Visit the website for BELA at Define the three areas of performance for the World’s Most Ethical Companies in detail, and explain which one you think will be the hardest for members to achieve and why.
> Why would budgeting a fixed percentage of pretax profits for corporate philanthropy be seen as a more convincing commitment to CSR than just funding a variety of projects?
> Why would companies choose to inflate the image of their corporate citizenship?
> How would you go about introducing sustainable capitalism in your company?
> What challenges do you foresee in the broader acceptance of sustainable capitalism around the world?
> Based on the information in this case and a review of GenerationIM’s manifesto document, is there any correlation of its proposal to the commonly accepted tenets of CSR?
> On what grounds could the CSR initiatives of a corporation be dismissed as “window-dressing”?
> Why is “people, planet, profits” a more media-friendly message than a triple bottom-line approach to CSR?
> Anti-GMO protesters warn of the creation of “frankenfoods” that have the potential to harm our bodies in ways that we do not yet understand. Explain the ethical position of this argument.
> Visit the website for Walmart’s Global Ethics at a. Why did Walmart create the Global Ethics Office? b. Summarize how Walmart employees can contact Global Ethics. c. Locate and download Walmart’s most recent “Gl
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for and against the following behavior: You work in the marketing department of a large dairy products company. The company has launched a “revolutionary” yogurt product with ingredients that promote healthy d
> How well do you think a general credo works in guiding action? Would you prefer a typical mission statement or a clear set of policy outlines, for example? Do you see any way in which the Johnson & Johnson Credo could be improved or modified?
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for and against the following behavior: Your company is managing to maintain a good profit margin on the computer parts you manufacture in a very tough economy. Recently, an opportunity has come along to move
> What steps should companies take during the hiring process to insure that such bad hires do not happen?
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for and against the following behavior: Back in the mid-1970s heart pacemakers ran on transistors before advances in technology replaced them with the silicon computer chips we are all familiar with today. You
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for and against the following behavior: You are the regional production manager for a tire company that has invested many millions of dollars in a new retreading process that will allow you to purchase used ti
> Divide into groups of three or four. Each group must select one of the organizational departments featured in this chapter (HR, R&D, marketing, sales, and finance) and document the potential areas for unethical behavior in that department. Prepare a pres
> Divide into two teams. One team must prepare a presentation advocating the use of the ambush marketing tactics described in the Review Exercise. The other team must prepare a presentation explaining the ethical dilemmas those tactics present.
> Consider the functional departments we have reviewed in this chapter. Which department do you think faces the greatest number of ethical challenges? Why?
> Would you leave your position with a company if you saw evidence of unethical business practices? Why or why not? What factors would you consider in making that decision?
> Based on the limited information in this article, do you think the HIPAA legislation achieves its objective of securing patient privacy?
> What are “creative bookkeeping techniques”? Provide three examples.
> Should the HR department be the ethics champion in the organization? Why or why not?
> Philip Kotler argues that professional marketers “should have the same ambivalence as nuclear scientists who help build nuclear bombs.” Is that a valid argument? Why or why not?
> Provide three examples of unethical behavior that you have observed at the company you work for (or a company you have worked for in the past). What were the outcomes of this behavior?
> Divide into three groups. Each group must select one of the following types of CSR: ethical CSR, altruistic CSR, or strategic CSR. Prepare a presentation arguing for the respective merits of each approach and offer examples of initiatives that your compa
> If the majority of consumers are already skeptical about most advertising they are exposed to, how do you think the general public would feel about such marketing campaigns?
> Critics argue that such campaigns “blur the lines between consumerism and con artistry.” Is that a fair assessment? Why or why not?
> Supporters of these campaigns argue that our economy is built on consumerism and that if you don’t find more effective ways to reach consumers, the entire economy will suffer. Does that make the practice OK? Should we just accept it as a nuisance and a n
> Is this unethical marketing? Explain why or why not.
> How would you feel if you were involved in such an ambush?
> Is the term privacy rule accurate in describing the HIPAA legislation? Why or why not?
> Locate the websites for the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). One has a “Professional Code of Conduct”, and the other has a “Statement of Ethics.” Does the terminology make a differen
> Has Pfizer simply replaced one conflict of interest with another? Why or why not?
> Where is the conflict of interest in this CME relationship?
> Cynics could argue that this is simply a public relations exercise for companies that have performed unethical business practices in the past. Optimists could argue that this is, at the very least, a step in the right direction of restoring the ethical r
> BELA is a U.S.-driven initiative at the moment. Do you think it will achieve a wider global acceptance over time? Why or why not?
> Divide into two teams. One team must prepare a presentation advocating for the instrumental approach model of corporate management. The other team must prepare a presentation arguing for the social contract model of corporate management.
> Do you think it was a good idea to welcome founding members with such widely publicized ethical transgressions in their past? Why or why not?
> Is there potential for an equitable resolution of this issue? Why or why not?
> Is the FCC being too extreme in its position? Why or why not?
> How should these companies balance their obligation to shareholders to make money against the obligation to provide good customer service?
> Why did VW develop the software in the “defeat devices”?
> What is the FCC’s position on Wi-Fi jamming?
> Pfizer stated in 2008 that it would only support medical education put on by hospitals and professional medical associations. How can it then justify the Stanford grant?
> If the pharmaceutical company is paying for the event, shouldn’t it have the right to promote its products at the event? Why or why not?
> Do you think doctors are likely to be influenced by such promotional tactics? Why or why not?
> According to the rules of BELA, members will be audited every two years to make sure they are in compliance with BELA standards, and can face removal from the alliance should that audit provide evidence of failure to comply. Do you think the threat of re
> Are the three key products enough to establish a credible reputation as an ethical company? What other values would you consider adding and why?
> How would you measure your carbon footprint?
> Is there room for negotiation? Would less exorbitant fees draw less anger?
> What is the position of hotels and convention centers?
> Can you polish you résumé without resorting to little white lies? Provide some examples of how you might do that.
> Propose an alternative approach to ensure CME is provided without a conflict of interest.
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for and against the following behavior: You work in the IT department of a large international company. At your annual performance review, you were asked about your goals and objectives for the coming year and
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for and against the following behavior: You are a senior manager at a pharmaceutical company that is facing financial difficulties after failing to receive FDA approval for a new experimental drug for the trea
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for treatment (Group A) and prevention (Group B) in the following situation: You work in your city for a local nonprofit organization that is struggling to raise funds for its programs in a very competitive gr
> Divide into two groups and prepare arguments for and against the following behavior: You are attending an employee team-building retreat at a local resort. During one of the free periods in the busy agenda, you observe one of your colleagues in a passion
> Is it ever acceptable to justify unethical behavior? Why or why not?
> Why should a short-term or long-term consequence make a difference in resolving an ethical dilemma?
> If a carbon-offset project is already profitable, is it ethical to provide credits over and above those profits? Why or why not?
> Based on the history of business ethics reviewed in this chapter, do you think the business world is becoming more or less ethical? Explain your answer.
> Since you are traveling on company time, does the free ticket belong to you or your company? Defend your choice.
> How could Instagram have handled this situation differently? What should the company do now?
> Should your company offer a clearly stated policy on this issue, or should it trust its employees to “do the right thing?” Explain your answer.
> What if the offer only reached a $100 discount coupon on another ticket—would you still take it? If so, would you hold the same opinion about whether the coupon belonged to you or your company?
> If the later flight was actually the next day (and the airline offered you an accommodation voucher along with the meal vouchers) and you would be late getting into work, would you make the same choice? Explain your answer.
> Locate the website for the Ethics Compliance Initiative (ECI) and review the ‘Ethics Compliance Toolkit’. The ’PLUS Ethical Decision Making Model’ lists seven steps to ethical decision making. What are they?
> The Ethics Resource Center ( is also part of the ECI. a. What is the stated goal of the ECI’s research arm? b. List the three categories of ECI research. c. Identify the topic of the most recent Global Business Ethics Survey
> Should people have the moral right to end their lives if they so please?
> Do you think if the study were repeated today we would get the same kind of results? Why?
> What do you think Milgram’s research tells us about our individual ethical standards?
> Which is more ethical: altruistic CSR or strategic CSR? Provide examples to explain your answer.
> The treatment of the participants in the study raised as much criticism as the results the study generated. Was it ethical to mislead them into believing that they were really inflicting pain on the learners? Why?
> Critics and many Instagram customers reacted very strongly to the TOS change. Was there an error of judgment on the company’s part? Why or why not?
> If the phone hacking had been restricted just to the cell phones of celebrities, would the public outcry have been so large? Why or why not?
> A new system that bills corporate clients is under development, and there is a discussion over how much to invest in error checking and control. One option has been put forward so far, and initial estimates suggest it would add about 40 percent to the ov
> Are your telephone calls monitored where you work? If they are, how does that make you feel? If they aren’t monitored, how would you feel if that policy were introduced?
> Would you use that new Blackberry for personal calls and e-mails? Why or why not?
> You have just been issued a new company Blackberry (to make sure you never miss an important e-mail or phone call!). Are you now obligated to answer those calls and e-mails at any time, day or night? Why or why not?
> What would you do if someone sent you an e-mail at work that you found offensive? Would you just delete it or say something to that person?
> Should you be allowed to surf the web at work? Why or why not?
> If you had the chance to work from home and telecommute, would you take it? If the opportunity meant that you had to allow your company to monitor every call on your phone and every keystroke on your computer, would you still take it? Explain why or why
> On the assumption that the downloadable software patches can greatly improve updates for its client, does Matrix have an ethical obligation to get involved here? Explain your answer.
> What kind of message does this send to the employees of Matrix’s client?
> Why would newspaper journalists resort to such methods in order to deliver “breaking news”?
> How well did Matrix’s client handle this situation?
> What other options were available here?
> Visit the website for the RAND Center for Corporate Ethics and Governance (CCEG) at a. What does the CCEG do? b. What are the stated comparative advantages of the CCEG? c. Select and summarize a current CCE
> Visit the website for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) at a. What does the EFF do? b. What is the EFF “Bloggers’ Rights” Project? c. What is the “Open Wireless Movement”?
> Birkenfeld was adamant that his prison sentence is unfair when compared to the fact that no one else (e.g., Olenicoff or UBS bankers) went to jail. Did he have a point?
> What do you think would have happened if Dr. Olivieri’s fellow academics had not supported her in her fight?
> Even though Dr. Olivieri later admitted that she should never have signed the agreement with Apotex that included a confidentiality clause, does the fact that she did sign it have any bearing on her actions here? Why or why not?
> Was it ethical for Apotex to include a three-year gag clause in the agreement with Dr. Olivieri?
> After the 2012 accounting scandal, Olympus Corp. committed to a major overhaul of its accounting practices. What do the 2016 settlements convey about that overhaul??
> How did the executive leadership respond to Woodford’s revelations?
> Your friend has been unemployed for two years. She decides to boost her résumé by claiming to have been a consultant for those two years in order to compete in a very tough job market. She explains that a colleague of hers did the same thing to cover a s
> Critics are concerned that even with the large qui tam award, Birkenfeld’s prison sentence will discourage other tax whistle-blowers from coming forward. Is that a valid concern? Why or why not?
> Given that there was an immunity agreement in place, what did the Department of Justice gain from prosecuting Birkenfeld?
> If we identify the key players in this case as Dr. Olivieri, Apotex, the Hospital for Sick Children, and the University of Toronto, what are the conflicts of interest between them all?
> Was Olivieri’s decision to publish her findings about the trial an example of universalism or utilitarianism? Explain your answer.