Peters, an employee of a union as a business agent was subpoenaed to testify before a legislative committee. He claimed that he was instructed by the union's secretary-treasurer in charge of employees to give false testimony when questioned. Instead, he gave truthful testimony and was discharged from his position for that reason. His employment was an “at will” arrangement. Nevertheless he sued for wrongful discharge. How would you rule?
See Petermann v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America, Local 396 (1959) 174 C.A.2d 184, 344 P.2d 25.
> The Binder Prime Company wants to recognize the employee who sold the most of their products during a specified period. Write a query to display the employee number, employee first name, employee last name, e-mail address, and total units sold for the em
> Write a query to display the invoice number, line numbers, product SKUs, product descriptions, and brand ID for sales of sealer and top coat products of the same brand on the same invoice. (Figure P8.22) Figure P8.22 Invoices for sealer and top coat of t
> Write the SQL command that will delete the newly created TEMP_1 table from the database.
> Write a query to display the starting salary for each employee. The starting salary would be the entry in the salary history with the oldest salary start date for each employee. Sort the output by employee number. (Figure P8.21) Figure P8.21 Starting sal
> Write a query to display the current salary for each employee in department 300. Assume that only current employees are kept in the system, and therefore the most current salary for each employee is the entry in the salary history with a NULL end date. S
> Insert the data into the tables you created in Problem 1. Figure P8.1 Ch08_SimpleCo Database Tables Database name: Ch08_SimpleCo Table name: CUSTOMER Table name: INVOICE CUST_NUM CUST_LNAME CUST_FNAME CUST_BALANCE 1000 Smith 1001 Ortega |INV_NUM CUS
> Write a query to display the products that have a price greater than $50. Figure P8.19 Ch08_SaleCo2 Database Tables LGCUSTOMER LGBRAND PK Cust Code |Рк |Brand ID Cust_Fname Cust_Lname Cust_Street Cust_City Cust_State Cust_ZIP Cust Balance Brand_Name
> Write a procedure to delete an invoice given the invoice number as a parameter. Name the procedure prc_inv_delete. Test the procedure by deleting invoices 8005 and 8006.
> Write a trigger to update the customer balance when an invoice is deleted. Name the trigger trg_updatecustbalance2.
> Write a procedure to add a new invoice record to the INVOICE table. Use the following values in the new record: 8006, 1000, ’30-APR-16’, 301.72 Name the procedure prc_invoice_add. Run a query to see if the record has been added.
> Write a procedure to add a new customer to the CUSTOMER table. Use the following values in the new record: 1002, ‘Rauthor’, ‘Peter’, 0.00 Name the procedure prc_cust_add. Run a query to see if the record has been added.
> Write the trigger to update the CUST_BALANCE in the CUSTOMER table when a new invoice record is entered. (Assume that the sale is a credit sale.) Test the trigger using the following new INVOICE record: 8005, 1001, ’27-APR-16’, 225.40 Name the trigger tr
> Write the query that will list the average age of your customers. (Assume that the CUSTOMER table has been modified to include the CUST_DOB and the derived CUST_AGE attribute.)
> Write the two SQL command sequences required to: a. Create a temporary table named TEMP_1 whose structure is composed of the EMP_2 attributes EMP_NUM and EMP_PCT. b. Copy the matching EMP_2 values into the TEMP_1 table. EMP NUM EMP LNAME EMP FNAME E
> Assuming the CUSTOMER table contains a CUST_AGE attribute, write the query to update the values in that attribute.
> Assuming you completed problem 10, write the query that will list the names and ages of your customers.
> Modify the CUSTOMER table to included two new attributes: CUST_DOB and CUST_AGE. Customer 1000 was born on March 15, 1979, and customer 1001 was born on December 22, 1988.
> Create the tables. (Use the MS Access example shown in Figure P8.1 to see what table names and attributes to use.) Figure P8.1 Ch08_SimpleCo Database Tables Database name: Ch08_SimpleCo Table name: CUSTOMER Table name: INVOICE CUST_NUM CUST_LNAME CU
> Write a query to display the movie number, movie genre, average movie cost of movies in that genre, movie cost of that individual movie, and the percentage difference between the average movie cost and the individual movie cost (result shown in Figure P7
> Write a query to display the rental number, rental date, movie title, and detail fee for each movie that was returned on or before the due date (result shown in Figure P7.124). Figure P7.124 Actual rental fees charged Rent Num Rent Date Movie T
> Write a query to display the rental number, rental date, video number, movie title, due date, and return date for all videos that were returned after the due date. Sort the results by rental number and movie title (result shown in Figure P7.123). Figur
> Write a query to display the minimum balance, maximum balance, and average balance for memberships that have a rental (result shown in Figure P7.122). Figure P7.122 Minimum, maximum, and average balances Minimum Balance Maximum Balance Average Bal
> Write a query to display the membership number, first name, last name, and balance of the memberships that have a rental (result shown in Figure P7.121). Figure P7.121 Balances of memberships with rentals Mem Num Mem FName Mem LName Mem Balance 10
> Write a query to display the movie title, price description, and price rental fee for all movies that are in the genres Family, Comedy, or Drama (result shown in Figure P7.120). Figure P7.120 Movies with specific genres Movie Title Price Description
> What is the relationship between a database and an information system, and how does this relationship have a bearing on database design?
> Write a query to display the movie title, movie genre, and movie cost for all movies that have a cost between $44.99 and $49.99 (result shown in Figure P7.119). Figure P7.119 Movies costs within a range Movie_Title Movie_Genre Movie_Cost Time to Bur
> Write a query to display the movie title and movie year for all movies that have a price code (result shown in Figure P7.118). P7.118 Movies with a price Movie Title The Cesar Family Christmas Smokey Mountain Wildlife Richard Goodhope Beatnik Fever
> Write a query to display the movie title and the movie cost divided by the price rental fee for each movie that has a price to determine the number of rentals it will take to break even on the purchase of the movie (result shown in Figure P7.117). Figure
> Write a query to display the movie genre and average price rental fee for movies in each genre that have a price (result shown in Figure P7.116). Figure P7.116 Average rental fee by genre Movie Genre Average Rental Fee АCTION 2 COMEDY 3.25 DRAM
> Write a query to display the movie title, movie genre, price description, and price rental fee for all movies with a price code (result shown in Figure P7.115). Figure P7.115 Rental fees for movies Movie Title Movie Genre Price Description Price Ren
> Write a query to display the movie genre and average cost of movies in each genre (result shown in Figure P7.114). Figure P7.114 Average movie cost by genre Movie Genre Average Cost АCTION 52.72 COMEDY 44.12 DRAMA 58.46 FAMILY 39.95
> Write a query to display the average cost of all of the movies (result shown in Figure P7.113). Figure P7.113 Average movie cost Average Movie Cost 51.1275
> Write a query to display the movie genre and the number of movies in each genre (result shown in Figure P7.112). Figure P7.112 Number of movies in genre Movie Genre Number of Movies АCTION COMEDY 2 DRAMA FAMILY 1 3.
> Write a query to display the membership number, name, street, state, and balance for all members in Tennessee (TN), with a balance less than $5, and whose street name ends in “Avenue.” (result shown in Figure P7.111).
> Write a query to display the movie number, movie title, movie cost, and movie genre for all movies that are either action or comedy movies and that have a cost that is less than $50. Sort the results in ascending order by genre. (Result shown in Figure
> Discuss the possible data request scenarios in a distributed database environment. 1. Single request accessing a single remote database. (See Figure D12.1.) 2. Multiple requests accessing a single remote database. (See Figure D12.2.) 3. Multiple requests
> Write a query to display the movie number, movie title, and movie cost for all movies with a cost greater than $40 (result shown in Figure P7.109). P7.109 Movies costing more than $40 Movie Num Movie Title Movie Cost 1235 Smokey Mountain Wildlife 1
> Write a query to display the movie title, movie year, and movie genre for all action movies (result shown in Figure P7.108). Figure P7.108 Action movies Movie Title Smokey Mountain Wildlife Time to Burn Movie Year Movie Genre 2011 ACTION 2013 ACTI
> Write a query to display the movie title, movie year, and movie cost for all movies that contain the word “hope” anywhere in the title. Sort the results in ascending order by title (result shown in figure P7.107). Fig
> Write a query to display the movie number, movie title, and price code for all movies with a title that starts with the letter “R” (result shown in Figure P7.106). Figure P7.106 Movies starting with R Movie Num Mo
> Write a query to display the movie title, movie year, and movie genre for all movies sorted by movie genre in ascending order, then sorted by movie year in descending order within genre (result shown in Figure P7.105). Figure P7.105 Movies with multicol
> Write a query to display the movie year, movie title, and movie cost sorted by movie year in descending order (result shown in Figure P7.104). Figure P7.104 Movies by year Movie Year Movie Title Movie Cost 2015 Constant Companion 2015 Richard Goodho
> Write a query to display the movie title, movie year, and movie genre for all movies (result shown in Figure P7.103). Figure P7.103 All Movies Movie Title Movie Year Movie Genre The Cesar Family Christmas Smokey Mountain Wildlife Richard Goodhope Be
> Write the SQL command to save the changes made to the PRICE and MOVIE tables in Problems 98 – 101.
> Write a single SQL command to increase all price rental fee values in the PRICE table by $0.50.
> Write the SQL command to change the price code for all Action movies to price code 3.
> Why does a multi-user database environment give us a special interest in transaction management and concurrency control?
> Write the SQL statements that might be used in transaction management and explain how they work.
> A Partnership failed to pay employment taxes for its employees and within the proper time limitations, the I.R.S. assessed the taxes against the Partnership, but not against individual partners. Later, the IRS tried to collect the taxes from the individu
> Jackson Leasing Co. acquired an apartment complex having some problems. The tenants complained of wall cracks, peeling paint, water leaks, heating and electrical fixture problems, broken or inoperable windows, rodents and cockroaches, and the lack of suf
> Zane and Linda had often discussed the sale of a Zane’s restaurant to Linda. One night Zane and Linda were in a bar and again discussed the sale of the restaurant. At this time, Zane agreed in writing to sell the restaurant to Linda for $100,000 dollars.
> Peter, age 16, and Janet, age 25, agreed as follows. Peter, who was very religious, would pray to his favorite saint for guidance in selecting winning lottery numbers. He would give these numbers to Janet who would buy a ticket. Peter could not buy a tic
> Assume that Kersch enters into an oral agreement to lease a building for eleven months. Three months into the lease, Kersch decides to buy a building. Can he cancel the lease without penalty?
> Review the case file at the beginning of the chapter. How would Kersch protect his computer chip?
> How is the right of publicity different from the right of privacy? See the Elvis Presley case in this chapter.
> State the issues presented to the court in Groucho Marx Publications, Inc. v. Day and Night Company.
> The Arkansas Supreme Court was faced with this question: Does a child, who was created as an embryo through in vitro fertilization during his parents’ marriage, but implanted into his mother’s womb after the death of his father, inherit from the father u
> MR. CHIEF JUSTICE WARREN delivered the opinion of the Court. These cases come to us from the States of Kansas, South Carolina, Virginia, and Delaware. They are premised on different facts and different local conditions, but a common legal question justif
> Locate and summarize two family law statutes that address the issue of child custody. Provide the title of the code and the section number in your summary. Use Appendix IV to guide you in proper citation format. The index to the code will enable you to g
> State the issues presented to the Court in McCord v. McCord.
> Read the case of United States v. Morrison in Appendix VII. What common law torts could plaintiff claim in this case?
> Analyze the following factual situations and discuss possible torts. a. Peters points a gun at Quentin’s back, Quentin being unaware of what is happening. Peters then shoots and hits Quentin. b. Jones consents to a blood transfusion, providing the doctor
> Harry owned an old and deteriorating farmhouse that was unoccupied, boarded up, and had NO TRESPASS signs around it. Harry was very upset with the constant burglaries and break-ins and to stop the vandalism mounted a spring-loaded shotgun in the farmhous
> A television camera crew followed a group of city firefighters and paramedics with their permission. A call came in about a man having a heart attack. The camera crew and the paramedics rushed to the home of the reported victim. Without consent from anyo
> Brian, a twelve year old boy, sitting in a classroom and fooling around, kicked James, the boy sitting next to him. The kick was intentional. James had recently suffered an injury to the same leg. As a result of the kick, which in itself was slight, the
> Refer to the case file at the beginning of the chapter. If you represented the students, what arguments would you make that the student’s constitutional rights are being violated? If you represented the school, what arguments would you make that the scho
> Reread the paragraphs taken from the argument made by the United States in support of the petitioner in Minnesota v. Dickerson. What techniques did the writer of these paragraphs use to make this argument persuasive?
> What was the Court’s holding in Powell v. Alabama? See the Gideon v. Wainwright case in this chapter.
> Charged in a Florida State Court with a noncapital felony, petitioner appeared without funds and without counsel and asked the Court to appoint counsel for him; but this was denied on the ground that the state law permitted appointment of counsel for ind
> Explain how section 1139 found in Figure 4-2 might be used in the Welsh case.
> Summarize the factual dispute in Lorilland Tobacco Co. v. Reilly. The case syllabus (summary) is found in Appendix VII
> Apply the North Carolina assault statute found in Section 4–5 to the following facts. a. Bobby is angry with his supervisor. He takes a gun to work, intending to scare his supervisor. He waves the gun around while yelling at the supervisor. The police ar
> Assume that Maria works for the public defender’s office. While organizing a file in preparation for trial she comes across the name and telephone number of a witness who positively identified the perpetrator of the crime as the defendant named in the ca
> Matthew works as a paralegal for the prosecutor’s office. While organizing a file in preparation for trial he comes across the name and telephone number of a witness who identified the perpetrator of the crime as someone other than the defendant named in
> Robert is a paralegal. His neighbor and good friend is in an automobile accident. She tells him how the accident happened and asks if she has a good case. What should he tell her?
> In the Case file at the beginning of this chapter, a law firm refused to represent both parties in a divorce case. Why did they do this?
> Consider the following situations and discuss whether a violation of judicial ethics occurred: a. At the end of a trial, a judge refused to allow an attorney to present an argument because he said that he knew what the argument would be and did not agree
> Under federal labor rules found in the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), employees who work overtime must be compensated for that time unless they are “exempt.” One category of exemption exists for an employee “who customarily and regularly exercises
> Should U.S. district court judges be appointed by the president, or should they be elected by the people in the district where they serve?
> In a marital dissolution proceeding, does the failure of one spouse to disclose the existence of a community property asset constitute extrinsic fraud? I After 22 years of marriage, Marilyn and Zelig Modnick separated in September of 1974. The next mont
> In 1994, a federal law was enacted giving victims of gender-motivated violence (i.e., sexual assault) the right to sue for civil damages. Do you think such a law is constitutional? See the case summary of U.S. v. Morrison in Appendix VII.
> The U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Is it a violation of the U.S. Constitution to sentence someone to death for rape of a child? See Kennedy v. Louisiana, 129 S. Ct. 2641 (2008).
> After the Lopez case, the statute in question was amended to read: It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or
> Petitioners brought suit against respondent after a catheter ruptured in the patient’s coronary artery during surgery, killing him. The catheter received “premarket” approval from the FDA pursuant to a federal law regulating medical devices. The law proh
> Discuss the relationship between case law and statutory law as illustrated in the case of United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group, Inc., found in Appendix VII.
> A conflict between state and federal criminal law arose in the case of United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative, found in Appendix VII. Explain how the court resolves the problem.
> Three young men were assaulted because of their race. The assailant was arrested and charged with several offenses, including assault with a firearm, civil rights violations and brandishing a weapon. Was the civil rights violation civil or criminal? Expl
> Harvey Lee Windsor was convicted of capital murder under § 13A-5–40(a) (2), Ala. Code 1975, and was sentenced to death by electrocution. Windsor appealed the conviction and sentence to the Court of Criminal Appeals. That court reversed the conviction and
> Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale” of what happened when David Reuther, while vacationing in the Cayman Islands at the Pirates Point Resort Hotel, decided to go scuba diving—“a fateful trip that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny sh
> Opinion of the Court by Mr. Justice DOUGLAS, announced by Mr. Justice BRENNAN. Petitioner and a companion, Boblit, were found guilty of murder in the first degree and were sentenced to death, their convictions being affirmed by the Court of Appeals of Ma
> Thomas Bowling appeals his convictions in a bench trial [no jury] for capital murder and use of a firearm during the commission of murder. His issues on appeal include (1) whether the trial court erred in prohibiting him from introducing evidence of his
> At petitioner’s bench trial for rape, Sandra Lambatos, a forensic specialist at the Illinois State Police lab, testified that she matched a DNA profile produced by an outside laboratory, Cellmark, to a profile the state lab produced using a sample of pet
> This is a summary of the facts and the holding in the Terry case. A Cleveland detective (McFadden), on a downtown beat which he had been patrolling for many years, observed two strangers (petitioner and another man, Chilton) on a street corner. He saw t
> Appellant stands convicted of knowingly having had in her possession and under her control certain lewd and lascivious books, pictures, and photographs in violation of Ohio statutes. As officially stated in the syllabus to its opinion, the Supreme Court
> In the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), Congress empowered the President “to use all necessary and appropriate force against those . . . he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks . . . on September 11, 20
> After his 2009 arrest on first- and second-degree assault charges, respondent King was processed through a Wicomico County, Maryland, facility, where booking personnel used a cheek swab to take a DNA sample pursuant to the Maryland DNA Collection Act (Ac
> Petitioner was convicted under an indictment charging him with transmitting wagering information by telephone across state lines in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1084. Evidence of petitioner’s end of the conversations, overheard by FBI agents who had attached
> In each of these cases, a 14-year-old was convicted of murder and sentenced to a mandatory term of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. In the first case, petitioner Jackson accompanied two other boys to a video store to commit a robbery;
> We granted certiorari to decide whether the prosecution of respondent as an adult, after Juvenile Court proceedings which resulted in a finding that respondent had violated a criminal statute and a subsequent finding that he was unfit for treatment as a
> Gerald Gault, 15 years old, was taken into custody as the result of a complaint that he had made lewd telephone calls. After hearings before a juvenile court judge, Gerald was ordered committed to the State Industrial Schools as a juvenile delinquent unt