In partnership with Jefferson County and the Mound City Visitor’s Bureau, Mound City recently established a Native American Heritage Center and Museum, organized as a tax-exempt not-for-profit organization. Although the facility does not charge admission, signs at the information desk in the entry lobby encourage gifts of $3.00 for adults and $1.00 for children, 12 and under. Many visitors make the recommended contribution, some contribute larger amounts, and some do not contribute at all. Such contributions comprise 40 percent of the museum’s total annual revenues, with net proceeds from fund-raising events and governmental grants comprising the remaining 60 percent.
The center operates from a city-owned building for which it pays a nominal $1 per year in rent. Except for a full-time executive director and a part-time assistant, the center is staffed by unpaid volunteers. The center is governed by a seven-member board of directors, each appointed for a three-year term. Four of the directors are appointed by the Mound City Council, two by the Jefferson County Commission, and one by the Mound City Visitor’s Bureau. Should the center cease to operate, its charter provides that 60 percent of its net assets will revert to the city, 25 percent to the county, and 15 percent to the Visitor’s Bureau.
At the end of its first year of operation, the board of directors decided to engage a local CPA to conduct an audit of the center’s financial statements. The board expects to receive an unqualified (clean) audit opinion stating that its financial statements are presented fairly in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
Assume you are the CPA who has been engaged to conduct this audit. To which standards-setting body (or bodies) would you look for accounting and financial reporting standards to assist you in determining whether the center’s financial statements are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles? Explain how you arrived at this conclusion.
> Describe how a taxpayer might assess the financial solvency and viability of a government using government-wide financial statements prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles.
> Describe how citizens can use the financial trend monitoring system (FTMS) of the ICMA to assess the financial condition of their local government.
> The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) describes four types of solvency within the concept of financial condition. Identify each type and explain why each is important to the long-term financial health of a government.
> Which of the following terms best represents a broad concept of financial health encompassing the government’s ability and willingness to meet its financial obligations and commitments to provide services: financial position, financial condition, or econ
> Describe some typical causes of municipal financial crises. How could an effective monitoring system reduce the risk of a financial crisis?
> Describe the fiduciary activities of a state or local government and explain how accounting and financial reporting for fiduciary activities differ from those for governmental and business-type activities.
> The Village of Rodale keeps its governmental fund accounting records on a modified accrual basis. At the end of the fiscal year, the village accountant must convert the modified accrual information to accrual information to allow for preparation of the g
> Following is the governmental activities pre-closing trial balance for the Town of Freaz. Freaz is a relatively small town and, as a result, it has only governmental funds (i. e., it uses no proprietary funds). There are no component units. To complete t
> You have recently started working as the controller for a small county. The county is preparing its financial statements for the comprehensive annual financial report and you have been given the following statement for review. You know that in addition t
> You have been provided with the following information concerning operating activity for Leesburg County. For the year ended June 30, 2011, the net change in total governmental fund balances was $131,700, and the change in net assets of governmental activ
> The City of Allenton has engaged you to examine its June 20, 2011, financial statements. You are the first CPA ever engaged by the city and you find that the city’s accounting staff is unfamiliar with GAAP accounting and reporting requi
> The City of Lynnwood was recently incorporated and had the following transactions for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011. 1. The city council adopted a General Fund budget for the fiscal year. Revenues were estimated at $2,000,000 and appropriations
> Choose the best answer. 1. Some governments have begun to provide highly condensed financial information, budget summaries, and narrative descriptions, in addition to their traditional CAFR. This type of report is generally referred to as a (an): a. Popu
> Choose the best answer. 1. Which of the following fund type(s) uses the accrual basis of accounting? a. Special revenue. b. Internal service. c. Pension trust. d. Both b and c. 2. Which of the following items would generally be reported as a program reve
> You have just been hired as an accountant for a large metropolitan city in the eastern part of the country. Your first assignment is to assist the finance director in the preparation of a “popular report.” The city has long been concerned w
> The MD&A for the 2007 City and County of Denver CAFR is included as Appendix B in this chapter. On the following pages are selected tables from the statistical section of the 2007 CAFR. Use the MD&A and the provided statistical tables to complete
> Describe the business-type activities of a state or local government and explain how and why accounting and financial reporting for business-type activities differ from those for governmental activities.
> Following are descriptions of several relationships between primary governments and other organizations.* Required Using just the information provided, indicate whether you believe the primary government should include the organization as a component un
> What is OCBOA and why would a government choose to use OCBOA rather than GAAP?
> Assuming that a government has governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary funds, identify the nine financial statements that must be prepared for the CAFR.
> Explain the difference between a CAFR and general purpose external financial reports.
> The controller is considering whether a component unit should be presented in the financial statements as a discrete or a blended component unit. What should be considered in making the decision?
> Explain the difference between a primary government and a component unit.
> What is a financial reporting entity and what organizations generally make up a financial reporting entity?
> A city manager was overheard saying, “Since we don’t release them to the public, I don’t see any value in taking the time to prepare interim reports.” Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
> What is the difference between a note to the financial statements and required supplementary information?
> What is a special district and why might a government create one or more special districts?
> Describe the governmental activities of a state or local government and identify the measurement focus and basis of accounting used in accounting and financial reporting for these activities.
> Ray County administers a tax agency fund, an investment trust fund, and a private-purpose trust fund. The tax agency fund acts as an agent for the county, a city within the county, and the school district within the county. Participants in the investment
> The State of Nodak operates a Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) for all employees of the state. The preclosing trial balance of the PERS as of June 30, 2011, follows (in thousands of dollars): Required a. Prepare a statement of changes in plan
> The Village of Dover administers a defined benefit pension plan for its police and fire personnel. Employees are not required to contribute to the plan. The village received from the actuary and other sources the following information about the Public Sa
> The Albertville City Council decided to pool the investments of its General Fund with Albertville Schools and Richwood Township in an investment pool to be managed by the city. Each of the pool participants had reported its investments at fair value as o
> St. George County has entered into a contract for the demolition and construction of a six-lane bridge. It is expected that the project will take three years to complete. The terms of the contract indicate that the county will retain 5 percent (retained
> Fawn community, located in the City of Deerville, voted to form a local improvement district to fund the construction of a new community center. The city agreed to construct the community center and administer the bond debt; however, Fawn community was s
> The county collector of Lincoln County is responsible for collecting all property taxes levied by funds and governments within the boundaries of the county. To reimburse the county for estimated administrative expenses of operating the tax agency fund, t
> GASB standards require that governments report other postemployment benefits offered to employees. A typical example of such benefits is health care provided to retirees. It is estimated that the unrecorded and unfunded liability related to OPEB is huge.
> Following is a list of fund names and descriptions of funds from comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs). Required For each fund, indicate which type of fund should be used to account for the activities and explain why that fund is most appropria
> While the examples in this chapter have focused on a single-employer plan, many states operate statewide plans, referred to as Public Employee Retirement Systems (PERS), to which multiple employers contribute. One of the largest PERS plans in the nation
> Place the abbreviations corresponding to the appropriate reporting attribute(s) in the spaces provided for each financial statement. Include all that apply. Basis of Accounting Activities or Funds Governmental activities GA Business-type activities
> What are the two types of risk that are of concern to investment managers? Define each type of risk.
> If you were trying to assess the financial health of a government administered pension plan, which financial statements or schedules would you review and why?
> Explain the difference between a private-purpose trust and a public-purpose trust. How does the reporting for the two types of trusts differ?
> GASB standards require that investments be reported at fair value. Explain the GASB reporting requirements related to fair value. How do these requirements differ from reporting requirements for corporate entities?
> How does the accounting for an internal investment pool differ from the accounting for an external investment pool?
> What is a “pass-through” agency fund and under what conditions is it appropriate to use such a fund?
> Why do agency funds have no fund equity?
> Must an agency fund be used to account for withholding taxes, retirement contributions, and (if applicable) social security taxes of General Fund employees? Explain.
> Identify the different types of trust funds and explain the purpose of each type.
> Explain the distinction(s) between agency funds and trust funds.
> From the right-hand column, choose the letter that corresponds to the section of the statement of cash flows where the activity listed in the left-hand column would be reported. Activities Cash Flow Section A. Operating Activities B. Noncapital Fina
> Von County has prepared the following statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net assets for its proprietary funds. The county has three enterprise funds and two internal service funds. Required The statement as presented is not in accorda
> Following is the June 30, 2010, statement of net assets for the City of Bay Lake Water Utility Fund. Required a. For fiscal year 2011, prepare general journal entries for the Water Utility Fund using the following information. (1) The amount in the Acc
> The Town of Elizabeth operates the old train station as an enterprise fund. The train station is on the national register of historic buildings. Since the town has held the building for such a long time, the Central Station Fund has no long-term debt. Th
> The City of Dalton accounts for its parking facilities as an enterprise fund. For the year ended December 31, 2011, the pre-closing trial balance for the Parking Facilities Fund is provided. Additional information concerning the Parking Facilities Fund
> During the past year, Oak City had a number of transactions that impacted net asset classifications of its produce market, which is operated as an enterprise fund. All nominal accounts for the period have been closed to unrestricted net assets. For repor
> The City of Ashville operates an internal service fund to provide garage space and repairs for all city-owned-and-operated vehicles. The Central Garage Fund was established by a contribution of $300,000 from the General Fund on July 1, 2008, at which tim
> As of September 30, 2010, the Central Duplicating Fund of the Town of Fredericksburg had the following post-closing trial balance: During the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011, the following transactions (summarized) occurred: 1. Employees were paid
> The City of Dixon operates a mass transit system (DTS) consisting of a network of bus and trolley routes. The following information is provided about the operations and financing of the mass transit system.* 1. Operating revenues for the most recent fisc
> Jaffry County operates a Risk Management Pool as an internal service fund. The Risk Management Pool provides the insurance function for the county departments through the purchase of insurance policies and the investing of resources to cover uninsured lo
> Examine the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board’s Web site at and prepare a brief report about its mission and structure and compile a list of organizations represented on its Accounting and Auditing Policy Committee. Can you obtain
> The balance sheet and statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for the Building Maintenance Fund, an internal service fund of Coastal City, are reproduced here. No further information about the nature or purposes of this fund is g
> What is meant by “segment information for enterprise funds”? When is the disclosure of segment information required?
> Explain the difference between operating revenues/expenses and non-operating revenues/expenses. Why does the GASB require that operating revenues/expenses be reported separately on proprietary statements of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net ass
> What are regulatory accounting principles and how do they relate to enterprise fund accounting?
> How does the statement of cash flows under GASB standards differ from the statement of cash flows under FASB standards?
> Explain how capitalization of interest costs differs for enterprise funds as opposed to governmental funds.
> What is the purpose of the Restricted Assets section of an enterprise fund statement of fund net assets? Provide examples of items that might be reported in the Restricted Assets section.
> How does GASB reporting of uncollectible accounts for governmental funds and proprietary funds differ from the reporting of uncollectible accounts under FASB standards?
> A member of the city commission insists that the city’s internal service fund prepare and submit a budget for commission approval. The commissioner argues that it is only through the budget that the commissioners will be able to ensure control over the i
> When would a city establish an internal service fund? An enterprise fund?
> Examine the Governmental Accounting Standards Board’s Web site ( and prepare a brief report about its mission and structure and the representative organizations on its advisory council. Can you get a copy of the full text of a GASB statement
> Explain the reporting requirements for internal service funds and enterprise funds.
> Transaction data related to the City of Chambers’s issuance of serial bonds to finance street and park improvements follow. Utilizing worksheets formatted as shown at the end of the problem, prepare all necessary journal entries for the
> Following are transaction data for a term bonds issue for the City of Nevin. Prepare all necessary entries for these transactions in the city’s funds, and governmental activities journal at the government-wide level. a. On July 1, 2010, the first day of
> As of December 31, 2010, New Town had $9,500,000 in 4.5 percent serial bonds outstanding. Cash of $509,000 is the debt service fund’s only asset as of December 31, 2010, and there are no liabilities. The serial bonds pay interest semiannually on January
> The City of Jamestown has agreed to acquire a new city maintenance building under a capital lease agreement. At the inception of the lease, a payment of $100,000 is to be made; nine annual lease payments, each in the amount of $100,000, are to be made at
> Following is Franklin County’s debt service fund pre-closing trial balance for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2011. Required Using information provided by the trial balance, answer the following. a. Assuming the budget was not amended
> In preparation for a proposed bond sale, the city manager of the City of Appleton requested that you prepare a statement of legal debt margin for the city as of December 31, 2010. You ascertain that the following bond issues are outstanding on that date:
> Fleck County issued $5,500,000, 3 percent serial bonds, paying interest on January 1 and July 1. The bonds were sold on June 1 for 101. The county is required to use all accrued interest and premiums to service the debt. Any additional resources needed t
> Following are a number of unrelated transactions for K-Town, some of which affect governmental activities at the government wide level. None of the transactions has been recorded yet. 1. The General Fund collected $825,000 in accrued taxes, which was tra
> Assessing General Obligation Debt Burden. This case focuses on the analysis of a city’s general obligation debt burden. After examining the accompanying table that shows a city’s general obligation (tax-supported) debt
> Why does the GASB encourage state and local governments to report service efforts and accomplishments information in addition to a CAFR?
> Explain how general purpose governments differ from special purpose governments and give a few examples of each type of government.
> Amy Dyken, controller at Fitzgerald Pharmaceutical Industries, a public company, is currently preparing the calculation for basic and diluted earnings per share and the related disclosure for Fitzgerald’s financial statements. Below is
> On January 1, 2014, Novotna Company purchased $400,000, 8% bonds of Aguirre Co. for $369,114. The bonds were purchased to yield 10% interest. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1. The bonds mature on January 1, 2019. Novotna Company u
> The transactions below took place during the year 2014. 1. Convertible bonds payable with a par value of $300,000 were exchanged for unissued common stock with a par value of $300,000. The market price of both types of securities was par. 2. The net inco
> The treasurer of Miller Co. has read on the Internet that the stock price of Wade Inc. is about to take off. In order to profit from this potential development, Miller Co. purchased a call option on Wade common shares on July 7, 2014, for $240. The call
> Uddin Publishing Co. publishes college textbooks that are sold to bookstores on the following terms. Each title has a fixed wholesale price, terms f.o.b. shipping point, and payment is due 60 days after shipment. The retailer may return a maximum of 30%
> On June 1, 2012, Andre Company and Agassi Company merged to form Lancaster Inc. A total of 800,000 shares were issued to complete the merger. The new corporation reports on a calendar-year basis. On April 1, 2014, the company issued an additional 400,000
> “Earnings per share” (EPS) is the most featured, single financial statistic about modern corporations. Daily published quotations of stock prices have recently been expanded to include for many securities a “times earnings” figure that is based on EPS. S
> Indicate how unrealized holding gains and losses should be reported for investments securities classified as trading, available-for-sale, and held-to-maturity.
> Thinken Technology recently merged with College Electronix (CE), a computer graphics manufacturing firm. In performing a comprehensive audit of CE’s accounting system, Gerald Ott, internal audit manager for Thinken Technology, discovered that the new sub
> What are the major types of subsequent events? Indicate how each of the following “subsequent events” would be reported. (a) Collection of a note written off in a prior period. (b) Issuance of a large preference share offering. (c) Acquisition of a compa
> Volker Inc. issued $2,500,000 of convertible 10-year bonds on July 1, 2014. The bonds provide for 12% interest payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1. The discount in connection with the issue was $54,000, which is being amortized monthly on a stra
> Saprano Company, on January 2, 2014, entered into a contract with a manufacturing company to purchase room-size air conditioners and to sell the units on an installment plan with collections over approximately 30 months with no carrying charge. For incom
> Callaway Corp. has a deferred tax asset account with a balance of $150,000 at the end of 2014 due to a single cumulative temporary difference of $375,000. At the end of 2015, this same temporary difference has increased to a cumulative amount of $500,000
> On July 1, 2014, Torvill Construction Company Inc. contracted to build an office building for Gumbel Corp. for a total contract price of $1,900,000. On July 1, Torvill estimated that it would take between 2 and 3 years to complete the building. On Decemb
> Fernandez Corp. invested its excess cash in available-for-sale securities during 2014. As of December 31, 2014, the portfolio of available-for-sale securities consisted of the following common stocks. Instructions (a) What should be reported on Fernandez
> The following two items appeared on the Internet concerning the GAAP requirement to expense stock options. WASHINGTON, D.C.—February 17, 2005 Congressman David Dreier (R–CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D–CA) rein
> What is an operating segment, and when can information about two operating segments be aggregated?