be pressed twice. (b) The same button may not be pressed twice.

> Ergonomic Chairs A large company with offices in four cities must distribute 144 new ergonomic chairs to the four. Offices. The chairs will be apportioned based on the number of employees in each office as shown in the table below. (a) Apportion the chai

> Indicate whether the statement is a simple statement or a compound statement. If it is a compound statement, indicate whether it is a negation, conjunction, disjunction, conditional, or biconditional by using both the word and its appropriate symbol (for

> In Exercises 1–10, fill in the blank with an appropriate word, phrase, or symbol(s). 2. Making generalizations or predictions from the data collected is called ____statistics. 4. All items or people of interest in an experiment are collectively called a

> Use the histogram below to answer the following questions. (a) How many students were surveyed? (b) What are the lower and upper class limits of the first and second classes? (c) How many students have an annual car insurance premium in the class with a

> In Exercises 28–30, part c), construct the frequency polygon on the same axes as the histogram. See Fig 12.9 on page 739. (28) Starting Salaries Starting salaries, in thousands of dollars, for social workers with a bachelor of science d

> Use these data to construct a frequency distribution with a first class of. (22) 80.0–89.9. (24) 88.7–101.6. (25)Jogging Distances Twenty members of a health club who jog were asked how many miles they jog per week. T

> In Exercises 18–20, the data represent the approximate 2013 population, in hundreds of thousands of people, of the 20 most populous cities in the United States. Use these data to construct a frequency distribution with a first class of


See Answer