The payment made to Clark beyond his capital account was for Clark’s share of previously unrecognizedgoodwill. After recognizing partnership goodwill, what is Manning’s capital balance afterClark withdraws?
a. $133,000
b. $137,500
c. $140,000
d. $145,000
At year-end, the Circle City partnership has the following capital balances:
Manning, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130,000
Gonzalez, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110,000
Clark, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000
Freeney, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,000
> What is the purpose of a drawing account in a partnership’s financial records?
> A partnership currently holds three assets: cash, $10,000; land, $35,000; and a building, $50,000.The partnership has no liabilities. The partners anticipate that expenses required to liquidate theirpartnership will amount to $5,000. Capital balances are
> A local dental partnership has been liquidated and the final capital balances are Atkinson, capital (40% of all profits and losses) . . . . . . . . . $ 70,000 Kaporale, capital (30%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 De
> A local partnership is liquidating and has only two assets (cash of $10,000 and land with a cost of$35,000). All partnership liabilities have been paid. All partners are personally insolvent. The partnershave capital balances and share profits and losses
> A partnership has the following account balances: Cash, $70,000; Other Assets, $540,000; Liabilities,$260,000; Nixon (50 percent of profits and losses), $170,000; Cleveland (30 percent),$110,000; Pierce (20 percent), $70,000. The company liquidates, and
> A partnership has gone through liquidation and now reports the following account balances: Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16,000 Loan from Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Wayman, capital
> Carney, Pierce, Menton, and Hoehn are partners who share profits and losses on a 4:3:2:1 basis, respectively.They are beginning to liquidate the business. At the start of this process, capital balances are Carney, capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> A partnership is currently holding $400,000 in assets and $234,000 in liabilities. The partnershipis to be liquidated, and $20,000 is the best estimation of the expenses that will be incurred duringthis process. The four partners share profits and losses
> A partnership has the following capital balances: X (50 percent of profits and losses) = $150,000; Y(30 percent of profits and losses) = $120,000; Z (20 percent of profits and losses) = $80,000. If thepartnership is to be liquidated and $30,000 becomes i
> A partnership has the following balance sheet prior to liquidation (partners’ profit and loss ratiosare in parentheses): During liquidation, other assets are sold for $80,000, liabilities are paid in full, and $15,000 inliquidation ex
> A partnership is considering possible liquidation because one of the partners (Bell) is personallyinsolvent. Profits and losses are divided on a 4:3:2:1 basis, respectively. Capital balances at the currenttime are Bell, capital . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> If a partner is contributing attributes to a partnership such as an established clientele or a particularexpertise, what two methods can be used to record the contribution? Describe each method.
> A local partnership is liquidating and is currently reporting the following capital balances: Barley, capital (50% share of all profits and losses) . . . . . $ 44,000 Carter, capital (30%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
> Part A The partnership of Butler, Osman, and Ward was formed several years as a local tax preparationfirm. Two partners have reached retirement age and the partners have decided to terminate operationsand liquidate the business. Liquidation expenses of $
> Part A The partnership of Wingler, Norris, Rodgers, and Guthrie was formed several years ago as a localarchitectural firm. Several partners have recently undergone personal financial problems and havedecided to terminate operations and liquidate the busi
> The partnership of Frick, Wilson, and Clarke has elected to cease all operations and liquidate itsbusiness property. A balance sheet drawn up at this time shows the following account balances: Part A Prepare a predistribution plan for this partnership
> Following is a series of independent cases. In each situation, indicate the cash distribution to bemade to partners at the end of the liquidation process. Unless otherwise stated, assume that all solventpartners will reimburse the partnership for their d
> On January 1, the partners of Van, Bakel, and Cox (who share profits and losses in the ratio of5:3:2, respectively) decide to liquidate their partnership. The trial balance at this date follows: The partners plan a program of piecemeal conversion of th
> The partnership of Winn, Xie, Yang, and Zed has the following balance sheet: Zed is personally insolvent, and one of his creditors is considering suing the partnership for the$10,000 that is currently owed. The creditor realizes that this litigation co
> March, April, and May have been in partnership for a number of years. The partners allocate allprofits and losses on a 2:3:1 basis, respectively. Recently, each partner has become personallyinsolvent and, thus, the partners have decided to liquidate the
> The partnership of Anderson, Berry, Hammond, and Winwood is being liquidated. It currentlyholds cash of $20,000 but no other assets. Liabilities amount to $30,000. The capital balances are Anderson (40% of profits and losses) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> The partnership of Hendrick, Mitchum, and Redding has the following account balances: This partnership is being liquidated. Hendrick and Mitchum are each entitled to 40 percent of allprofits and losses with the remaining 20 percent going to Redding. a.
> What valuation should be recorded for noncash assets transferred to a partnership by one of thepartners?
> A local partnership is to be liquidated. Commissions and other liquidation expenses are expected tototal $19,000. The business’s balance sheet prior to the commencement of liquidation is as follows: Prepare a predistribution plan for
> The Drysdale, Koufax, and Marichal partnership has the following balance sheet immediately priorto liquidation: a. Liquidation expenses are estimated to be $15,000. Prepare a predistribution schedule to guidethe distribution of cash. b. Assume that ass
> The partnership of Larson, Norris, Spencer, and Harrison has decided to terminate operations andliquidate all business property. During this process, the partners expect to incur $8,000 in liquidationexpenses. All partners are currently solvent. The bala
> Alex and Bess have been in partnership for many years. The partners, who share profits and losses on a60:40 basis, respectively, wish to retire and have agreed to liquidate the business. Liquidation expensesare estimated to be $5,000. At the date the par
> The following balance sheet is for a local partnership in which the partners have become veryunhappy with each other. To avoid more conflict, the partners have decided to cease operations and sell all assets. Using thisinformation, answer the following
> A partnership has liquidated all assets but still reports the following account balances: The partners split profits and losses as follows: Cisneros, 40 percent; Beck, 20 percent; Sadak,10 percent; Emerson, 20 percent; and Page 10 percent Beck, loan . .
> According to the Uniform Partnership Act, what events should occur if a partner incurs a negativecapital balance during the liquidation process?
> Why would the members of a partnership elect to terminate business operations and liquidate allnoncash assets?
> What is the difference between the dissolution of a partnership and the liquidation of partnershipproperty?
> How is a predistribution plan created for a partnership liquidation?
> What is an articles of partnership agreement, and what information should this document contain?
> What is the purpose of a proposed schedule of liquidation, and how is it developed?
> How do loans from partners affect the distribution of assets in a partnership liquidation?
> How are safe capital balances computed when preliminary distributions of cash are to be made in apartnership liquidation?
> What is the purpose of a statement of liquidation? What information does it convey to its readers?
> After liquidating all property and paying partnership obligations, what is the basis for allocatingremaining cash among the partners?
> Why are liquidation gains and losses usually recorded as direct adjustments to the partners’ capitalaccounts?
> Erin Carson, Megyn Delaney, and Caitlin Erikson form a partnership as a first step in creating a business.Carson invests most of the capital but does not plan to be actively involved in the day-to-dayoperations. Delaney has had some experience and is exp
> Go to the Buckeye Partners, L.P. website where forms filed with the SEC are available through the InvestorCenter. Find Buckeye’s recent annual financial statements in their 10–K report for the partnership. Required Review Buckeye’s financial statements
> The Ace and Deuce partnership has been created to operate a law firm. The partners are attempting to devise a fair system to allocate profits and losses. Ace plans to work more billable hours each year than Deuce. However, Deuce has more experience and c
> 1. Kelly Fernandez and Michael Webster have decided to create a business. They have financing available and have a well-developed business plan. However, they have not yet decided which type of legal business structure would be best for them. Required W
> A company is being created and the owners are trying to decide whether to form a general partnership,a limited liability partnership, or a limited liability company. What are the advantages anddisadvantages of each of these legal forms?
> Which of the following is not a reason for the popularity of partnerships as a legal form forbusinesses? a. Partnerships may be formed merely by an oral agreement. b. Partnerships can more easily generate significant amounts of capital. c. Partnerships a
> Which of the following best describes the articles of partnership agreement? a. The purpose of the partnership and partners’ rights and responsibilities are required elements ofthe articles of partnership. b. The articles of partnership are a legal coven
> How does partnership accounting differ from corporate accounting? a. The matching principle is not considered appropriate for partnership accounting. b. Revenues are recognized at a different time by a partnership than is appropriate for a corporation. c
> If instead the partnership uses the bonus method, what is the balance of Manning’s capital accountafter Clark withdraws? a. $100,000 b. $126,250 c. $130,000 d. $133,750 At year-end, the Circle City partnership has the following capital balances: Manning
> A partnership has the following capital balances: Allen, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 Burns, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000 Costello, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> A partnership begins its first year of operations with the following capital balances: Winston, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110,000 Durham, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 Salem, Cap
> A partnership begins its first year with the following capital balances: Alfred, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50,000 Bernard, Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 Collins, Capital . .
> The capital balance for Messalina is $210,000 and for Romulus is $140,000. These two partnersshare profits and losses 60 percent (Messalina) and 40 percent (Romulus). Claudius invests $100,000in cash in the partnership for a 20 percent ownership. The bon
> Bishop has a capital balance of $120,000 in a local partnership, and Cotton has a $90,000 balance.These two partners share profits and losses by a ratio of 60 percent to Bishop and 40 percent toCotton. Lovett invests $60,000 in cash in the partnership fo
> Describe the differences between a Subchapter S corporation and a Subchapter C corporation.
> The capital balance for Maxwell is $110,000 and for Russell is $40,000. These two partners shareprofits and losses 70 percent (Maxwell) and 30 percent (Russell). Evan invests $50,000 in cashinto the partnership for a 30 percent ownership. The bonus metho
> A partnership has the following capital balances: Comprix (35% of gains and losses) . . . . . . . . . . $150,000 Heflin (40%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000 Kaplan (25%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> A partnership has the following capital balances: Henry (50% of gains and losses) . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 135,000 Thomas (30%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 Catherine (20%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Pat, Jean Lou, and Diane are partners with capital balances of $50,000, $30,000, and $20,000, respectively.These three partners share profits and losses equally. For an investment of $50,000 cash (paid tothe business), MaryAnn will be admitted as a partn
> The Distance Plus partnership has the following capital balances at the beginning of the current year: Tiger (50% of profits and losses) . . . . . . . . . . . $85,000 Phil (30%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 Ernie (
> Lear is to become a partner in the WS partnership by paying $80,000 in cash to the business. Atpresent, the capital balance for Hamlet is $70,000 and for MacBeth is $40,000. Hamlet and MacBeth share profits on a 7:3 basis. Lear is acquiring 40 percent of
> Darrow invests $250,000 in cash for a 30 percent ownership interest. The money goes to the business.No goodwill or other revaluation is to be recorded. After the transaction, what is Jennings’scapital balance? a. $160,000 b. $168,000 c. $170,200 d. $171,
> Darrow invests $270,000 in cash for a 30 percent ownership interest. The money goes to the originalpartners. Goodwill is to be recorded. How much goodwill should be recognized, and what isDarrow’s beginning capital balance? a. $410,000 and $270,000 b. $1
> Steve Reese is a well-known interior designer in Fort Worth, Texas. He wants to start his own businessand convinces Rob O’Donnell, a local merchant, to contribute the capital to form a partnership.On January 1, 2016, O’Donnell invests a building worth $5
> A partnership of attorneys in the St. Louis, Missouri, area has the following balance sheet accountsas of January 1, 2018: According to the articles of partnership, Athos is to receive an allocation of 50 percent of allpartnership profits and losses wh
> What information do the capital accounts found in partnership accounting convey?
> The law firm of Hackney and Walton has decided to start supporting a worthy charity. The partners want to select an organization that makes good use of its resources to meet its stated mission. Go to the website Click on “For Donors.” Scrol
> Go to the website and download the organization’s 33 Principles. Read the explanation for the six principles under the heading of Strong Financial Oversight. Write a short report on the
> Go to the website of a private not-for-profit college or university such as Duke (, Vanderbilt (, Notre Dame (, or Georgetown ( and locate the latest set of financial statements for the instit
> Go to the website of a private voluntary health and welfare entity such as United Cerebral Palsy (, the American Heart Association (, or the American Cancer Society ( Find the charity’s latest financial s
> Go to the following URL for Georgetown University: Click on the link for the most recent set of financial statements for the university. Look through those statements. Then, click on the link fo
> Go to the website and enter the name of a private not-for-profit organization. Considerable information will be available about the entity. By registering, it should be possible to find a link to the Form 990 (Return of Organization Exe
> Go to and click on “Methodology” near the top of the page. Read the information that is provided and write a short memo to explain how this organization rates charities.
> Gray, Stone, and Lawson open an accounting practice on January 1, 2016, in San Diego, California,to be operated as a partnership. Gray and Stone will serve as the senior partners because oftheir years of experience. To establish the business, Gray, Stone
> A voluntary health and welfare entity produces a statement of functional expenses. What is the purpose of this statement? a. Separates current unrestricted and current restricted funds. b. Separates program service expenses from supporting service expens
> George H. Ruth takes a leave of absence from his job to work full time for a voluntary health and welfare entity for six months. Ruth fills the position of finance director, a position that normally pays $88,000 per year. Ruth accepts no remuneration for
> A voluntary health and welfare entity receives $32,000 in cash from solicitations made in the local community. The charity receives an additional $1,500 from members in payment of annual dues. Members are assumed to receive benefits approximately equal i
> A voluntary health and welfare entity sends a mailing to all of its members including those who have donated in the past and others who have never donated. The mailing, which had a total cost of $22,000, asks for monetary contributions to help achieve th
> A voluntary health and welfare entity has the following expenditures: Research to cure disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 Fund-raising costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> The following questions concern the accounting principles and procedures applicable to a private not-for-profit entity. Write answers to each question. a. What is the difference between revenue and public support? b. What is the significance of the state
> A private not-for-profit entity is working to create a cure for a deadly disease. The charity starts the year with cash of $700,000. Of this amount, unrestricted net assets total $400,000, temporarily restricted net assets total $200,000, and permanently
> Wilson Center is a private not-for-profit voluntary health and welfare entity. During 2017, it received unrestricted pledges of $600,000, 60 percent of which were payable in 2017, with the remainder payable in 2018 (for use in 2018). Officials estimate t
> Under Lennon Hospital’s rate structure, it earned patient service revenue of $9 million for the year ended December 31, 2017. However, Lennon did not expect to collect this entire amount because it deemed $1.4 million to be charity care and estimated con
> The following questions concern the appropriate accounting for a private not-for-profit health care entity. Write complete answers for each question. a. What is a third-party payor, and how have third-party payors affected the development of accounting p
> Boswell and Johnson form a partnership on May 1, 2016. Boswell contributes cash of $50,000;Johnson conveys title to the following properties to the partnership: The partners agree to start their partnership with equal capital balances. No goodwill is t
> During the year ended December 31, 2017, Anderson Hospital (operated as a private not-for-profit entity) received and incurred the following: Fair value of donated medicines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
> Assume that Charity A and Charity B are alike in every way except as described below. Assume that each of these questions is independent from all other questions. a. Each charity suffers significant damage from a hail storm this year. Each hires a person
> On December 25 of Year 2, the entity above received a $40,000 cash gift. The donor specified that the entity hold the money for four months. If, at the end of four months, the donor still wished to do so, the money was to be given to the local Kidney Fun
> On January 1, Year 2, several supporters of the entity above spent their own money to construct a garage for its vehicles that is worth $70,000. It should last for 10 years and will have no salvage value although no time restriction was assumed. The enti
> Assume that the entity is a charity that charges its “members” monthly dues totaling $100,000 per year (in both Year 1 and Year 2). However, the members get nothing for their dues. The organization has consistently recorded this amount as an increase in
> At the beginning of Year 1, the entity above received $50,000 in cash as a gift with the stipulation that the money be used to buy a bus. The accountant made the appropriate entry at that time. On the first day of Year 2, the entity spent the $50,000 for
> During Year 1, the entity above received a gift of $80,000. The donor specified that this money be invested in government bonds with the interest to be used to pay the salaries of the entity’s employees. The gift was recorded as an increase in permanentl
> Assume that this entity is a private college that charged students $600,000 but then provided $140,000 in financial aid. The $600,000 was reported as a revenue; the $140,000 was shown as an expense. Both amounts were included in the unrestricted net asse
> Help & Save is a private not-for-profit entity that operates in Kansas. Swim For Safety is a private not-for-profit entity that operates in Missouri. The leaders of these two organizations have decided to combine forces on January 1, 2017, in order t
> You are preparing a statement of activities for the University of Richland, a private not-for-profit entity. The following questions should be viewed as independent of each other. Part 1 During the current year, a donor gives $400,000 in cash to the scho
> Following is the current balance sheet for a local partnership of doctors: The following questions represent independent situations: a. E is going to invest enough money in this partnership to receive a 25 percent interest. No goodwillor bonus is to be
> The College of Central North (a private school) has the following events and transactions: a. On January 1, Year 1, the board of trustees voted to restrict $1.9 million of previously unrestrictedinvestments to construct a new football stadium at some fut
> Officials for the City of Artichoke, West Virginia, have recently formed a transit authority to createa public transportation system for the community. These same officials are now preparing the city’sCAFR for the most recent year. The transit authority
> The City of Abernethy has three large bridges built in the later part of the 1980s that were not capitalizedat the time. In creating government-wide financial statements, the city’s accountant is interested inreceiving suggestions as to how to determine
> Prior to the creation of government-wide financial statements, the City of Loveland did not report thecost of its infrastructure assets. Now city officials are attempting to determine reported values for majorinfrastructure assets that were obtained prio