Identify the major federal discrimination laws and indicate what they prohibit. Which agency is primarily responsible for enforcing these laws?
> Chic Frames Ltd was acquired by Specsavers for $8 million. The fair value of the net assets acquired by Specsavers was assessed at $5 million. Prepare the double-entry transaction that would keep the accounting equation in balance.
> One of Google’s largest acquisitions was Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion in 2011. Google subsequently sold Motorola to Chinese giant PC producer Lenovo for $2.9 billion. Required Explain how the goodwill associated with Lenovo’s acquisition would be
> Entities spend millions of dollars on marketing and advertising intended to promote and build brands, develop customers and sell services or products. Consider a new hotel being launched. Extensive marketing spend is required to create an awareness of th
> Typical classifications of liabilities in the statement of financial position include: payables; borrowings; deferred revenue; deferred tax liabilities; provisions and other liabilities. The equity classifications for large entities are: share capital (c
> Qantas Group has been ranked amongst the top six airlines of global carriers when it comes to the availability of frequent flyer reward seats based on the ninth annual CarTrawler Reward Seat Availability Survey, which attempts to book award redemptions o
> Identify whether the following liabilities would be classified as current or non-current as at the end of the reporting period, justifying your classification decision. (a) Provision for employee annual leave (b) Long-term bank loan (c) Payroll taxes pay
> Identify whether the following assets would be classified as current or non-current as at the end of the reporting period, justifying your classification decision. (a) Prepaid expenses (b) Intangible assets (c) Plant and equipment (d) Accounts receivable
> Solve for the missing financial numbers as they would appear in the statement of financial position. Non- Current current assets assets $35 000 $46000 d. 84 000 159 000 j. 46 941 g. 24 000 m. Total Current assets liabilities a. e. $295 000 k. 129 127
> From the following account balances of Graceview as at 31 December 2019, prepare a statement of financial position in both the T-format and the narrative classified format. Note: You will need to determine the balance of the retained earnings. Cash at ba
> From the following account balances of Frosty Pty Ltd as at 30 June 2019, prepare a statement of financial position in both the T-format and the narrative classified format. Cash at bank ………………………………………………………… $ 4 000 Accounts receivable (net) …………………………
> JB Hi-Fi Ltd has a legal obligation to prepare and lodge financial statements. Access the notes to JB Hi-Fi Ltd’s most recent financial statements and identify the rules and regulations that govern the basis for the preparation of the financial statement
> In discussion of business and society, why is there a tendency to focus on large-sized rather than small- or medium-sized firms? Have the corporate ethics scandals of the past decade affected small- and medium-sized firms? If so, in what ways have these
> From your personal experience, give two examples of ethical dilemmas you have experienced as a member of an organization.
> From your personal experience, give an example of a situation you have faced that would require one of the six elements of moral judgment. Which of these six elements are most important and why?
> Compare your motivations to behave ethically with those listed in Figure 7-14. Do the reasons given in that figure agree with your personal assessment? Discuss the similarities and differences between Figure 7-14 and your personal assessment. Figure 7-1
> Give examples from your personal experience of Kohlberg’s Levels 1, 2, and 3. If you do not think you have ever gotten to Level 3, give an example of what it might be like.
> To demonstrate that you understand the three models of management ethics – moral, immoral, and amoral – give an example from your personal experience of each type. Do you agree that amorality is a serious problem? Explain.
> Give a definition of ethical business behavior, explain the components involved in making ethical decisions, and give an example from your personal experience of the sources of ethical norms that affect you while making these determinations.
> Do research on the impact of Hurricane Sandy on business organizations. What have been successful and unsuccessful examples of crisis management that have come out of this research? Is terrorism a likely crisis for which business may prepare? How does pr
> Identify a crisis that has occurred in your life or in the life of someone you know, and briefly explain it in terms of the four crisis stages: prodromal, acute, chronic, and resolution.
> Identify one example, other than those listed in Figure 6-3, of each of the leading force categories: events, authorities/advocates, literature, organizations, and political jurisdictions. Figure 6-3: Leading Forces Events Authorities/Advocates Lit
> Is society intoxicated with technology? Does this pose special problems for business with respect to the ethics of technology? Will such intoxication blind people to ethical considerations in business?
> Following the approach presented in Figure 6-1, identify a new issue category not listed in Figure 6-1. Identify several examples of “crises” that have occurred in recent years under each issue category. Figure 6-1:
> Which of the major stages in the issue management process do you think is the most important? Why?
> Describe the corporate public affairs function today. What are the three opportunities for PA executives in the future?
> Why are integrated reports increasing in popularity?
> What is social entrepreneurship and how is it related to the bottom of the pyramid (BOP)?
> What is the difference between integrated reporting and a social performance report?
> Identify the steps involved in the strategic management process.
> Which of the four strategy levels is most concerned with social, ethical., or public issues? Discuss the characteristics of this level.
> Discuss the pros and cons of the shareholder-primacy and director-primacy models of corporate governance. Which do you prefer and why?
> Outline the major suggestions that have been set forth for improving corporate governance. In your opinion, which suggestions are the most important? Why?
> Are there any benefits or negative side effects of technology in business that have not been mentioned in this chapter? Discuss.
> Explain how governance failures such as Enron and the global financial crisis could happen. How might they be avoided?
> What are the major criticisms of boards of directors? Which single criticism do you find to be the most important? Why?
> Explain the evolution of corporate governance. What problems developed? What are the current trends?
> Is the stakeholder corporation a realistic model for business firms? Will stakeholder corporations become more prevalent in the 21st century? Why or why not?
> What are the three levels of stakeholder engagement that a company might use? Explain each.
> What are the five key questions that must be answered for stakeholder management to be successful?
> Differentiate between primary and secondary social and nonsocial stakeholders in a business situation. Give examples of each.
> Explain in your own words the differences between the production, managerial, and stakeholder views of the firm. Which view is best and why?
> Explain the concepts of stake and stakeholder from your perspective as an individual. What kinds of stakes and stakeholders do you have? Discuss.
> Compare and contrast the socially oriented concepts: CSR, corporate citizenship, sustainability, creating shared value, and conscious capitalism. Do these represent different forms of the business and society relationship or do they represent how and why
> Which three of the concepts under the field of behavioral ethics appear to be the most powerful? Explain why and give examples.
> Has the concept of diversity supplanted the concept of affirmative action in leading companies today? Why or why not?
> Do you agree with the Genetic Nondiscrimination Act? Do companies have a right to know and use genetic information about employees? Why or why not?
> Do you think racial inequality is caused by racism, favoritism, or both? Explain your answer.
> How has the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) evolved since its inception?
> Give two different definitions of discrimination, and provide an example of each.
> Identify the privacy, health, and due-process ramifications of violence in the workplace.
> Which two of the four guidelines on the issue of privacy presented in this chapter do you think are the most important? Why?
> How has the World Trade Center tragedy affected workplace privacy? What are the long-term implications of that?
> How has technology affected workplace privacy? What are the implications for the social contract between firms and their employees?
> Identify and prioritize the best practices for improving the organization’s ethical climate. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
> What are the two major arguments for and against integrity (honesty) testing by employers? Under what circumstances could management most legitimately argue that integrity testing is necessary?
> Enumerate the strengths and weaknesses of the polygraph as a management tool for decision making. What polygraph uses are legitimate? What uses of the polygraph are illegitimate?
> In your own words, describe what privacy means and what privacy protection companies should give employees.
> What other steps can management take to be responsive to potential whistle-blowing situations?
> What is your assessment of the value of the False Claims Act? What is your assessment of the value of the whistle-blower protections under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
> How do you feel about whistle-blowing now that you have read about it? Are you now more sympathetic or less sympathetic to whistle-blowers? Explain.
> If you could choose only one, which form of alternative dispute resolution would be your choice as the most effective approach to employee due process? Explain.
> In your own words, explain the right to due process. What are some of the major ways management is attempting to ensure due process in the workplace?
> Explain the employment-at-will doctrine, and describe how it is being eroded. Do you think its existence is leading to a healthy or an unhealthy employment environment in the United States? Justify your reasoning.
> Rank the various changes that are occurring in the workplace in terms of their importance to the growth of the employee rights movement. Briefly explain your ranking.
> An ongoing debate concerns whether business ethics can and should be taught in business schools. Do you think ethics can be taught in B-school? Substantiate your point with reasons. Can top managers and board members be taught business ethics?
> In your opinion, why does a business have a responsibility to employees and community stakeholders in a business- or plant-closing decision?
> Identify and discuss briefly what you think are the major trade-offs that firms face as they think about offshoring and reshoring. When substantial layoffs are involved, what are firms’ responsibilities to their employees and their communities?
> Differentiate among strategic philanthropy, cause-related marketing, and cause branding. Provide an example of each not discussed in the text.
> Explain the pros and cons of corporate philanthropy, provide a brief history of corporate philanthropy, and explain why and to whom companies give.
> Have you participated in community involvement at work? What type of program did the company endorse? Outline what you experienced to be the benefits of employee volunteerism.
> Should businesses and societies continue to focus on unlimited economic growth?
> How can ethics be applied in response to environmental issues?
> Who has responsibility for addressing environmental issues?
> What are several of the most important environmental issues now receiving worldwide attention?
> What is sustainability? How does sustainability relate to environmentalism?
> What do you think about codes of conduct? Give three reasons why an organization ought to have a code of conduct and three reasons why an organization should not have a code of conduct. On balance, how do you assess the value of codes of conduct?
> What is your assessment of business’s response to product and service quality and safety? Have they done enough? What is missing from their approaches?
> Given the current business and consumer climate, what do you anticipate the future to be for the CPSC and the FDA? What role does politics play in your answer?
> Differentiate the doctrine of strict liability from the doctrines of absolute liability and market share liability. What implications do these views have for the business community and for future products and services that might be offered?
> Identify the principal reasons why we have a product liability crisis. Have any reasons been omitted? Discuss.
> What ethical theories can help us to better understand the issue of quality? Discuss.
> Identify the major dimensions of quality. Give an example of a product or service in which each of these characteristics is important.
> Does the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau make sense? How do you keep politics out of government agencies? In a free market, why shouldn’t consumers be left to fend for themselves with respect to consumer financial products?
> Are companies genuinely interested in marketing sustainable products or is this just a marketing strategy that is popular today. Do you think “green fatigue” has set in? If so, what should companies now do?
> Give an example of a major abuse of advertising via social media from your own observations and experiences. How do you feel about this as a consumer?
> What is your opinion of the consumer movement? Is it “alive and well” or is it fading away? Why has consumerism been such an enduring movement for so long?
> Assume that you are in your first managerial position. Identify five ways in which you might provide ethical leadership. Rank them in terms of importance, and be prepared to explain your ranking.
> In addition to the basic consumer rights expressed in the consumer’s Magna Carta, what other expectations or rights do you think consumer stakeholders have of business? Do consumers have some moral rights that have not yet been articulated in law?
> What are the limits of corporate political strategy? Are there lines that companies should not cross?
> What does corporate accountability mean to you? How important is corporate political transparency?
> Discuss Citizens United and Speechnow and their likely effect on future elections. What, if any, reforms would you recommend?
> What is a PAC? How is it different from a Super PAC? What are the major arguments in favor of PACs? What are the major types of PACs and how do they differ? In your opinion, are PACs a good way for business to influence the public policy process? What ch
> Explain lobbying in your own words. Describe the different levels at which lobbying takes place. Why is there a lack of unity among the umbrella organizations?
> What are deregulation and reregulation? Under what circumstances should each be considered?
> What are the trade-offs between privatization and federalization? When would one or the other be more appropriate? What problems might you foresee and what future events would merit a shift in the current mix?
> Outline the major benefits and costs of government regulation. In general, do you think the benefits of government regulation exceed the costs? In what areas, if any, do you think the costs exceed the benefits?
> What is regulation? Why does government see a need to regulate? Differentiate between economic and social regulation. What social regulations do you think are most important, and why? What social regulations ought to be eliminated? Explain.
> Which is most important in ethics principles – consequences or duty? Discuss.
> Explain why the public is treated as a separate group in the interactions among business, government, and the public. Doesn’t government represent the public’s interests? How should the public’s interests be manifested?
> Briefly explain how business and government represent a clash of ethical systems (belief systems). With which do you find yourself identifying most? Explain. With which would most business Students identify? Explain.