The infinite series a1 + a2 + a3 + … has partial sums given by Sn = 3 – 5/n.
(a) Find ∑k=1 10 ak.
(b) Does the infinite series converge? If so, to what value does it converge?
> If most aggregate production planning problems include assumptions and ignore many needs of the company that are difficult to quantify, then what is the benefit of the process?
> Explain why the following is not necessarily a true statement: “If a company is chasing demand, then it is overinvesting in balance-sheet assets since inventories will be high.”
> Suppose your firm is using a level production planning approach to manage a seasonal demand. Your production manager is evaluated on lowest production cost but the logistics manager is evaluated on the amount of inventory the firm holds. Explain the issu
> What are the key cost advantages of level production strategy over a chase strategy? Of a chase strategy over a level production strategy?
> Do you think chase strategies might be more appropriate in some industries than in others? Give some examples and explain why.
> Explain in your own words the typical differences in objectives for production managers and sales managers.
> As North American firms increasingly turn to product innovation, the management and protection of Intellectual Property becomes an important issue. Discuss how intellectual property considerations can affect such areas in supply chain strategy as: a. Sup
> What is the value of the S&OP process to an organization? Why should it be a dynamic process rather than a one-time annual event?
> What arguments would you use in order to justify tightening the limits used on a tracking signal control chart? How about for loosening the limits?
> As the regional manager of 27 Burger Queens, you are thinking about expanding the number of outlets in your area. What types of forecasts would you want to create in order to support your decision?
> Assume that you are the regional operations manager responsible for 27 Burger Queen restaurants. What types of demand forecast models do you think you would need for your short-term planning? What decisions would each forecast support? Identify the users
> Your firm is considering reducing staff and your forecasting department has been mentioned as a prime candidate for this treatment. Outline a brief memo to defend the value of your department’s services to the firm. How could you quantify your claims?
> Your boss has less training than you have in business statistics. She asks you to explain the logic of the least squares regression method for determining a trend line. What would you tell her?
> In what way is an exponential smoothing model really a moving average model?
> Someone in your organization suspects a causal relationship between statistics on corrugated board shipments reported in BusinessWeek and your company’s shipments using the boxes. How would you test this assertion? If you were to verify the relationship,
> Your boss wants you to explain the term exponential smoothing. How do you reply?
> Describe the likely effects of the following business trends on demand forecasting processes. How would you modify your firm’s demand management or demand forecasting processes in response to these trends?
> Why is there a need for the four dimensions of the balanced scorecard?
> Think of four instances in your life when you confronted sellers’ demand management practices. As a value-conscious customer, do you think that each of the four sellers served you well?
> What are the two types of trade-offs that are of concern to logistics managers? Provide examples of each type of trade-off, beyond those given in the text.
> What are some of the primary ways that the design of a DC and a FC may differ? Why?
> What types of logistics capabilities are needed to address the problem of the “last mile”?
> Why do you think so many firms are concerned about logistics issues when they move into new markets such as China and Russia?
> Which mode of transportation would you use for the following products? Why?
> What is transportation consolidation? How do consolidation strategies take advantage of the basic economic characteristics of transportation?
> What is the role of government in transportation? Do you believe economic deregulation is positive or negative for the overall economy?
> Why has the importance of logistics management been growing over the past few decades?
> Which digital technologies will have greatest effect on logistics? Why?
> What is the impact of sustainability on the business model? How does it affect issues such as the Order Winners, Order Losers, and Order Qualifiers? How does it affect the identification of the critical customer? When addressing this question, look up su
> Think about the increasing importance of environmental sustainability. What do you think the impacts of these changes will be on logistics management?
> What factors are to be considered when deciding if logistics should be outsourced to a 3PL?
> Based on the information contained within this chapter, what are the critical linkages between the logistics management system and other functions such as operations and supply management?
> Think about a recent online order that you made. Did it have all of the components of a “perfect order”? Why or why not? If there was a problem with the order, which logistics activities most likely contributed to the problem? Why?
> When evaluating a supplier’s financial stability, what are some key indicators to consider? Why?
> Why don’t companies seek full partnerships with all of their suppliers?
> Consider Marriott or Hilton corporations, which have hotels around the world. What type of purchases should be local, national/regional, or global? Why?
> For an organization that you are familiar with, provide an example of each of the four categories of purchases shown in Figure 10-4. What sourcing strategy would you use for each? Why? Figure 10-4:
> How would you do a spend analysis if you were the supply manager for a large state university? What are likely to be the most important spend categories (excluding dining services and residence life)?
> Many universities have outsourced operations of residence halls. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
> A metric consists of three elements: the measure, the standard (what is expected), and the reward. Why are all three elements critical? What happens to the effectiveness of a metric when one of these three elements is missing?
> Review Fortune magazine’s “Most Admired” American companies for 1959, 1979, 1999, and the most current year. (The issue normally appears in August each year.) Which companies have remained on the top throughout this period? Which ones have disappeared? W
> Let a and r be given nonzero numbers. (a) Show that (1 - r)(a + ar + ar2 + … + arn) = a - arn+1, and from this conclude that, for r 1, a + ar + ar2 + … + arn = a/(1 – r) - arn+1/(1 – r). (b) Use the result of part (a) to explain why the geometric serie
> Determine the sums of the following infinite series: ∑k=1 ∞ (1/3)2k
> Determine the sums of the following infinite series: ∑k=0 ∞ (-1)k 3k+1/5k
> Determine the sums of the following infinite series: ∑j=0 ∞ (-1)j/3j
> Determine the sums of the following infinite series: ∑j=1 ∞ 5-2j
> Determine the sums of the following infinite series: ∑k=0 ∞ (7/10)k
> Determine the sums of the following infinite series: ∑k=0 ∞ (5/6)k
> The infinite series a1 + a2 + a3 + … has partial sums given by Sn = n – 1/n. (a) Find ∑k=110 ak. (b) Does the infinite series converge? If so, to what value does it converge?
> A patient receives M mg of a certain drug daily. Each day, the body eliminates a fraction q of the amount of the drug present in the system. After extended treatment, estimate the total amount of the drug that should be present immediately after a dose i
> Determine all Taylor polynomials for f (x) = x2 + 2x + 1 at x = 0.
> A patient receives M mg of a certain drug each day. Each day the body eliminates 25% of the amount of drug present in the system. Determine the value of the maintenance dose M such that after many days approximately 20 mg of the drug is present immediate
> A patient receives 2 mg of a certain drug each day. Each day the body eliminates 20% of the amount of drug present in the system. After extended treatment, estimate the total amount of the drug present immediately before a dose is given.
> A patient receives 6 mg of a certain drug daily. Each day the body eliminates 30% of the amount of the drug present in the system. After extended treatment, estimate the total amount of the drug that should be present immediately after a dose is given.
> The coefficient of restitution of a ball, a number between 0 and 1, specifies how much energy is conserved when the ball hits a rigid surface. A coefficient of .9, for instance, means a bouncing ball will rise to 90% of its previous height after each bou
> A generous corporation not only gives its CEO a $1,000,000 bonus, but gives her enough money to cover the taxes on the bonus, the taxes on the additional taxes, the taxes on the taxes on the additional taxes, and so on. If she is in the 39.6% tax bracket
> Consider a perpetuity that promises to pay P dollars at the end of each month. (The first payment will be received in 1 month.) If the interest rate per month is r, the present value of P dollars in k months is P(1 + r)-k. Find a simple formula for the c
> Consider a perpetuity that promises to pay $100 at the beginning of each month. If the interest rate is 12% compounded monthly, the present value of $100 in k months is 100(1.01)-k. (a) Express the capital value of the perpetuity as an infinite series. (
> Compute the effect of a $20-billion federal income tax cut when the population’s marginal propensity to consume is 98%. What is the “multiplier” in this case?
> Compute the total new spending created by a $10-billion federal income tax cut when the population’s marginal propensity to consume is 95%. Compare your result with that of Example 3, and note how a small change in the MPC makes a dramatic change in the
> Compute the value of .12121̅2̅1̅2̅ as a geometric series with a = .1212 and r = .0001. Compare your answer with the result of Example 2.
> Determine the nth Taylor polynomial for f (x) = ex at x = 0.
> Sum an appropriate infinite series to find the rational number whose decimal expansion is given. Show that .999̅ = 1.
> Sum an appropriate infinite series to find the rational number whose decimal expansion is given. 5.444̅
> Sum an appropriate infinite series to find the rational number whose decimal expansion is given. 4.011̅0̅1̅1̅ (= 4 + .011011)
> Sum an appropriate infinite series to find the rational number whose decimal expansion is given. .15151̅5̅
> Sum an appropriate infinite series to find the rational number whose decimal expansion is given. .222̅
> Sum an appropriate infinite series to find the rational number whose decimal expansion is given. .17317̅3̅
> Sum an appropriate infinite series to find the rational number whose decimal expansion is given. .27272̅7̅
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 53/3 – 55/34 + 57/37 - 59/310 + 511/313 - …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 5 + 4 + 3.2 + 2.56 + 2.048 + …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 32/25 + 34/28 + 36/211 + 38/214 + 310/217 + …
> Sketch the graphs of f (x) = sin x and its first three Taylor polynomials at x = 0.
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 2/54 - 24/55 + 27/56 - 210/57 + 213/58 - …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 6 - 1.2 + .24 - .048 + .0096 - …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 3 - 32/7 + 33/72 - 34/73 + 35/74 - …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 1/32 - 1/33 + 1/34 - 1/35 + 1/36 - …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 1/5 + 1/54 + 1/57 + 1/510 + 1/513 + …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 3 + 6/5 + 12/25 + 24/125 + 48/625 + …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 2 + 2/3 + 2/9 + 2/27 + 2/81 + …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 1 + 1/23 + 1/26 + 1/29 + 1/212 + …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 1 – 1/32 + 1/34 – 1/36 + 1/38 - …
> Determine the sums of the following geometric series when they are convergent. 1 + ¾ + (3/4)2 + (3/4)3+ (3/4)4+ …
> Sketch the graphs of f (x) = 1/(1 – x) and its first three Taylor polynomials at x = 0.
> Use three repetitions of the Newton–Raphson algorithm to approximate the following: √7
> Use three repetitions of the Newton–Raphson algorithm to approximate the following: √5
> Graph the function f (x) = x2 /(1 + x2), [-2, 2] by [-.5, 1]. The function has 0 as a zero. By looking at the graph, guess at a value of x0 for which x1 will be exactly 0 when the Newton– Raphson algorithm is invoked. Then, test your guess by carrying ou
> Draw the graph of f (x) = x4 - 2x2, [-2, 2] by [-2, 2]. The function has zeros at x = -12, x = 0, and x = 12. By looking at the graph, guess which zero will be approached when you apply the Newton–Raphson algorithm to each of the following initial approx
> Apply the Newton–Raphson algorithm to the function f (x) = x3 - 5x with x0 = 1. After observing the behavior, graph the function along with the tangent lines at x = 1 and x = -1, and explain geometrically what is happening.
> The functions f (x) = x2 - 4 and g (x) = (x - 2)2 both have a zero at x = 2. Apply the Newton–Raphson algorithm to each function with x0 = 3, and determine the value of n for which xn appears on the screen as exactly 2. Graph the two functions and explai
> Apply the Newton–Raphson algorithm to the function whose graph is drawn in Fig. 10(b). Use x0 = 1. Figure 10:
> Apply the Newton–Raphson algorithm to the function f (x) = x1/3 whose graph is drawn in Fig. 10(a). Use x0 = 1. Figure 10:
> What happens when the first approximation, x0, is actually a zero of f (x)?
> What special occurrence takes place when the Newton–Raphson algorithm is applied to the linear function f (x) = mx + b with m ≠ 0?
> Determine the fourth Taylor polynomial of f (x) = ln(1 - x) at x = 0, and use it to estimate ln(.9).
> Figure 9 contains the graph of the function f (x) = x3 - 12x. The function has zeros at x = - √12, 0, and √12. Which zero of f (x) will be approximated by the Newton–Raphson method starting with x0 =
> Figure 8 contains the graph of the function f (x) = x2 - 2. The function has zeros at x = √2 and x = - √2. When the Newton–Raphson algorithm is applied to find a zero, what values of x0 lead to the ze
> Suppose that the graph of the function f (x) has slope -2 at the point (1, 2). If the Newton–Raphson algorithm is used to find a root of f (x) = 0 with the initial guess x0 = 1, what is x1?
> Suppose that the line y = 4x + 5 is tangent to the graph of the function f (x) at x = 3. If the Newton–Raphson algorithm is used to find a root of f (x) = 0 with the initial guess x0 = 3, what is x1?
> Redo Exercise 17 with x0 = 1. Exercise 17: A function f (x) has the graph given in Fig. 7. Let x1 and x2 be the estimates of a root of f (x) obtained by applying the Newton–Raphson algorithm using an initial approximation of x0 = 5. Dr