2.99 See Answer

Question: Respondents were asked the following question.

Respondents were asked the following question. “Does Earth go around the Sun or does the Sun go around Earth (EARTHSUN: 1 = Earth around Sun, 2 = Sun around Earth, 8 = Don’t know, 9 = No answer)? The correct answer: Earth around Sun. Is there sufficient evidence to infer that Republicans get the correct answer more frequently than do Democrats?

> Are American women more liberal than American men? If so we should see evidence from the General Social Survey. Is there enough evidence to conclude that there are differences in political philosophies (POLVIEWS3: 1 = Liberal, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Conservat

> The survey asked the following question: “I’m going to show you a seven-point scale on which political views that people might hold arranged from extremely liberal to extremely conservative. Where would you place yourself on this scale?” Estimate the num

> The proliferation of self-serve pumps at gas stations has generally resulted in poorer automobile maintenance. One feature of poor maintenance is low tire pressure, which results in shorter tire life and higher gasoline consumption. To examine this probl

> The survey asked the following question: “Is it government’s responsibility to help pay for doctor and hospital bills?” The responses were HELPSICK: 1 = Government should help; 2, 3, 4, 5 = People should help themselves). Is there enough statistical evid

> Do people tend to marry similarly educated individuals? To answer the question, perform a statistical analysis to determine whether there is enough evidence to infer that one’s educational attainment (EDUC) and spouse’s educational attainment (SPEDUC) ar

> Is there enough evidence to conclude that Republicans get the correct answer to the following question correct more often than do Democrats (PARTYID3: 1 = Democrat, 3 = Republican): “The center of the earth is very hot.” (1 = True, 2 = False, 8 = Don’t k

> One measure of the health of the economy is how many workers believe that it is easy to find a job with another employer with approximately the same income and fringe benefits as they have now. Estimate the number of people who believe that it is very ea

> Do native-born Americans work harder than Americans born outside the United States (BORN: 1 = United States, 2 = Not in the United States)? Is there enough statistical evidence to conclude that those born in the United States work longer hours (HRS1) tha

> Do people who work for themselves (WRKSLF: 1 = Self-employed, 2 = Someone else) make more income (RINCOME) than people who work for someone else? Conduct a test to answer the question.

> Do individuals who want the government to help people improve their standard of living also believe that government should do more to solve the country’s problems? Conduct a test to determine whether there is a positive linear relationship between these

> The world economy took a hit during the 2007–2009 financial crisis. Have American families recovered? Estimate with 95% confidence to mean family income (INCOME).

> As societies age the demands on the health-care system grow. It becomes more important for individuals to ensure that they are taking steps to become and maintain good health. The survey asked respondents to judge their own health. Is there enough eviden

> The survey asked the following question. A doctor tells a couple that there is one chance in four that their child will have an inherited disease. Does this mean that each of the couple’s children will have the same risk of suffering the illness? (ODDS2:

> Traffic experts are always looking for ways to control automobile speeds. Some communities have experimented with “traffic-calming” techniques. These include speed bumps and various obstructions that force cars to slow down to drive around them. Critics

> Mutual funds are a popular way of investing in the stock market. A financial analyst wanted to determine the effect income had on ownership of mutual funds and whether the relationship had changed from four years earlier. She took a random sample of adul

> Estimate the number of Americans who were born outside the United States (BORN: 1 = United States, 2 = Not in the United States).

> The survey asked respondents the following question, “Should government improve standard of living of poor people?” The responses are HELPPOOR: 1 = Government act; 2, 3, 4, 5 = People should help themselves. Is there enough evidence to infer that there a

> The survey asked respondents the following question, “Should government reduce income differences between rich and poor?” How does the educational attainment affect responses to the question? Use an appropriate technique to determine whether education (E

> Are Republicans more financially successful than either Democrats or Independents? Are there differences in total family income (INCOME) between the three political categories (PARTYID3: 1 = Democrat, 2 = Independent, 3 = Republican)? Conduct a test to a

> The survey asked respondents the following question: “Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican Democrat, Independent, or what?” Estimate the number of Americans who consider themselves Republicans (PARTYID: 5 = Not strong Republican,

> Does the amount of education affect respondents’ beliefs about the role of government in the following question? “Should government do more or less to solve country’s problems?” The responses are HELPNOT: 1 = Government should do more; 2, 3, 4, 5 = Gover

> How well do public sector workers fare against private sector workers (WRKGOVT: 1 = Government, 2 = Private)? In particular, are they paid better than private sector workers (RINCOME). Conduct a test to answer the question.

> In many college disciplines women outnumber men. Does that mean that women have more years of education than men (EDUC)? Conduct a test to answer the question (SEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female).

> The survey asked the following question. The center of the earth is very hot, true or false? Estimate the number of Americans who know the correct answer is 1 (HOTCORE: 1 = True, 2 = False, 8 = Don’t know, 9 = No answer).

> The second amendment has been part of the political debate. Can we infer from the data that the majority of Americans support gun control (GUNLAW: 1 = Favor, 2 = Oppose)?

> The electric company is considering an incentive plan to encourage its customers to pay their bills promptly. The plan is to discount the bills 1% if the customer pays within 5 days as opposed to the usual 25 days. As an experiment, 50 customers are offe

> According to the U.S. Census in 2012 women made up 51.909% of the adult population. Is there enough evidence to conclude that women are over represented in the 2012 General Social Survey of 2012 (SEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female)?

> Television advertising depends on viewers. If there are fewer people watching television then advertisers will pay less for their television commercials. Estimate the average number of hours people are watching television (TVHOURS).

> Every year the readership of newspapers declines. To measure the extent of the problem, the survey asked respondents, “Do you read newspapers?” Estimate the number of people who never read newspapers (NEWS: 5 = Never).

> The United States like many other countries is aging. That is, each year the average age increases. Estimate the average age of American adults (AGE).

> Although most high paying jobs require at least a university degree there are still many people who have not completed high school. Estimate the number of American men who did not complete high school (SEX: 1 = Male, DEGREE: 0 = Left high school).

> The survey asked respondents the following question, “A doctor tells a couple that there is one chance in four that their child will have an inherited disease. Does this mean that if the first child has the illness, the next three will not? (ODDS1:1 = Ye

> The number of private sector employees who belong to unions has been steadily decreasing in the United States for decades. However, the number of government workers who belong to unions is growing. To determine the number, the survey asked whether the re

> In Chapter 2, we used a graphical technique and data from the American National Election Survey to attempt to determine whether men and women differ in their political affiliation. Use a suitable statistical inference technique to determine whether there

> Capital punishment for murderers exists in most U.S. states. However, a few states ban this form of punishment. Politicians often need to know which members of the public support and which oppose. Can we conclude from the data that there is a difference

> Estimate the number of men (SEX: 1 = Male) who work for themselves (WRKSLF: 1 = Self-employed).

> as a standard feature on many cars really effective? The ABS works by automatically pumping brakes extremely quickly on slippery surfaces so the brakes do not lock and thus avoiding an uncontrollable skid. If ABS is effective, we would expect that cars e

> Do teenage and adult children living with their parents contribute to household income by holding down full- or part-time jobs? And is it more likely that they do so for affluent than for less-affluent families? To answer the question, test to determine

> How much education (EDUC) do Democrats, Independents, and Republicans have (PARTYID3: 1 = Democrat, 2 = Independent, 3 = Republican)? Are they about the same or do they differ? Conduct a test to answer the question.

> Do jobs in the public sector require more education (EDUC) than the ones in the private sector (WRKGOVT: 1 = Government, 2 = Private)? Conduct a test to answer the question.

> Does the race of an individual affect whether he or she is likely to be self-employed? Can we conclude that differences in whether an individual works for himself or herself (WRKSLF: 1 = Self-employed, 2 = Someone else) exists between the races (RACE: 1

> Did the aftereffects of the recession that began in 2008 end in 2012? One way to judge is to determine how secure the jobs of workers were. Estimate the number of people who believed that it is very likely that they will lose their job or be laid off (JO

> The survey asked respondents the following question. “Should government improve standard of living of poor people?” The responses were HELPPOOR: 1 = Government act; 2, 3, 4, 5 = People should help themselves. Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that

> The survey asked respondents, “Taking all things together, how would you describe your marriage? Is there enough evidence to conclude that more than half of all marriages are very happy (HAPMAR: 1 = Very happy)?

> It is often argued that the reason that men earn more than women is that men work harder and longer. Examine the issue by determining whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude that men work longer hours (HRS1) than women (SEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female

> Estimate the number of women who have never married (SEX: 2 = Female) and MARITAL: 5 = Never married).

> Are married couples postponing bearing children? One way to measure this is to determine how old people are when their first child is born. Estimate with 95% confidence the average age of Americans when their first child is born (AGEKDBRN).

> In an attempt to reduce the number of person-hours lost as a result of industrial accidents, a large multiplant corporation installed new safety equipment in all departments and all plants. To test the effectiveness of the equipment, a random sample of 2

> Are Americans optimistic that their children will do better financially than themselves? The survey asked respondents, “When your children are at your age will their standard of living be…. Can we infer that the majority of Americans believe that their c

> It seems obvious that political persuasion affects beliefs about what the government can and cannot do. However, do the data support this belief? Is there enough statistical evidence to infer that differences exist between the three political groups (PAR

> How does the level of educational attainment affect attitudes about the role of government? Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that there are differences between the five categories of educational attainment (DEGREE: 0 = Left high school, 1 = High

> Is there enough evidence to conclude that Republicans are more likely than Democrats (PARTYID3: 1 = Democrat, 3 = Republican) to answer the following question correctly. A doctor tells a couple that there is one chance in four that their child will have

> Is it still true that men earn more than women (SEX: 1 = male, 2 = female)? Conduct a test to determine whether there is enough statistical evidence to conclude that men earn more than women (RINCOME).

> Surveys around the world often try to measure the happiness of the residents of each country. Americans are typically near the middle. The General Social Survey asked respondents “Taken altogether, how would you say things are these days would you say yo

> The survey asked respondents about the federal tax they pay. Estimate the number of American adults who believe that their tax is too low (TAX: 1 = Too high, 2 = About right, 3 = Too low).

> Is it true that as we grow older we become more conservative? If so, there would be differences in age (AGE) between the three political groups (PARTYID3: 1 = Democrat, 2 = Independent, 3 = Republican). Do the data allow us to conclude that there are dif

> In the past, government jobs had only one major advantage over private sector jobs, job security. Private sector jobs usually paid better. But now most government jobs are secure and pay better than similar work in the private sector. Estimate the number

> It is often useful for retailers to determine why their potential customers choose to visit their store. Possible reasons include advertising, advice from a friend, or previous experience. To determine the effect of full-page advertisements in the local

> Estimate with 95% confidence the number of American adults who are neither white nor black (RACE: 1 = White, 2 = Black, 3 = Other).

> The image of the public sector worker is one who doesn’t work very hard (WRKGOVT: 1 = government, 2 = private). Is this image valid? Conduct a test to determine whether there is enough evidence to infer that public sector workers and private sector worke

> Does work status (WRKSTAT: 1. Working fulltime, 2. Working part time, 3. Temporarily not working, 4. Unemployed, laid off, 5. Retired, 6. School, 7. Keeping house, 8. Other) affect their responses to the question, “Should government reduce income differe

> Americans are postponing marriage and starting families. Does this mean that families are having fewer children? Estimate with 95% confidence the average number of children per family (CHILDS).

> In many countries, each succeeding generation does better financially than their predecessors. The survey asked respondents the following question. “Compared to your parents at your age is your standard of living (PARSOL) 1 = Much better, 2 = Somewhat be

> What other differences are there among liberals, moderates, and conservatives (POLVIEWS3: 1 = Liberal, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Conservative)? For example, is there sufficient statistical evidence to conclude that there are differences in income (RINCOME)?

> Does education affect how people spend their food dollars? Answer the question by determining whether there is enough statistical evidence to infer that there are differences in expenditures for food at home (FOODHOME) between the four categories of educ

> According to the U.S. Census the average family spent $2675 on food away from home (FOODAWAY) eaten at home. Is there enough evidence to infer that the average upperclass household spent more than the average family?

> Are there differences between men and women (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) in their choices of employment (OCCAT2 Occupation classification for head of household: 1. Managerial/ professional, 2. Technical/sales/services, 3. other (including production/cra

> One question asked by the survey addressed the issue of whether the household had any debts (DEBT: 1 = Yes). Is there sufficient evidence to infer that male and female heads (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) of households differ?

> Shopping malls are more than places where we buy things. We go to malls to watch movies; buy breakfast, lunch, and dinner; exercise; meet friends; and, in general, to socialize. To study the trends, a sociologist took a random sample of 100 mall shoppers

> Students may be surprised to learn that people with high net worth also have large debts. Estimate the mean household debt for members of the upper class (DEBT).

> Late payments on virtually all loans result in financial penalties. For example, credit card companies often increase their interest rates to around 30% if a customer is late paying their monthly bills. Estimate the number of people who were late in payi

> Is the number of people working for themselves a measure of the state of the economy? A large number may mean that a large proportion of the population cannot find a job. Estimate the number of people who are self-employed (OCCAT1: 2 = Self-employed/part

> Are there differences between male and female (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) heads of households with respect to family structure (FAMSTRUCT: 1 = Not married or living with partner + children, 2 = Not married or living with partner + no children+ head of

> Is the amount spent of food away from home (FOODAWAY) related to how well educated the head of the household is (EDCL 1 = No high school diploma, 2 = High school diploma, 3 = Some college, 4 = College degree)? Conduct a test to answer the question.

> In 2010, banks were still in trouble because of the housing meltdown. As a result, they were increasing their standards for credit cards and loans. Estimate the proportion of people who were turned down for credit in the previous 5 years (TURNDOWN: 1).

> The survey asked whether the household had declared bankruptcy in the previous 5 years (BNKRUPLAST5: 1 = Yes). Is there enough evidence to conclude that male and female (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) heads of households differ?

> According to the U.S. Census, the average family spent $3921 on food eaten at home (FOODHOME). Is there enough evidence to infer that the average upper-class household spent more than the average family?

> The upper class in the 2010 survey had household net worth between $1,345,975 and $7,402,095. Households in this net worth category have large amounts to invest in the stock market. Estimate the mean investment in the stock market by upper class househol

> In 2007–2009, the United States was hit with a financial crisis brought on by a crash in the housing market. How has this impacted the proportion of families who own their home in 2010? Estimate the proportion of home ownership (HOUSECL: 1 = own).

> Billions of dollars are spent annually by Americans for the care and feeding of pets. A survey conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association drew a random sample of 1,328 American households and asked whether they owned a pet and, if so, the t

> Do middle-class households headed by men (HHSEX: 1 = male, 2 = female) spend more money on food away from home than their female counterparts (FOODAWAY)? Conduct a test to answer the question.

> Do middle-class heads of households who have a high school diploma only have more assets (ASSET) than those who did not finish high school (EDCL: 1 = No high school diploma, 2 = High school diploma)? Use an appropriate statistical technique to answer the

> One way to examine the issue of family structure is to determine the number of households with no spouse or partner. Estimate the proportion of households whose head is neither married nor living with partner (MARRIED: 2).

> Do upper-class households get a great deal of the income from interest and dividends? To answer the question, estimate the mean interest and dividend income for upper-class households (INTDIVINC).

> The upper class in the 2010 survey had household net worth between $1,345,975 and $7,402,095. Money kept in checking accounts earns no interest but are kept to pay bills. Estimate the mean amount held in checking accounts by households in the upper class

> Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that there are differences in income (INCOME) between the four categories of educational attainment (EDCL: 1 = No high school diploma, 2 = High school diploma, 3 = Some college, 4 = College degree)?

> In 2010, the American economy was still faltering because of the housing meltdown during 2007–2009. One sign of the difficulty is people struggling to pay their living expenses. Estimate the number of people who said that their overall household expenses

> Females are now attending colleges and universities in greater numbers than men. In the past men were more likely than women to have graduate degrees. Conduct a test to determine whether there is enough evidence to infer that males (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 =

> Are female and male heads of households equally likely to carry a balance on their credit cards? Conduct a test to determine whether there is a difference between the sexes (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) with respect to carrying a balance on credit cards

> Do middle-class households headed by women (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) spend more money on food at home than their male counterparts (FOODHOME)? Conduct a test to answer the question.

> A popularly held belief about university professors is that they don’t work very hard and that the higher their rank, the less work they do. A statistics student decided to determine whether the belief is true. She took a random sample of 20 university i

> Is there enough evidence to conclude that there are differences between the three working categories (OCCAT2: 1 = Managerial/professional, 2= Technical/sales/services, 3 = Other) in terms of whether the household declared bankruptcy in the previous 5 yea

> Are male heads of households more likely than female heads (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) of households to be self-employed (OCCAT1: 2 = Self-employed)? Conduct a statistical test to answer the question.

> Is there enough statistical evidence to infer that female heads of households (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) are less likely to have completed a college degree than their male counterparts (EDCL: 4 = College degree)?

> Estimate the number of household heads who declared bankruptcy in the previous 5 years (BNKRUPLAST5: 1).

> Do middle-class household heads with college degrees get more heavily into debt (DEBT) than those without college degrees (EDCL: 1 = No high school diploma, 2 = High school diploma, 3 = Some college, 4 = College degree)? Conduct a test to answer the ques

> Because of immigration and birth rates there is a growing number of Hispanics in the United States. Estimate the number of Hispanic adults (21 and over) in the United States (RACE: 3 = Hispanic).

> The middle class in the 2010 Survey of Consumer Finances had a net worth of between $61,215 and $270,603. In 2010, the average amount spent on food at home was $3624 (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics). Is there enough evidence to infer that the average

> High net worth households often have high expenses and large regular payments. Estimate the total value of monthly debt payments made by upper class households (TPAY).

> The survey asked respondents to classify their occupation. Can we infer that male heads (HHSEX: 1 = Male, 2 = Female) of households are more likely than their female counterparts to work as a manager or professional (OCCAT2: 1 = Managerial/professional)?


See Answer