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Question: What are IDCs and how are they

What are IDCs and how are they treated for tax purposes?

> Lab Kennels, Inc. and Wolman Developers agree to exchange two parcels of land and each assume the other’s mortgage on the parcel acquired. Lab owns 500 acres within city limits that has a value of $750,000 and a basis of $300,000. It is encumbered by a $

> Delta Airlines trades two of its short-range jets to one of its regional commuter partners for a newer medium-range jet. Delta’s jets have a fair market value of $4,000,000 and a basis of $2,250,000. The newer jet has a fair market value of $3,750,000, s

> Whipple Corporation exchanges several pieces of office furniture for 10 file cabinets that the Go-Along Corporation no longer needs. Go-Along also gives Whipple a pair of season tickets for the local hockey team. The file cabinets have a value of $2,500

> The Taylor Corporation acquires a large boring machine in exchange for two of its smaller boring machines. The large machine has a fair market value of $108,000. The smaller machines are valued at $92,000, so Taylor pays an additional $16,000 on the exch

> Wilma trades a fully depreciated computer used in her business for a new computer with a selling price of $3,200. Wilma pays only $2,500 for the computer because she receives a $200 discount as a favored customer and a $500 allowance for trading in the o

> How are net losses treated in the Section 1231 netting process? How is a net Section 1231 gain taxed?

> Bill had the following gains and losses on asset sales: $500 gain on stock held 11 months; a $2,300 gain on land held two years; $1,900 loss on gold coins held two years; $1,200 gain on antique toys held three years; and a $1,300 loss on investment land

> Al Shalou, a single individual, had only $14,000 of salary income in 2017, but he had a number of taxable gains and losses on his property transactions during the year with the following results: a. $26,000 Section 1202 gain on ABC stock b. $5,000 shor

> Clarice became very ill in February of 2017 and was unable to work the rest of the year. She had only $12,000 of income from her sole proprietorship for the time she worked and was forced to sell the following investments to pay for her living expenses.

> George bought 6,000 shares of Section 1244 stock from Dorado Corporation six years ago for $160,000. The company has not done well so this year George sold all of his stock for $45,000. a. Determine the amount and type of George’s loss if he is single.

> Taylor bought 10,000 shares of qualifying Section 1202 stock from a start-up company A on May 1, 2013 for $1,000,000 and 5,000 shares of Section 1202 stock from start-up company B on June 1, 2014 for $200,000. In February 2017, she sold 1,000 shares of A

> Vanessa bought 2,000 shares of Barbco stock when the company was formed for $107,000. The company had $900,000 of total capital upon formation; thus, it qualified as Section 1244 stock. Vanessa sold the stock three years later for $3,000. If Vanessa is s

> Wilma does secretarial work out of her home. She purchased her own computer and used it 2,250 hours for her work during the year; her children, however, also use the computer for 250 hours to do their homework. She paid $4,000 for the computer and had cl

> Sam Johnson started a small machine shop, Machines, Inc., in his garage and incorporated it in March of 2014 as a calendar-year corporation. At that time, he began using his personal computer and tools solely for the business as part of his contribution

> Robert Lento, the sole proprietor of a consulting business, has gross receipts of $600,000 in 2017. Expenses paid by his business are Advertising…………………………………………..$ 2,500 Employee salaries………………………………..150,000 Office rent……………………………………………24,000 Supplies

> A single taxpayer has $15,000 of ordinary taxable income in 2017 (after his exemption and standard deduction but before consideration of the following recognized gains), a $9,000 long-term capital gain on the sale of an antique painting, a $10,000 unreca

> What activities are deductible as research and experimentation expenditures? How are they usually treated for tax purposes?

> What are the maximum tax rates that apply to a single individual’s $20,000 long-term capital gain on corporate stocks if total taxable income is a. $35,000? b. $230,000? c. $430,000? d. How would your answers change for (a), (b), and (c), if the $20,

> Geraldine’s ordinary income places her in the 28 percent income tax bracket after a number of transactions involving taxable gains and losses on several types of capital assets held more than one year, including several collectibles: a $10,200 gain on a

> Striker Corporation bought a mine in year 1 for $100,000 and estimated that there were 100,000 tons of extractable ore. In year 1, it mined 10,000 tons and sold 8,000 tons. In year 2, it mined 9,000 and sold the remaining 2,000 tons from year 1 and 6,000

> Goldrush Corporation bought a mine in year 1 for $90,000 and estimated there were 100,000 tons of extractable ore. In year 1, it mined 8,000 tons and sold 7,000 tons. In year 2, it mined 7,000 and sold the remaining 1,000 tons from year 1 and 6,500 of th

> Barbara sold three assets during 2017. How much and what kind of gain or loss does she recognize from each sale? What tax rate applies to the net gain if Barbara’s ordinary income is taxed at 25 percent? a. On February 25 she sold 200 shares of XYZ stoc

> Carlotta moved into a smaller home ten months ago, after her husband died. She sold the home that they had lived in together for fifteen years and elected Section 121 so she would not have to recognize the $150,000 of gain on that home. She then purchase

> Jonas, an individual, acquired a building nine years ago for $650,000. He sold it in the current year for $680,000 when its adjusted basis was $500,000. Determine the amount and type of gain or loss recognized on the sale a. if the building is a factory

> On June 26, 2015, Elaine purchased and placed into service a new computer system costing $8,000. The computer system was used 80 percent for business and 20 percent for personal use in both 2015 and 2016 and Elaine claimed only regular MACRS depreciation

> Karen is an employee of KF Corporation (a calendar-year taxpayer). In February 2017, KF purchased a new $40,000 car for Karen’s use. During 2017, 2018, and 2019, 60 percent of Karen’s mileage on the car was business related and 40 percent was for her per

> McDowell Corporation (a calendar-year corporation) purchased and placed in service in 2017 a $25,000 new automobile on August 15, $300,000 of new furniture on September 1, and a $680,000 warehouse (of which $100,000 was for the land) on November 8. Compu

> RCL Corporation is negotiating with Royal Corporation to acquire a patent that has nine years remaining on its legal life. RCL can either purchase the patent for $50,000 or purchase all of the assets for Royal Corporation for $500,000, including the pate

> Eight years ago, Daniel bought some qualified small business stock for $2,000,000. In the current year, he sells that stock for $13,000,000. How much and what kind of gain or loss does he have? How would your answer change if Daniel sold the stock for $2

> In August, 2017 Jimbo Corporation (a calendar-year corporation) purchased used computer equipment for $665,000, the only assets Jimbo purchased this year. Jimbo Corporation is in the 34 percent marginal tax bracket and uses a discount rate of 6 percent f

> Juno Corporation had ordinary taxable income of $127,000 in the current year before consideration of any of the following property transactions. It sold two blocks of stock held for investment. One yielded a short-term capital gain of $8,000 and the othe

> An individual taxpayer has the following gains and losses from property transactions. What is the effect on the taxpayer’s taxable income? $ 4,000……………………Long-term capital gain 7,000…………………Long-term capital loss 10,000…………………………..Section 1231 gain 6,000…

> The Angel Corporation purchased an office building for $600,000 12 years ago. The corporation claimed $80,000 of cost recovery deductions before it sold the building for $700,000. a. Determine the amount and type of gain or loss that Angel Corporation r

> Barbara had the following Section 1231 gains and losses in the previous four years. a. How will Barbara treat a $25,000 gain in year 5? b. Is there any unrecaptured Section 1231 loss remaining? Year Section 1231 gain (loss)

> In July 2017, Lenux Corporation (a calendar-year taxpayer) purchased $2,140,000 of new office furniture. Lenux claimed the maximum allowable Section 179 expensing and regular MACRS depreciation (but no bonus depreciation). Calculate Lenux’s total depreci

> The Grid Corporation owns a bank of boring machines. They regularly replace two machines each year. In the current year, the company sold Machine 8 for $12,000. It was purchased six years earlier for $40,000, and its adjusted basis was $14,000. Machine 6

> Craig Corporation (a calendar-year corporation) purchased $3,000,000 of used office furniture in April. It would like to know what is its reduction in depreciation expense for the first three years if it elects to use ADS to compute its depreciation inst

> DDF Corporation sold land it had used for parking and storage for 20 years for $575,000. Its basis in the land was $68,000. It also sold some manufacturing equipment for $125,000 that it replaced with more modern equipment. The equipment sold had a basis

> Why do taxpayers have to recapture depreciation on depreciable assets sold at a gain? To which assets do the Section 1245 and 1250 recapture provisions apply?

> Bernadette sold her home. She received cash of $40,000, the buyer assumed her mortgage of $180,000, and she paid closing costs of $2,300 and a broker’s commission of $7,000. a. What is the amount realized on the sale? b. If she has a basis in the home

> Kensington Corporation, Inc. (an October 31 fiscal year-end corporation) plans to purchase $2,700,000 of used office fixtures (7-year property), its only personalty acquired during the year. Kensington’s management is willing to purchase and place the pr

> Azona Corporation (a calendar-year taxpayer) purchased only one business asset during the year, 7-year used property that cost $2,600,000. Compute Azona’s depreciation for current year assuming that a. the asset was purchased and placed in service on Se

> On April 1, Radcliff Corporation, a calendar year taxpayer, purchased land, a warehouse, and used equipment (7-year property) for a total price of $500,000. An appraiser determined that the land has a value of $220,000, the warehouse a value of $264,000,

> Shawn exchanges a factory building for an apartment building in a qualifying like-kind exchange. The factory has a basis of $350,000 and the apartment building has a fair market value of $320,000. a. What is Shawn’s realized gain or loss and the basis o

> Blanco Corporation (a calendar-year taxpayer) purchased $2,200,000 of used manufacturing equipment in July, $400,000 of used computer equipment in August, and an office building for $850,000 (of which $170,000 was for the land) in November. Compute Blanc

> Gisela gave Ellen stock worth $50,000 this year. Gisela purchased the stock for $60,000 four years ago. Calculate Ellen’s basis for the stock if she sells it a. for $65,000. b. for $45,000. c. for $55,000.

> Wilma had a loss of $25,000 on some bearer bonds that were stolen and never recovered. She suffered a $20,000 loss when a piece of land she had held as an investment was condemned to make way for a new city park. She also had a Section 1231 gain of $60,0

> Sondra and Jason, a wealthy married couple, won $96 million in a 2017 Powerball drawing. They decided to share some of this new wealth immediately with some of their friends and family. They paid $1,800,000 on a new home for Sondra’s parents, titling the

> Steven had a taxable estate of $8,850,000 when he died in 2017. If he had no prior taxable gifts, what is his net estate tax liability?

> Cherry’s widowed mother, Nancy, had to quit working for health reasons and now her only income is $1,100 per month from Social Security. Cherry recently became partner of a law firm and has moved into the 33% marginal tax bracket. Cherry’s mother steadfa

> Jessica owns investment land currently worth $5,000,000. She paid $3,000,000 for the land 10 years ago. She expects that the land will probably increase in value to at least $8,000,000 before she dies. She has not previously given any taxable gifts. a.

> Cindy, an 18-year-old full-time student, has $3,400 interest income from a trust established by her grandparents. Cindy also earned $6,000 working at a part-time job. She lives at home with her parents, who claim her as a dependent, and has no itemized d

> Lenny, age 12, has $3,500 interest income from a trust established by his uncle. This is Lenny’s only source of income for the year. Lenny’s parents are in the 33 percent marginal tax bracket. a. What is Lenny’s taxable income and how much income tax do

> On January 15 of the current year, Eileen, age 24, receives stock worth $28,000 as a gift from her parents. Her parents jointly purchased the stock six years ago for $12,000. During the year, Eileen receives $2,100 dividend income on the stock. In Decemb

> In the current year, Marah gives $20,000 cash to Sam, $60,000 of stock to Craig, and $100,000 of bonds to Lynn. In the same year, Marah’s husband, Bryan, gives land valued at $120,000 to Jerry. a. What are Marah and Bryan’s taxable gifts if they do not

> Which of the following are completed gifts? Determine the value of each gift before any exclusions? a. In March, Stephanie deposits $30,000 cash into a joint checking account for herself and her boyfriend, Michael, who deposits nothing into the account.

> Determine the taxable gift for each of the following. a. In February, Cynthia transferred $200,000 into a revocable trust. In October, the trustee distributes $18,000 of income to the beneficiary, Eileen. b. Carrie prepared the tax returns at no charge

> Which of the following are completed gifts? How much is the value of each gift before any exclusions? a. Hughlene sold stock worth $90,000 to her son for $30,000. b. Ken deposits $15,000 into a savings account in his name and his daughter’s name as joi

> On March 15, 2015, James Smith formed a business to rent and service vending machines providing healthy snack alternatives and juices to the local middle and high schools. He operates the business as a sole proprietorship from his home, turning the den i

> Explain the difference between cost depletion and percentage depletion.

> Alfred has investments in three passive activities: In year 1, PA-1 had a gain of $3,000, PA-2 had a loss of $10,000, and PA-3 had a loss of $5,000. In year 2, PA-1 has a gain of $12,000, PA-2 has a $1,000 loss, and PA-3 has a loss of $2,000. How should

> PA Corporation, an S corporation, has two equal shareholders, P and A. Prior to the end of the current year, PA decides to liquidate and sell its three remaining assets distributing the cash received to P and A. Asset 1 has a basis of $10,000 and is sold

> The Jane Corporation, an S corporation, makes several property distributions to its two equal shareholders, A and B, during the year. A received $5,000 cash plus land with a basis of $8,000 and fair market value of $10,000. B received $5,000 cash plus eq

> At the beginning of year 1, Lisa and Marie were equal shareholders in LM Corporation, an S corporation. On April 30, year 1, Lisa sold half of her interest to Shelley. On August 8, year 1, Marie sold her entire interest to George. On December 31, year 1,

> Is there any tax advantage to a 100 percent shareholder-employee of an S corporation compared to a shareholder-employee of a C corporation under the following circumstances: shareholder-employee salary is $75,000; the corporate income before the $75,000

> Charles owns a 25 percent interest in Cal Corporation, an S corporation. The corporation has run into some difficulties recently and Charles loaned it $10,000. At the beginning of the year, Charles’s basis in his stock was $16,000. a. What is Charles’s

> Refer to the information in problem 25, except that George and Georgenne are equal shareholders in an S corporation. a. What is the net income, excluding separately stated items, that each shareholder is required to report at the end of the year? b. Ho

> Bob is a 50 percent owner of Barco Enterprises. During 2017, Barco earned $80,000 in net income after subtracting Bob’s $50,000 salary. Bob also withdrew $20,000 from Barco during the year. Bob would like to know the amount of the FICA taxes and by whom

> Maria, a 25 percent partner in MARS Partnership, needs a distribution from the partnership for some unexpected bills. The partnership, however, does not have any extra cash to distribute. It will distribute land to Maria that has a value of $27,000 and a

> Partner X, a one-third partner in XYZ Partnership, needs a distribution from the partnership for some unexpected bills. The partnership, however, does not have any extra cash to distribute. It will distribute land to the partner that has a value of $30,0

> An employee uses her employer’s auto 75 percent for business and 25 percent for personal use. The personal use is taxed to her as income. What percentage of the auto can the employer consider business use and depreciate? Will your answer change if the em

> In year 1, Sally invested $45,000 for a 10 percent interest in a limited partnership. This is Sally’s only passive investment. The limited partnership has $100,000 of nonrecourse debt. (The debt is not secured by real property.) At the end of years 1 thr

> Luis and Jennifer formed the JL Partnership as equal partners. Each partner contributed cash and property with a value of $80,000 for partnership operations. As a result of these contributions, Luis had a basis of $80,000 and Jennifer a basis of $60,000

> CCC Partnership borrowed $100,000 on a five-year recourse note from a local bank. It also purchased land for $60,000, putting $10,000 down and signing a qualified nonrecourse loan secured by the land for the balance. The partners’ inter

> Explain the difference in recourse and nonrecourse liabilities when distinguishing between general and limited partners. Assume the partnership has $100,000 of recourse liabilities and $60,000 of nonrecourse liabilities. It has one general partner, Matt,

> Refer to the information in the preceding problem. If the partnership sells the land for $27,000 after holding it for three years, what are the tax consequences to Alpha, Beta, and Gamma? From problem 35: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma form the ABG partnership

> Alpha, Beta, and Gamma form the ABG partnership by transferring the following to the partnership: Alpha………..$10,000 cash and machinery valued at $20,000 with a basis of $15,000. Beta……………………………………………..Land valued at $30,000 with a basis of $35,000. Gamm

> The Rents-Are-Us Partnership owns a large apartment building with a fair market value of $2,100,000, a basis of $1,600,000, and a mortgage encumbering it of $500,000. Kenneth sells his 20 percent interest in the partnership with an outside basis of $350,

> Walter sells his 40 percent interest in Kennel Kids Playground with a partnership basis interest of $40,000 to George for $60,000. The partnership has the following assets: Cash = $50,000, inventory ($20,000 basis, $60,000 fair market value), and land ($

> Alexandra received a $40,000 cash liquidating distribution for her 25 percent interest in ABC Partnership that had a $62,500 outside basis. Immediately prior to the distribution, the partnership had the following assets: $30,000 cash, unrealized receivab

> Quenton received a proportionate nonliquidating distribution of $8,000 cash, inventory with a $5,000 basis and a fair market value of $7,000, and a Section 1231 asset with a $7,000 basis and a fair market value of $15,000. a. What are the tax effects of

> Mark wants to purchase a new luxury sedan for $50,000 for use exclusively in his business. The car salesman told Mark that he could expense $25,000 of the cost immediately using Section 179 and depreciate an additional $5,000 using the regular depreciati

> John received a proportionate nonliquidating distribution of $10,000 cash and inventory with a zero basis and a fair market value of $12,000 from a partnership in which he has a basis of $8,000. a. What are the tax effects of these distributions? b. Ho

> The BDC Partnership has three partners with the following partnership interest percentages and tax-year ends: B has 35 percent ownership and a Dec. 31 year end; D owns 45 percent and has a June 30 year end, and C owns 35 percent and has an Oct. 30 year e

> George and Georgenne formed the GG Partnership as equal partners. Each partner contributed cash and property with a value of $100,000 for partnership operations. As a result of these contributions, George had a basis of $80,000 and Georgenne a basis of $

> Jim and Angie form the JAZ Partnership with Zoe by contributing $75,000 each to partnership equity. Zoe, the third partner, contributes property with a basis of $50,000 and fair market value of $75,000. The three are equal partners in the partnership. a.

> Refer to the information in problem 21, except that John operates Mason Enterprises as an S corporation. How would John report the income and loss items from S corporation operations? From problem 21: John Mason operates a consulting business, Mason Ent

> Refer to the information in the preceding problem, except that John and his wife Mary are equal partners in Mason Enterprises, which operates as a partnership. How would they report the income and loss items from partnership operations? In problem 21: J

> John Mason operates a consulting business, Mason Enterprises, as a sole proprietorship. He had to transfer $100,000 of stocks and securities into Mason Enterprises’s name to show financial viability for the business. During the current year, the business

> The Green Corporation has only six shareholders. In the current year, it has AOGI of $540,000 and personal holding company income of $390,000. Its adjusted taxable income is $460,000. What is its personal holding company income tax?

> A corporation has 10 shareholders. Nine of the shareholders own 9 percent each of the stock. The tenth shareholder owns the remaining stock. Does the corporation meet the shareholder test as a personal holding company? Explain.

> Identify the brother–sister corporations given the following ownership percentages by four individuals: Individual/Corporation A в D James 20% 40% 15% 15% Carol Joan 20% 40% 25% 10% 20% 40% 10% 20% 20% Wallace 10% 20% 25%

> Carl purchased a Jaguar automobile for $60,000 to use exclusively in his business. He boasts that he can recover his cost through MACRS depreciation deductions over five years. What restrictions reduce the tax benefits of purchasing a luxury automobile f

> How is gain or loss deferral usually accomplished? How is holding period affected by gain or loss deferral?

> What are the elements of plain English?

> Identify the characteristics that an accounting practitioner should possess.

> Differentiate between theoretical and applied research.

> Discuss what grasping the meaning of a statement or comprehension implies

> Discuss the three levels of thought as defined by the Illinois Renewal Institute.

> Discuss the highest level of thinking according to Bloom’s taxonomy.


See Answer