2.99 See Answer

Question: Trace the following Code. An ASCII Chart

Trace the following Code. An ASCII Chart is provided below the question.
Trace the following Code. An ASCII Chart is provided below the question.

Trace the following Code. An ASCII Chart is provided below the question.

Trace the following Code. An ASCII Chart is provided below the question.

Transcribed Image Text:

def letterfun ( text): res="" for letter in text: if letter >= "A" and letter <= "Z": x = ord(letter)-65 x = (x + 15) % 26 x = chr(x+65) res+-x print (" Replaced" , letter ,"with" ,x) elif letter >>=" a" and letter <= "z" : x = ord(letter)-97 x = (x + 15) % 26 x = chr (x+97) res+=x print (" Replaced" , letter ," with" ,x) else: res+=letter return res print(letterfun ("Cat_is -good." )) Complete the printout to the console below. Replaced with Replaced with Replaced with Replaced with Replaced with Replaced with Replaced with Replaced with Replaced with ASCII Chart for Reference: Dec Hx Oct Char 0 0 000 NUL (null) 1 001 SOH (start of heading) 2 2 002 STX (start of text) 3 3 003 ETX (end of text) 4 4 004 EOT (end of transaission) 5 5 005 EN0 (enquiry) 6 6 006 ACK (acknovledge) 7 7 007 BEL (bell) 8 8 010 BS (backspace) 9 9 011 TAB (horizontal tab) Dec Hx Oct Html Chr Dec Hx Oct Html Chrl Dec Hx Oct Html Chr 32 20 040 G#32; Space 64 40 100 6464; e 33 21 041 33:! 34 22 042 34; " 35 23 043 #35; 36 24 044 36: 37 25 045 437: 38 26 046 G38; 4 39 27 047 #39; 40 28 050 4#40; ( 41 29 051 41;) 96 60 140 96: 97 61 141 97; 98 62 142 98; b 99 63 143 #99; 68 44 104 668; D 100 64 144 6100; d 69 45 105 69; E 101 65 145 101; e 70 46 106 670; F 102 66 146 6102;t 71 47 107 6#71; G 103 67 147 103; g 72 48 110 G#72; H 104 68 150 104; h 73 49 111 673; I 105 69 151 105; i 74 4A 112 G#74; J 106 6A 152 #106; ) 75 4B 113 G#75; K 107 6B 153 6107; k 76 4C 114 476; L 108 6C 154 108; 1 77 4D 115 G#77; 109 6D 155 #109; a 78 4E 116 478; N 110 6E 156 6110; n 79 4F 117 G#79: 0 111 6F 157 111; o 80 50 120 G#80; P 112 70 160 #112; P 81 51 121 6#81; 0 113 71 161 #113; a 82 52 122 G482; R 114 72 162 4114; E 83 53 123 G83; s 115 73 163 115; 3 84 54 124 684; T 116 74 164 6116;t 85 55 125 G#85; U 117 75 165 #117; u 86 56 126 6#86: v 118 76 166 6118; v 87 57 127 G487; U 119 77 167 4119; w 88 58 130 G88; x 120 78 170 120; x 89 59 131 689; Y 121 79 171 6121; Y 90 SA 132 G#90; z 122 7A 172 122; z 91 SB 133 #91; [ 123 7B 173 123; { 92 sC 134 G#92; \ 124 7C 174 124; 1 93 5D 135 G#93; 1 125 7D 175 125; ) 94 SE 136 6494; 126 7E 176 126; - 127 7F 177 127; DEL Source: www.Leokup Tables.com 65 41 101 G65; A 66 42 102 66: B 67 43 103 467: C 10 A 012 LF (ML line feed, new line) 42 2A 052 G#42; 11 B 013 VT (vertical tab) 12 C 014 FF (MP form teed, new page) 44 20 054 G444; 13 D 015 CR (carriage return) 14 E 016 S0 (shift out) 15 F017 SI (shift in) 16 10 020 DLE (data link escape) 17 11 021 DCi (device control 1) 18 12 022 Dc2 (device control 2) 19 13 023 DC3 (device control 3) 20 14 024 DC4 (device control 4) 21 15 025 NAK (negative acknowledge) 22 16 026 SYN (synchronous idle) 23 17 027 ETB (end of trans. block) 24 18 030 CAN (cancel) 25 19 031 EM (end of aedium) 26 1A 032 SUB (substitute) 27 1B 033 ESC (escape) 28 1C 034 FSs (tile separator) 29 1D 035 GS (group separator) 30 1E 036 RS (record separator) 31 1F 037 US (unit separator) 43 2B 053 43: + 45 2D 055 4#45; 46 2E 056 46: . 47 2F 057 G47: / 48 30 060 G48: 0 49 31 061 49: 1 50 32 062 450: 2 51 33 063 451: 3 52 34 064 G#52: 4 53 35 065 4#53; 5 54 36 066 54: 6 55 37 067 455: 7 56 38 070 56: 8 57 39 071 57; 9 58 3A 072 G#58; : 59 3B 073 59: : 60 3C 074 60; < 61 3D 075 G61; 62 3E 076 462; > 63 3F 077 4#63; ? 95 SF 137 G#95;

> The graph of f is given. (a). Why is f one-to-one? (b). What are the domain and range of f-1? (c). What is the value of f-1 (2)? (d). Estimate the value of f-1 (0). 이 1

> (a). Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. (b). Sketch the curve and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as the parameter increases. x= sin 0, y = cos- 30,

> (a). Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b). Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. x= t?, y =t

> (a). Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b). Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. x= Vf, y=1 - t

> (a). Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as t increases. (b). Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve. x=1+ 3t, y= 2 – t?

> If the circle C rolls on the outside of the fixed circle, the curve traced out by P is called an epicycloid. Find parametric equations for the epicycloid.

> Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as increases. x= e + t, y = et – t, -2 < t<2

> Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as increases. x = cos't, y = 1 – sin t, 0 <ts 7/2 %3D

> Sketch the curve by using the parametric equations to plot points. Indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as increases. x = t?, y=t - 4t, -3 <t<3

> A hypocycloid is a curve traced out by a fixed point P on a circle C of radius b as C rolls on the inside of a circle with center O and radius a. Show that if the initial position of P is (a, 0) and the parameter &Icirc;&cedil; is chosen as in the figure

> Draw the graph of the equation x4 – 4x2 – x2y2 + 4y2 = 0.

> Describe the motion of a particle with position (x, y) as varies in the given interval. x = 3 + 2 cos t, y=1 + 2 sin t, /2 <t< 3m/2

> Sketch the graph of the function g (x) = |x2 – 1| - |x2 – 4|.

> Sketch the graph of the function f (x) = |x2 – 4| x| + 3|.

> The altitude perpendicular to the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 12 cm. Express the length of the hypotenuse as a function of the perimeter.

> If f0 (x) = x2 and fn+1 (x) = f0 (fn (x)) for n = 0, 1, 2, …, find a formula for fn (x).

> Solve the inequality ln (x2 – 2x - 2) < 0.

> (a). Show that the function f (x) = ln (x + √x2 + 1) is an odd function. (b). Find the inverse function of f.

> Evaluate (log23) (log34) (log45) …(log3132).

> One of the legs of a right triangle has length 4 cm. Express the length of the altitude perpendicular to the hypotenuse as a function of the length of the hypotenuse.

> Find the domain and range of the function. Write your answer in interval notation. F (t) = 3 + cos 2t

> Find the domain and range of the function. Write your answer in interval notation. h (x) = ln (x + 6)

> If f (x) = x5 + x3 + x, find f-1 (3) and f (f-1(2)).

> Find the domain and range of the function. Write your answer in interval notation. g (x) = √16 – x2

> Find the domain and range of the function. Write your answer in interval notation. f (x) = 2/ (3x – 1)

> Sketch a rough graph of the yield of a crop as a function of the amount of fertilizer used.

> Use parametric equations to graph the function f (x) = 2x + ln x and its inverse function on the same screen.

> (a). Sketch the curve represented by the parametric equations x = et, y = √t, 0 < t < 1, and indicate with an arrow the direction in which the curve is traced as increases. (b). Eliminate the parameter to find a Cartesian equation of the curve.

> Graph the three functions y = xa, y = ax, and y = logax on the same screen for two or three values of a > 1. For large values of x, which of these functions has the largest values and which has the smallest values?

> If f (x) = x2 -2x + 3, evaluate the difference quotient f (a + h) – f (a)/ h.

> The population of a certain species in a limited environment with initial population 100 and carrying capacity 1000 is where is measured in years. P (t) = 100,000/100 + 900e-t (a). Graph this function and estimate how long it takes for the population to

> The half-life of palladium-100, 100Pd, is four days. (So, half of any given quantity of 100Pd will disintegrate in four days.) The initial mass of a sample is one gram. (a). Find the mass that remains after 16 days. (b). Find the mass m (t) that remains

> Solve each equation for x. (a). ex = 5 (b). ln x = 2 (c). eex = 2

> Make a rough sketch of the graph of the function. Do not use a calculator. Just use the graphs given in Figures 3 and 13 and, if necessary, the transformations of Section 1.3. Figures 3: Figures 13: y = 1 &acirc;&#128;&#147; 1/2 e-x y4 10 4" 1.5

> Find the exact value of each expression. (a). e2ln3 (b). log 1025 + log104

> Find the inverse function of f (x) = x + 1/2x + 1.

> If f (x) = 2x + ln x, find f-1 (2).

> Express the function F (x) = 1 /√x + √x as a composition of three functions.

> If f (x) = ln x and g (x) = x2 - 9, find the functions (a) f0g, (b) g0f, (c) f0f, (d) g0g, and their domains.

> Use transformations to sketch the graph of the function. if x<0 f(x) = ez – 1 if x> 0

> Use transformations to sketch the graph of the function. f (x) = 1/ x + 2

> Use transformations to sketch the graph of the function. y = 2 - √x

> Use transformations to sketch the graph of the function. y = 1/2 (1 + ex)

> Use transformations to sketch the graph of the function. y = 3 ln (x – 2)

> Give an example of each type of function. (a). Linear function (b). Power function (c). Exponential function (d). Quadratic function (e). Polynomial of degree 5 (f). Rational function

> Discuss four ways of representing a function. Illustrate your discussion with examples.

> How to make an article, in Word with columns and pictures.

> Write an application in Java that reads a line of text and prints a table indicating the number of one-letter words, two-letter words, three-letter words, and so on, appearing in the text.

> Write a program that reads a line of text, changes each uppercase letter to lowercase, and places each letter in a queue. The program should then verify whether the line of text is a palindrome.

> Write a C++ program that reads input from a text file and counts the number of characters read from the input. If the character read is a letter ('a'-'z'), counts the number of times that letter occurs [using an array] (both uppercase and lowercase shoul

> _______ is breaking down an object into parts, hiding and protecting its essential information, and supplying an interface to modify the information in a controlled and useful manner.

> I have been struggling with the following coding assignment 3. 2. Challenge Content concatenation Evaluate your content concatenation skills by completing the following tasks: Append the current user to the ~/workspace/project-log/changelog.txt file: Cha

> Challenge Changing file permissions Evaluate your chmod command understanding by completing the following tasks: Changing file permissions Evaluate your chmod command understanding by completing the following tasks: 1. List visible and hidden file

> PROJECT STEPS You work for All Around Outside Maintenance, an outdoor maintenance 1. company, and have decided to create an Access database to make it easier to keep track of business information. In this project, you will create and update tables, impo

> Write a function that computes and return the frequency of letters in a given text file that is to compute the frequency of occurrence of each letter in the alphabet. Write a function that computes and return the frequency of letters as the first letter

> Can someone code this is Python 3 or Codio please. 6. Regular Expression Search Challenge In this challenge you will use the file regex_search_challenge_student.py to: Regular Expression Search Challenge Using the Python string below to perform a search

> Codio (python) Challenge X factorial, also written as X!, is X*(X-1) * (X-2) * (X-3).........* (1) So, 4! is 4*3*2*1 = 24 We provide you with a value N. Calculate N! and output only the final result. #Get N from the command line import sys N = int(sys.ar

> 5. 6. Final challenge For your final challenge in this unit, you will load two files. The first file F1 will have information about some accounts. It will be pipe-delimited and have one record per line, with these fields: ACCOUNT NUMBER | PIN CODE | BA

> 26. A(n) _______ is an abstract data type that stores and retrieves items in a last-in-first-out manner. queue stack vector array None of the above Quèstion 28 The pre order traversal of the tree shown below is: (100 19 36 (17 3 (25 1 7 100,19

> What would happen if we add cout to the end of the program (when s2 is empty?) Fix Stack.h so that these problems would not occur. #ifndef STACK_H #define STACK_H // your name // Stack.h // date // description #include <vector> using namespace std;

> Suppose we have a vector of integer stacks: vector sv; Write a function to return the number of stacks in the vector that are not empty.

> I made a program for class to find the amplitude of oscillation for our problem but I cannot figure out how to graph the comparison of amplitude. Basically our given is: Ka= input (Stiffness of board A); Ma= input (Weight of board A); Kb= input (Stiffnes

> Predict the products of the reaction below. Draw a mechanism. 3. 4. HO H;SO, heat Br NaOEt iPr

> Describe governance principles, standards, and practices in the IT environment. Using the media presentation as a case study: Describe the role of an organization's IRB. Describe the role of an organization's technology PMO. List and describe the compone

> HIPAA specifically addresses health care organization's use of social media platforms. True False

> Create a program that accepts and formats a paragraph from the user as follows: Ask the user for the length of the paragraph in characters. Repeatedly ask the user for the number of characters and only except a number more than 80 and less than 500. Cr

> PYTHON Write code that attempts to read a number from the console. Your code will read a string and then attempt to convert that string into a float. Your code will start out with: userInput = input ("Please type a real number: ") And then your code wi

> 1. Explain why an organization's firewall should block incoming packets the destination address of which is the organization's broadcast address. 2. Explain why an organization's firewall should block outgoing packets the source addresses of which are n

> 1. What are the differences between a reference variable and a primitive data typed variable? 2. When are two reference variables the same?

> The benefit to having a well-constructed business continuity plan is often implicit. What is the best way to convince the management team to undertake such a plan?

> Given the following code fragment, what is the final value of y that is displayed? int x, y; -13; y = - 0; while(x < 3) y + 2; 23B X + 1; System.out.printin(y);

> How do I import a word document of tables into my database through mySQL workbench?

> One of the view icons at the bottom right corner of a Word document is selected. Which view does the selected icon represent? Read Mode Multipage Print Layout Web Layout + 140%

> 16. Which factor can mitigate the problems of increased complexity that come with using a DBMS? a. sound database design b. using large file sizes c. using no integrity constraints d. writing complex access rules 17. Which of the following is true about

> How many times will the following loop iterate? int x = 10; while (x > 0) System.out.println (x) ; X--;

> The ________ command on the AutoFit button menu returns a table to its default behavior. AutoFit Window AutoFit Fixed Column Width AutoFit Open AutoFit Contents

> 106 107 108 109 110 &Atilde;&sect;double evaluate( vector&amp; stack) { vector d Briefly explain the programming below. 106 107 edouble evaluate(vector<double& stack) { vector<double> reversedStack; 108 109 110 while (!stack.empty()) { if (stack.bac

> On SheetTab 2 &acirc;&#128;&#147; Name: Student Stats &acirc;&#128;&#147; Color: Green Do the following: Your first and last name should be the title for this worksheet It should be merged and centered across all columns of the worksheet. Your name sh

> 17. formula always begins with the = sign in the cell A. True B. False 18. Cell references in a formula can be typed, using upper-or lowercase letters, or selected with the mouse A. True B. False 19. When entering text in a cell, which feature su

> Please answer the questions related to Excel 1. Define Row 2. Define Column 3. Define Cell 4. Define Cell Address 5. Define Range 6. How would you write. the name of the range A1 through C14? 7. What is a spreadsheet? 8. What is a workbook? 9. How do you

> When creating a formula, you must use a(n) ___________ so that if the value in the cell changes Excel automatically re-calculates the spreadsheet. a. arithmetic operator b. calculator c. cell reference d. AutoFit command

> ____________ is a feature that speeds your typing and lessens the likelihood of errors; if the first few characters you type in a cell match an existing entry in the column, Excel fills in the remaining characters for you. a. AutoFit b. AutoComplete c. A

> 11. Which feature is helpful if you have to enter a series of text, numbers, or dates? A. AutoFit B. AutoComplete C. AutoText D. AutoFill 12. What does Excel allow you to print? A. The active worksheet B. The entire workbook C. Selected cells D. T

> Excel number format problem appear as # I created Excel sheet and insert numbers on it on laptop that have monitor 15.6" , the format number is good , when i send e-mail to another person that have monitor 24" we found that totals cell in this excel she

> MATLAB Write a function with the header: function [uniqueWords] = myWordCloud(bunchOfWords) which takes a cell array of strings called bunchOfWords, counts the number of times each word in the array appears, and orders them according to frequency. The o

> 24 column table in an MS Word document is much wider than the width of the portrait oriented layout. How to make this table fit in the page? a. Use Landscape orientation to make more space b. Use AutoFit to Contents to narrow columns c. Use smaller fo

> Word 2013 includes a new feature that simplifies the process of adding rows and columns. Describe the feature. If a lengthy table extends to another page, how can you make sure the columns on the next page are still identified by column headings? After

> Given a vector r of length N +1, write a Python function that constructs the matrix where the xi are the components of the vector a (nu Recall the function column_stack can help you to stack vectors horizontally. N-1 N-1 ... N-1 IN N.

> Consider the cross section show in the figure b. C (8,9)– b b= 14 in t- 2 in Best Score: 2.00 /5 Current Score: 2.00 /5 Calculate (8.y) the coordinates of the centroid 1/1 pts v System Answer: 0,5 Calculate ly the mament of inertia about xc-axis pas

> Consider the cross section show in the figure b= 11 in t= 3 in Calculate (8,9) the coordinates of the centroid ) in ENTER Calculate Ix the moment of inertia about xçəxis passing through the centroid C in^4 ENTER Calculate ly the moment of inertia a

> Consider the cross section show in the figure y w" B (w,h) h y =-x h" y = h A (0,0) w = 8 in h = 19 in Calculate ly the moment of inertia about the x-axis in^4 ENTER 3 tries remaining. 1 point(s) possible Calculate ly the moment of inertia about the

> For the following given parameters, determine the allowable gross vertical load-bearing capacity of the shallow foundation. Use Terzaghi's equation and assume general shear failure in soil. (Use FS= 3.0) VALUES: A = 10 B = 8 C = 4 Parameters: Footing

> What size should a continuous strip footing be for a commercial building if the net allowable bearing capacity is 2,000 pounds per square foot and the loading is 3,200 pounds per linear foot? What size would you recommend for a square footing with the sa

> Determine the reactions at the supports. 5 kN 2 m B 8 kN 6 kN 2 m 2 m 2 m Prob. 5-15

> Prove that the acceleration vector in the cylindrical coordinate system. (i.e., derive the radial and transverse components).

> Use the Alpha-method to calculate the ultimate and allowable bearing capacity of the single pile. Existing Ground Surface Elevatlon Depth (m) (m) (kPa) 91.0 1.5 m 0.5 31 89.5 2.0 30 Medium Silty Clay 3.5 33 19.0 kN/m³ 5.5 m 5.0 34 T'-9.2 kN/m³ 84.0 6

> The car travels around the circular track such that its transverse component is θ=(0.006t2)rad, where t is in seconds. Determine the car's radial and transverse components of velocity at the instant = 4.5 s Determine the car's radial and transverse compo

> The car travels around the circular track such that its transverse component is θ=(0.006t2) rad, where t is in seconds. Determine the car's radial and transverse components of velocity at the instant t = 3.6 s. Determine the car's radial and transverse c

> For the problem worked in class, if the water table was located 2' below the bottom of the foundation, what would the gross allowable bearing capacity (gross allowable load per unit area) be? What would the net allowable bearing capacity be? For a circ

> The car travels around the circular track such that its transverse component is θ=(0.006t2)rad, where t is in seconds. Determine the car's radial and transverse components of velocity at the instant t = 3.8 s. Determine the car's radial and transverse co


See Answer