In 2018, Lou has a salary of $53,300 from her job. She also has interest income of $1,600 and dividend income of $400. Lou is single and has no dependents. During the year, Lou sold silver coins held as an investment for a $7,000 loss. Calculate the following amounts for Lou:
a. Adjusted gross income
b. Standard deduction
c. Exemption
d. Taxable income
> The Basketball Marketing Company (BMC) markets, distributes, and sells basketball apparel and related products. BMC signed a long term endorsement contract with a 16-year-old Serbian player, Darko Milicic, who was virtually unknown in the United States u
> To ensure fair competition and client privacy, many financial services firms sign an agreement known as the Protocol for Broker Recruiting. It outlined the procedures that all member firms, and their employees, had to follow when hiring financial advisor
> Jim and Bonnie Hyler enjoyed traveling about the country with a camping trailer that they pulled behind their car. Jim sustained a back injury that left his right leg numb and he was unable to hook up the trailer to the car. The Hylers visited Autorama a
> Indiana’s public indecency statute prohibits any person from appearing nude in a public place. A nightclub called the Kitty Kat Lounge, and several dancers who wished to perform nude, filed suit, seeking an order that the statute was unconstitutional. Th
> Christian Kjaer and his relatives (Sellers) owned a small island off the coast of St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. Some investors, led by Miami Dolphins football player Jason Taylor agreed to buy it for $21 million. Under the contract, Taylor paid a $1
> Joseph Toscano was the general manager of Fields Pianos (Fields) in Santa Ana, California. He was unhappy with his job, and decided to seek other employment. In July, Greene offered Toscano a sales management job, starting September 1. Toscano relied on
> Bi-Economy Market, a family-owned meat market, was insured by Harleysville Insurance. The “Deluxe Business Owner’s” policy provided replacement cost for damage to buildings and inventory. Coverage also included “business interruption insurance” for one y
> The Hadleys operated a flour mill in Gloucester. The mill’s crankshaft broke, causing the mill to grind to a halt. The Hadleys employed Baxendale to cart the damaged part to a foundry in Greenwich, where a new one could be manufactured. Baxendale promise
> Hawkins suffered a severe electrical burn on the palm of his right hand. After years of living with disfiguring scars, he went to visit Dr. McGee, who was well-known for his early attempts at skin grafting surgery. The doctor told Hawkins “I will guarant
> Case law tells us that a course syllabus is not a binding contract—but how about your school’s honor code? Under what conditions could an honor code be a contract?
> Walker-Thomas Furniture Company, operated a retail furniture store in an economically disadvantaged DC neighborhood. The store’s standard boilerplate contract provided, in fine print, that when a purchaser bought more than one item, any payment she made
> Barbara Richards leased an apartment at Twin Lakes, a complex owned by Lenna Ransburg. The written lease declared that: • Twin Lakes would “gratuitously” maintain the common areas. • Richards’ use of the facilities would be “at her own risk.” • Twin La
> For the most recent 16 years, Kathy King had worked at Head Start, which provided haircuts, coloring and styling for men and women. King was primarily a stylist, though she had also managed one of the Head Start facilities. King quit Head Start and began
> A and B, a married couple, were having difficulties conceiving a child. They chose to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF), which involves removing the woman’s eggs and combining them in a petri dish with the man’s sperm. A and B’s process yielded multip
> In 1984, outside the Republican National Convention in Dallas, Gregory Johnson participated in a protest against policies of the Reagan administration. Participants gave speeches and handed out leaflets. Johnson burned an American flag. He was arrested a
> American Express Travel Related Services (American Express) alleged that New York resident Titus Assih missed a credit card payment. His interest rate ballooned from 12.24% to 21%, and eventually to 27.99%. Assih made small payments for a time, but soon
> Authentic Home Improvements (Authentic) performed work on Diane Mayo’s home. Mayo sued for return of the money she paid. In court, Authentic admitted that it had no contractor’s license when it began the work, but had expected to obtain it shortly. The c
> Suulan Chem asked an acquaintance, insurance agent Thuan Wu to purchase an insurance policy on the life of her young son, Michael. Wu purchased a short term policy through Surety Life Insurance. Later, without telling Chem, he renewed that policy and bou
> Brodsky signed an option contract to buy land from Culbertson. Brodsky was to deliver a check for $5,000, representing “earnest money,” to a bank. The bank would hold the check in escrow, uncashed, for 60 days. Brodsky could inspect the property and perf
> When Anthony Willoughby was diagnosed with diabetes, he notified his company’s Human Resources department. Despite treatment, Willoughby experienced side effects that included swelling, dizziness, blurred vision, and frequent bathroom use. Heat caused th
> United Airlines required its pilots to have uncorrected vision of at least 20/100. It refused to hire twin sisters with 20/200 vision, even though their vision could be corrected to 20/20. The sisters sued under the ADA, claiming that United Airlines was
> When Ella Williams’s doctor diagnosed her with carpal tunnel syndrome, Toyota transferred her from an assembly line position to a job in Quality Control Inspection Operations (QCIO). Employees in this department typically performed four different jobs, b
> After some years as a medical assistant at SouthCrest Hospital, Alethia Allen requested a transfer to work for a different physician in the same hospital. Unfortunately, Allen found her new job to be much more stressful than the old one. Indeed, it was s
> Google’s vice-president of engineering, Wayne Rosing (aged 55), hired Brian Reid (52) as director of operations and director of engineering. At the time, the top executives at Google were CEO Eric Schmidt (47), vice-president of engineering operations Ur
> Darlene Jespersen was a bartender at Harrah's Casino in Reno, Nevada. She was an outstanding employee, praised by both customers and her supervisors. After Jespersen had been at Harrah’s for almost 20 years, the casino implemented a program whose goal wa
> During the Korean War, unions threatened to strike steel mills. President Truman responded by ordering Secretary of Commerce Sawyer to seize the mills and keep them running. Sawyer began to issue orders to company executives. A federal district court enj
> RARE Hospitality wanted to lease a property to open a LongHorn Steakhouse, but Stirling, the property owner, would only sell it. RARE convinced HDRE to buy the property and lease it to RARE. HDRE entered into an agreement to purchase the space from Stirl
> Ken paid the following amounts for interest during 2018: Calculate Ken’s itemized deduction for interest on the following portion of Schedule A. Qualified interest on home mortgage Auto loan interest $4,800 850 "Points" on the mo
> Married taxpayers Otto and Ruth are both self-employed. Otto earns $352,000 of self employment income and Ruth has a self-employment loss of $13,500. How much 0.9 percent Medicare tax for high-income taxpayers will Otto and Ruth have to pay with their 20
> Sally hires a maid to work in her home for $280 per month. The maid is 25 years old and not related to Sally. During 2018, the maid worked 9 months for Sally. a. What is the amount of Social Security tax Sally must pay as the maid’s employer? b. What is
> Stewart Beauf is a self-employed surfboard maker in 2018. His Schedule C net income is $125,003 for the year. He also has a part-time job and earns $15,600 in wages subject to FICA taxes. Calculate Stewart’s self-employment tax for 2018 using Schedule
> In 2018, Margaret and John Murphy (both over age 65) are married taxpayers who file a joint tax return with AGl of $25,400. During the year they incurred the following expenses: In addition, they drove 83 miles for medical transportation, and their ins
> During 2018, Jerry is a self-employed therapist, and his net earned income is $160,000 from his practice. Jerry’s SEP Plan, a defined contribution plan, states that he will contribute the maximum amount allowable. Calculate Jerry’s contribution.
> Dori is 58 years old and retired in 2018. She receives a pension of $25,000 a year and no other income. She wishes to put the maximum allowed into an IRA. How much can she contribute to her IRA?
> Bob is a single, 40-year-old doctor earning $190,000 a year and is not covered by a pension plan at work. How much can he put into a deductible Traditional IRA in 2018?
> What is the maximum amount a 55-year-old taxpayer and 52-year-old spouse can put into a Traditional or Roth IRA for 2018, assuming they earn $70,000 in total and are not participants in pension plans?
> Phil and Linda are 25-year-old newlyweds and file a joint tax return. Linda is covered by a retirement plan at work, but Phil is not. a. Assuming Phil’s wages were $27,000 and Linda’s wages were $18,500 for 2018 and they had no other income, what is the
> Caloundra Corporation has book income of $40,000. Included in the book income is $3,000 of tax-exempt interest, $7,000 of book income tax expense, and a $2,000 nondeductible fine. Also included in book income are $10,000 of dividends Caloundra received f
> Mary paid $2,000 of state income taxes in 2018. The total sales tax she paid during 2018 was $4,500, which included $3,000 for the cost of a new car. How should Mary treat the taxes paid on her 2018 tax return?
> Mike sells his home to Jane on April 2, 2018. Jane pays the property taxes covering the full calendar year in October, which amount to $2,500. How much may Mike and Jane each deduct for property taxes in 2018? Mike’s deduction $ Jane’s deduction $
> Lyndon’s employer withheld $11,000 in state income taxes from Lyndon’s wages in 2018. Lyndon obtained a refund of $1,700 this year for overpayment of state income taxes for 2017. State income taxes were an itemized deduction on his 2017 return. His 2018
> Rob operates a small plumbing supplies business as a sole proprietor. In 2018, the plumbing business has gross business income of $421,000 and business expenses of $267,000, including wages paid of $58,000. The business sold some land that had been held
> Evan participates in an HSA carrying family coverage for himself, his spouse, and two children. In 2018, Evan has $100 per month deducted from his paycheck and contributed to the HSA. In addition, Evan makes a one-time contribution of $2,000 on April 15,
> Dick owns a house that he rents to college students. Dick receives $800 per month rent and incurs the following expenses during the year: Dick purchased the house in 1978 for $48,000. The house is fully depreciated. Calculate Dick’
> On July 1, 2018, Ted, age 73 and single, sells his personal residence of the last 30 years for $368,000. Ted’s basis in his residence is $42,000. The expenses associated with the sale of his home total $22,000. On December 15, 2018, Ted purchases and occ
> Larry Gaines, a single taxpayer, age 42, sells his personal residence on November 12, 2018, for $148,000. He lived in the house for 7 years. The expenses of the sale are $9,000, and he has made capital improvements of $7,000. Larry’s cost basis in his re
> In 2018, Michael has net short-term capital losses of $1,500, a net long-term capital loss of $27,000, and other ordinary taxable income of $45,000. a. Calculate the amount of Michael’s deduction for capital losses for 2018. b. Calculate the amount and
> Business with gross receipts of $25 million or less may treat inventory as non incidental materials and supplies. Find Regulation Section 1.162-3 and read paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) to help answer the following: Frank owns an auto repair shop that serv
> Indicate the date that the statute of limitations would run out on each of the following 2018 individual tax returns: a. A fraudulent tax return that was filed April 15, 2019 b. A tax return that was filed May 19, 2019 c. A tax return that was filed Febr
> During the 2018 tax year, Brian, a single taxpayer, received $7,400 in Social Security benefits. His adjusted gross income for the year was $14,500 (not including the Social Security benefits) and he received $30,000 in tax-exempt interest income and has
> In 2018, Van receives $20,000 (of which $4,000 is earnings) from a qualified tuition program. He uses the funds to pay for his college tuition and other qualified higher education expenses. How much of the $20,000 is taxable to Van?
> Jose paid the following amounts for his son to attend Big State University in 2018: How much of the above is a qualified higher education expense for purposes of his Qualified Tuition Program? $6,400 4,775 Tuition Room and board Books 772 A car to
> Charu Khanna received a Form 1099-B showing the following stock transactions and basis during 2018: None of the stock is qualified small business stock. The stock basis was reported to the IRS. Calculate Charu’s net capital gain or lo
> Arlen is required by his 2018 divorce agreement to pay alimony of $2,000 a month and child support of $2,000 a month to his ex-wife Jane. What is the tax treatment of these two payments for Arlen? What is the tax treatment of these two payments for Jane
> Answer the following questions: a. Under a 2017 divorce agreement, Joan is required to pay her ex-husband, Bill, $700 a month until their daughter is 18 years of age. At that time, the required payments are reduced to $450 per month. 1. How much of each
> Nicoula is a server at a La Jolla restaurant. Nicoula received $1,200 in unreported tips during 2018 and owes Social Security and Medicare taxes on these tips. Her total income for the year, including the tips, is $4,300. Is Nicoula required to file an i
> In June of 2018, Kevin inherits stock worth $125,000. During the year, he collects $5,600 in dividends from the stock. How much of these amounts, if any, should Kevin include in his gross income for 2018? Why? SCHEDULE B OMB No. 1545-0074 Interest
> Sally and Charles Heck received the following Form 1099-DIV in 2018: The Hecks also received the following dividends and interest in 2018 (Forms 1099-DIV not shown): Assuming the Hecks file a joint tax return, complete Schedule B of Form 1040 (on Pag
> In Year 1, Citradoria Corporation is a regular corporation that contributes $35,000 cash to qualified charitable organizations during the current tax year. The corporation has net operating income of $145,000, before deducting the contributions, and divi
> During 2018, Tom sold Sears stock for $10,000. The stock was purchased 4 years ago for $13,000. Tom also sold Ford Motor Company bonds for $35,000. The bonds were purchased 2 months ago for $30,000. Home Depot stock, purchased 2 years ago for $1,000, was
> Describe the methods that an individual taxpayer that holds Series I Bonds can use to recognize interest.
> How are qualified dividends taxed in 2018? Please give the rates of tax which apply to qualified dividends, and specify when each of these rates applies.
> Jessica and Carl were married on July 1, 2018. What are their options for filing status for their 2018 taxes?
> Sanjay is a single taxpayer that operates a curry cart on the streets of Baltimore. The business is operated as a sole proprietorship with no employees (Sanjay does everything). Sanjay’s Schedule C reports income of $87,000. His taxable income is $80,000
> Tyler, a single taxpayer, generates a net operating loss of $12,000 in 2017. He also generates a net operating loss of $6,000 in 2018. Finally, in 2019, Tyler’s business turns a corner and he generates taxable income of $17,000. a. How much of Tyler’s 20
> Walter, a single taxpayer, purchased a limited partnership interest in a tax shelter in 1992. He also acquired a rental house in 2018, which he actively manages. During 2018, Walter’s share of the partnership’s losses was $30,000, and his rental house ge
> Go to the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) website. For the month of September 30, 2018, what is the per diem rate for each of the following towns: a. Flagstaff, AZ b. Palm Springs, CA c. Denver, CO
> Martin sells a stock investment for $26,000 on August 2, 2018. Martin’s adjusted basis in the stock is $15,000. a. If Martin acquired the stock on November 15, 2017, calculate the amount and the nature of the gain or loss. b. If Martin had acquired the s
> Joan is a self-employed attorney in New York City. Joan took a trip to San Diego, CA, primarily for business, to consult with a client and take a short vacation. On the trip, Joan incurred the following expenses: Calculate Joan’s tra
> Your supervisor has asked you to research the following situation concerning Owen and Lisa Cordoncillo. Owen and Lisa are brother and sister. In May 2018, Owen and Lisa exchange land they both held separately for investment. Lisa gives up a 2 acre proper
> Jonathan is a 35-year-old single taxpayer with adjusted gross income in 2018 of $46,300. He uses the standard deduction and has no dependents. a. Calculate Jonathan’s taxable income. Please show your work. b. When you calculate Jonathan’s tax liability a
> Alicia, age 27, is a single, full-time college student. She earns $13,200 from a part time job and has taxable interest income of $1,450. Her itemized deductions are $845. Calculate Alicia’s taxable income for 2018.
> Teresa is a civil engineer who uses her automobile for business. Teresa drove her automobile a total of 11,965 miles during 2018, of which 80 percent was business mileage. The actual cost of gasoline, oil, depreciation, repairs, and insurance for the yea
> Leslie is a single taxpayer who is under age 65 and in good health. For 2018, she has a salary of $24,000 and itemized deductions of $1,000. Leslie allows her mother to live with her during the winter months (3–4 months per year), but her mother provides
> Margaret started her own business in the current year and will report a profit for her first year. Her results of operations are as follows: What is the net income Margaret should show on her Schedule C? Show the calculation of her taxable business inc
> Melissa and Aaron are married taxpayers with taxable income of $105,000. a. When you calculate their tax liability, are you required to use the tax tables or the tax rate schedules, or does it matter? b. What is their 2018 tax liability
> Carey opens a law office in Chicago on January 1, 2018. On January 1, 2018, Carey purchases an annual subscription to a law journal for $170 and a 1-year legal reference service for $1,500. Carey also subscribes to Chicago Magazine for $54 so she can fi
> Determine from the tax table in Appendix A the amount of the income tax for each of the following taxpayers for 2018: Тахрауerts) Filing Status Тахаble Income Income Tax Allen Single MFS $21,000 24,545 35,784 27,450 45,000 Воyd Caldwell $ $. MFJ H o
> Marty is a sales consultant. Marty incurs the following expenses related to the entertainment of his clients in 2018: a. How much is Marty’s deduction for entertainment expenses for 2018? b. For each item listed above that you believe
> For each of the following independent cases, indicate the amount of gross income that must be included on the taxpayer’s 2018 income tax return. a. Malchia won a $4,000 humanitarian award. b. Rob won a new automobile (with a sticker price of $15,700 and
> While preparing Massie Miller’s 2018 Schedule A, you review the following list of possible charitable deductions provided by Massie: What would you say to Massie regarding her listed deductions? How much of the deduction is allowed fo
> How much of each of the following is taxable? a. Cheline, an actress, received a $6,400 gift bag for attending the Academy Awards Ceremony during 2018. b. Jon received a gold watch worth $660 for 25 years of service to his accounting firm (not a qualifie
> Scott Butterfield is self-employed as a CPA. He uses the cash method of account ing, and his Social Security number is 644-47-7833. His principal business code is 541211. Scott’s CPA practice is located at 678 Third Street, Riverside, C
> Linda and Richard are married and file a joint return for 2018. During the year, Linda, who works as an accountant for a national airline, used $2,100 worth of free passes for travel on the airline; Richard used the same amount. Linda and Richard also us
> Ulysses and Penelope are married and file separate returns for 2018. Penelope itemizes her deductions on her return. Ulysses’ adjusted gross income was $17,400, his itemized deductions were $2,250. Neither have any dependents. Calculate Ulysses’ income t
> Kristen, a single taxpayer, receives two 2018 Forms W-2 from the two employers she worked for during the year. One Form W-2 lists her wages in Boxes 1, 3, and 5 as $18,700. Her other employer’s Form W-2 has $43,000 in Box 1 but only $46,500 in both Box 3
> Jane is a roofing contractor. Jane’s friend needed a new roof but did not have the cash to pay. Jane’s friend instead paid with a used truck that Jane could use in her roofing business. The truck had originally cost the friend $17,500 but it was gently
> Greg died on July 1, 2018, and left Lea, his wife, a $45,000 life insurance policy which she elects to receive at $9,000 per year plus interest for 5 years. In the current year, Lea receives $9,500. How much should Lea include in her gross income?
> Lola, age 67, began receiving a $1,000 monthly annuity in the current year upon the death of her husband. She received seven payments in the current year. Her husband contributed $48,300 to the qualified employee plan. Use the Simplified Method Worksheet
> Ellen’s tax client, Tom, is employed at a large company that offers health care flexible spending accounts to its employees. Tom must decide at the beginning of the year whether he wants to put as much as $2,650 of his salary into the health care flexibl
> Indicate whether each of the items listed below would be included (I) in or excluded (E) from gross income for the 2018 tax year. a. Welfare payments b. Commissions c. Hobby income d. Scholarships for room and board e. $300 set of golf clubs, an employee
> Jason and Mary Wells, friends of yours, were married on December 30, 2018. They know you are studying taxes and have sent you an e-mail with a question concerning their filing status. Jason and Mary would each like to file single for tax year 2018. Jason
> Jim, age 50, and Martha, age 49, are married with three dependent children. They file a joint return for 2018. Their income from salaries totals $49,500, and they received $10,125 in taxable interest, $5,000 in royalties, and $3,000 in other ordinary inc
> Diego, age 28, married Dolores, age 27, in 2018. Their salaries for the year amounted to $47,230 and they had interest income of $3,500. Diego and Dolores’ deductions for adjusted gross income amounted to $2,000, their itemized deductions were $16,000,
> Go to the Turbo Tax Blog ( and search the blog for an article on deductions related to service animals. Determine which of the following expenses might be deductible: purchase of the service animal, training the service a
> Go to the IRS website ( and print out a copy of the most recent Schedule F of Form 1040.
> In each of the following situations, determine whether the taxpayer(s) has/have a dependent. Dependent? (Yes/No) a. Donna, a 20-year-old single taxpayer, supports her mother, who lives in her own home. Her mother has income of $1,350. b. William, age 43,
> Jason and Mary are married taxpayers in 2018. They are both under age 65 and in good health. For 2018 they have a total of $41,000 in wages and $700 in interest income. Jason and Mary’s deductions for adjusted gross income amount to $5,000 and their item
> During the 2018 tax year, Irma incurred the following expenses: If Irma’s adjusted gross income is $23,000, calculate her miscellaneous deductions. $244 150 Union dues Tax return preparation fee Brokerage fees for the purchase of
> Lydia, a married individual, was unemployed for a few months during 2018. During the year, she received $3,250 in unemployment compensation payments. How much of her unemployment compensation payments must be included in gross income?