Match the word in Column 1 to its definition in Column 2. Each answer can only be used once.
A) Size of the specimen area being observed
B) Provides a simultaneous view of two specimens
C) Space between the specimen and objective lens
D) Illumination required to view a transparent object
E) Illumination of a specimen from above
F) The thickness of a specimen in focus
G) Eyepiece multiplied by objective lens
H) The image seen through a compound microscope
I) The lower lens of a microscope positioned directly over the specimen
J) Presents a distinctive three-dimensional image
K) Used to examine birefringent materials
L) Image formed by the actual convergence of light rays on a screen
1) Magnification
Level: Intermediate
2) Working distance
Level: Intermediate
3) Polarizing microscope
Level: Intermediate
4) Depth of focus
Level: Intermediate
5) Field of view
Level: Intermediate
6) Real image
Level: Intermediate
7) Stereoscopic microscope
Level: Intermediate
8) Transmitted illumination
Level: Intermediate
9) Vertical illumination
Level: Intermediate
10) Comparison microscope
Level: Intermediate
11) Objective lens
Level: Intermediate
12) Virtual image
Level: Intermediate
> When collecting postmortem blood samples for alcohol determination, why is it best to collect a number of blood samples from different body sites?
> Name and describe two divided-attention tasks administered during a field sobriety text.
> What is mouth alcohol and how does it affect the accuracy of a breath test? Name three potential sources of mouth alcohol.
> Which of the following properties should be examined when comparing two fibers? A) Color B) Diameter C) Birefringence D) All of the above 42) The cortex of hair derives its major forensic importance from the fact that it contains: A) Scales. B) Pigments
> What are alveoli and what role do they play in circulation?
> List and describe the three stages of alcohol’s fate in the human body.
> In your own words, describe the steps that take place inside a mass spectrometer when a compound enters the instrument.
> Summarize the ideal methods involved in the proper collection of drug evidence.
> Consider the drugs morphine and marijuana. Describe the likelihood of psychological and physical dependence of each. Under what schedule of the Controlled Substances Act do they each fall, and why?
> Briefly describe the basic process of spectrophotometry.
> What three chromatographic processes are most applicable for solving analytical problems typically encountered in the crime laboratory? What is the main advantage of each?
> Briefly describe the basic chromatographic process. Be sure to explain how motion is important to the process.
> Describe how a microcrystalline test works. Name two advantages of microcrystalline tests.
> What is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States? Under what class of drugs is it listed and what are its short-term physical and psychological effects at low to moderate doses?
> It is a virtual certainty that two fabrics share a common origin if their fibers: A) Can be fitted together at their torn edges. B) Have the same striations. C) Have the same color. D) Appear identical in cross-section. 32) Before the 20th century, al
> Arrange the following parts or products of the Cannabis plant in order of THC content, from highest to lowest concentration of THC: flowers, leaves, resin, seeds, stem.
> Synthetic opiates may be encountered as drug evidence. Depending on their use, they may be considered illicit. What are the most common synthetic opiates and what therapeutic purposes can each be used for? What illicit purposes can each be used for?
> What is the difference between a screening test and a confirmation test?
> Name two natural fibers and two manufactured fibers. If all four of these fibers were found at a crime scene, what would be the proper procedure for their collection and preservation?
> Describe the process of comparing two fibers via microscopic and analytical methods. What morphological characteristics should a criminalist compare in these steps?
> Why must questioned hairs and standard/reference hairs being compared come from the same area of the body?
> Name the three phases of hair growth. A criminalist is more likely to collect DNA from hairs in which stage of growth? Why?
> Describe three analytical techniques for comparing the color of two fibers.
> In comparing hairs, what aspects of the hair is the criminalist particularly interested in matching? Name at least one other important feature that the criminalist might compare.
> Name and briefly define the three layers of the hair shaft.
> Which is NOT a synthetic fiber? A) Rayon B) Polyester C) Acrylic D) All of the above are synthetic 22) Which is made of natural polymers? A) Plastic B) Nylon C) Starch D) Paint 23) When collecting fiber evidence, great care should be taken to:
> What is refraction? How does the refractive index of a medium affect what the viewer observes when looking at the medium?
> What is a physical property? What is a chemical property? Name one physical and chemical property of water.
> A criminalist is attempting to find the side of a glass pane from which a shattering force originated. How can that be determined when examining a fragment from a radial crack? A concentric crack?
> What two models do scientists use to explain the nature of light? Under what conditions does each model best describe the behavior of light?
> What physical properties are used most often to characterize glass particles? What is the main drawback of using these properties to characterize glass?
> Describe the process of floatation and explain what it is used for.
> A storefront window is broken and a robbery committed. A suspect is later found running from the scene. Examination of his shoes reveals glass particles embedded in a heel. Describe the proper collection and preservation of glass evidence for laboratory
> Name one possible class characteristic and one possible individual characteristic that on a bullet, a tool mark, and a footwear impression.
> Name and briefly describe two popular approaches for collecting gunshot residue from a suspect’s hands. What is the logical next step in analysis for these collected samples?
> What is SICAR and how is it useful in comparing impressions?
> Beard hairs are coarse and normally ________ in cross-section. A) Ribbon-like B) Oval C) Triangular D) Round 12) A human hair in cross-section appeared flat in shape. The racial origin was most likely: A) Caucasian. B) Negroid. C) Indian. D) Mongo
> Briefly describe how a firearms examiner makes a distance determination for a handgun or rifle shot.
> Briefly describe the sequence of events that occur from the time the trigger of a firearm is pulled to the time the bullet is fired.
> Name three factors that can prevent a firearms examiner from obtaining a perfect match of striation markings around the periphery of two bullets.
> How are striations useful for comparing bullets?
> What two methods are used to preserve shoe and tire marks impressed into soft earth? Why is it important to conduct both procedures on the impression?
> What chemicals are used to restore an obliterated serial number? What do these chemicals do to reveal the obliterated number?
> What are the two categories of pollen-producing plants? Which type of pollen is useful for identifying a geographical origin? Which type is deposited on clothing or objects only by direct contact with the plant?
> Which two instruments are combined to make a microspectrophotometer? Describe the utility of using this device to produce an IR spectrum of evidence such as fibers or paints.
> A) Fibers derived from either natural or synthetic polymers B) A transition stage between the anagen and telogen phases of hair growth C) Two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds D) A cellular column running through the center of the hair E) DN
> A) The separation of light into its component wavelengths B) A constant property of matter that reflects the amount of material present C) The behavior of a substance without alteration of the substance’s composition through a chemical reaction D) A diff
> Which of the following is NOT a layer of the hair shaft? A) Cuticle B) Cortex C) Medulla D) Follicle 2) Which part of the hair shaft is most resistant to chemical decomposition? A) Cortex B) Medulla C) Follicle D) Cuticle 3) Which feature of hai
> A) The cut or low-lying portions between the lands in a rifled bore B) An interior constriction placed at or near the muzzle end of a shotgun’s barrel to control shot dispersion C) A discipline mainly concerned with determining whether a bullet or cartri
> A) A cellular network facility that allows users to send and receive text messages B) A software mechanism that defines the way files are named, stored, organized, and accessed C) A set of standards for second-generation cellular networks D) Assessment o
> A) A set of instructions compiled into a program that performs a particular task B) A group of sectors in multiples of two; typically the minimum space allocated to a file C) A standard method by which Internet sites are addressed D) All data that the op
> Match the word in Column 1 to its definition in Column 2. Each answer can only be used once. A) Any document that has become darkened and brittle through exposure to fire or excessive heat B) The removal of writing, typewriting, or printing from a docum
> A) The entire range of possible gas or vapor fuel concentrations in air that are capable of burning B) Any material used to start or sustain a fire C) The decomposition of solid organic matter by heat D) The minimum temperature at which a fuel spontaneou
> A) A technique for separating molecules through their migration on a support medium while under the influence of an electrical potential B) Different fragment lengths of base pairs that result from cutting a DNA molecule with restriction enzymes C) A gen
> A) A protein that destroys or inactivates a specific antigen B) An abnormally low sperm count C) The liquid that separates from the blood when a clot is formed D) The physical manifestation of a genetic trait such as shape, color, and blood type E) A str
> A) An atom differing from another atom of the same element in the number of neutrons in its nucleus B) A type of emission spectrum showing a series of lines separated by black areas C) A particle with no electrical charge that is one of the basic structu
> A) Small sacs in the lungs through whose walls air and other vapors are exchanged between the breath and the blood B) Substance that stops the growth of microorganisms in blood C) A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart D) A compound capa
> The fracture pattern of glass usually has: A) Radial lines. B) Concentric lines. C) Radial and concentric lines. D) Directional lines. 32) If glass cannot be physically pieced together, then the control and question glass are best compared by their: A)
> A) Synthetic compounds, chemically related to the male sex hormone testosterone, that are used to promote muscle growth B) Any of several analytical techniques for separating mixtures into their components by attraction to a stationary phase while being
> One inch is equivalent to ________ centimeters. 2) ________ is defined as weight per unit volume. 3) A piece of glass that is floating on the liquid’s surface shows that the density of the glass is ________ than the density of the liquid. 4) If glass
> Discernible random nicks and breaks that the tool has acquired through wear and use typically impart ________ characteristics to tool marks. 12) Before any impression is moved or otherwise handled, it must be ________ to show all the observable details
> ________ refers to the spiral grooves impressed in the bore of a firearm barrel. 2) ________ are the cut or low-lying portions between the lands in a rifled bore. 3) ________ are markings impressed into the metal of a barrel. 4) The ________ microscop
> A ________ microscope is used to make side-by-side comparisons of specimens. 12) If the ________ on two bullets viewed through a comparison microscope are alike, the examiner can conclude that both bullets traveled through the same barrel. 13) Light co
> The most important tool of the firearms examiner is the ________ microscope. 2) The major attraction of the ________ is its high magnification and depth of field. 3) A(n) ________ image is an image formed when light rays converge on a surface. 4) ____
> Since the 1960s, the concepts of handoff and frequency reuse allowed users to move between ________ without dropping a call. 2) In many ways mobile device forensics is similar to ________ forensics. 3) When ________ was launched in Japan in 2001, movin
> ________ space is empty space on a hard disk drive (HDD) created because of the way the HDD stores files. 12) A(n) ________ address is a unique address given to every computer connected to the Internet. 13) Chat and instant messages typically are store
> ________ comprises the physical components of the computer. 2) ________ is a set of instructions compiled into a program that performs a particular task. 3) The ________ is the main chip within the computer. 4) ________ consists of programs that are u
> A(n) ________ document is any object that contains handwritten or typewritten markings whose source or authenticity is in doubt. 2) ________ are authentic samples of an individual’s writing used for comparison to suspect handwriting samples. 3) Transit
> What is the main ingredient in ordinary glass? A) Lime (CaO) B) Soda (NaCO) C) Sand D) Metal oxides 22) Pyrex glass: A) Is put through an annealing process. B) Has been tempered. C) Is made with the addition of boron oxide. D) Is laminated. 23)
> The most obvious characteristic of a high or contained low explosive is the presence of a(n) ________ at the origin of the blast. 22) The ingredients in black powder are potassium nitrate, carbon, and ________. 23) A primary explosive is easily detonat
> Warm air expands, which causes it to become ________ dense. 12) Most arsons are started with ________-based accelerants such as gasoline or kerosene. 13) Typically, the rate of a chemical reaction ________ when the temperature is raised. 14) The colle
> ________ is the combination of oxygen with other substances to produce new substances. 2) In a(n) ________ reaction, heat energy is liberated. 3) Two factors that influence the ________ of reaction of a fire are the physical state of the fuel and the t
> ________ present in soil rapidly degrade DNA. 12) The sequence of ________ acids in a protein chain determines the shape and function of the protein. 13) The ________ is the fundamental unit of heredity. 14) DNA ________ are enzymes that assemble a ne
> ________ is the molecule that carries the body’s genetic information. 2) A ________ is a threadlike structure in the cell nucleus along which the genes are located. 3) DNA is a large molecule called a polymer, created by linking a series of repeating u
> A(n) ________ is the particular combination of genes present in the cells of an individual. 12) Two commonly used ________ tests for blood are the Kastle-Meyer test and the Hemastix test. 13) The reaction of luminol with blood results in the production
> ________ is the fluid portion of the blood. 2) A(n) ________ is a protein in the blood serum that destroys or inactivates a specific antigen. 3) When serum containing B antibodies is added to red blood cells carrying the B antigen, the blood ________.
> Alpha particles are a type of radiation composed of ________ atoms minus their orbiting electrons. 12) When an electron moves to a lower-energy orbital, it ________ energy. 13) ________ as physical evidence is most frequently encountered in hit-and-run
> A ________ element is an element found in very small quantities. 2) Elements selectively absorb and emit ________. 3) A(n) ________ spectrum shows a continuous band of colors all blending into one another. 4) A(n) ________ spectrum shows a series of l
> The current legal measure of drunk driving in the United States is a blood-alcohol concentration of ________ percent weight/volume. 12) Blood and ________ should be collected from any suspected drug user. 13) Alcohol, marijuana, and ________ account fo
> Sublimation is defined as a change of state from: A) Gas to liquid. B) Liquid to solid. C) Solid to liquid. D) Solid to gas. 12) Which physical state has volume but no specific shape? A) Gas B) Liquid C) Solid D) No such state exists 13) The a
> A compound microscope is equipped with two objective lenses (10x and 45x) and has a 10x ocular lens. The highest magnification attainable with this instrument is: A) 65x B) 100x C) 650x D) 450x 2) In order to examine an opaque object with a compoun
> Find x
> Equation specifies a function with independent variable x. Determine whether the function is linear, constant, or neither. x + xy + 1 = 0
> Equation specifies a function with independent variable x. Determine whether the function is linear, constant, or neither. 2x - 4y - 6 = 0
> Equation specifies a function with independent variable x. Determine whether the function is linear, constant, or neither.
> Indicate whether graph specifies a function.
> Indicate whether graph specifies a function.
> Indicate whether graph specifies a function.
> Indicate whether table specifies a function.
> Indicate whether table specifies a function.
> The U.S Army is considering a new parachute, the Advanced Tactical Parachute System (ATPS). A jump at 2,880 ft using the ATPS system lasts 180 secs. (A) Find a linear model relating altitude a (in feet) and time in the air t (in seconds). (B) Find the
> Refer to Problem 3. In fresh water, the pressure at a depth of 34 ft is 2 atms, or 29.4 pounds per square inch. (A) Find a linear model that relates pressure P (in pounds per square inch) to depth d (in feet). (B) Interpret the slope of the model. (C)
> write the interval as an inequality or double inequality. [ -6 , -1 ]
> Dr. J. D. Robinson also published the following estimate of the ideal body weight of a man: 52 kg + 1.9 kg for each inch over 5 ft (A) Find a linear model for Robinson’s estimate of the ideal weight of a man using w for ideal body weight (in kilograms)
> Table 17 contains price–supply data and price–demand data for soybeans. Find a linear regression model for the price–supply data where x is supply (in billions of b
> The distance d between a fixed spring and the floor is a linear function of the weight w attached to the bottom of the spring. The bottom of the spring is 18 inches from the floor when the weight is 3 pounds, and 10 inches from the floor when the weight
> Find a linear regression model for the men’s 200-meter backstroke data given in Table 15, where x is years since 1990 and y is winning time (in seconds). Do the same for the women’s 200-meter backstroke data. (Round re
> At a price of $3.20 per bushel, the supply of corn is 9,800 million bushels and the demand is 9,200 million bushels. At a price of $2.95 per bushel, the supply is 9,300 million bushels and the demand is 9,700 million bushels. (A) Find a price–supply equ
> Find a linear regression model for the data on average annual precipitation in Table 14, where x is years since 1960 and y is precipitation (in inches). (Round regression coefficients to three decimal places). Use the model to estimate the average annual
> The percentage of male cigarette smokers in the United States declined from 25.7% in 2000 to 16.7% in 2015. (Source: Centers for Disease Control) (A) Find a linear equation relating percentage of male smokers (m) to years since 2000 (t). (B) Use this equ